SAS Internships
SAS interns do real, meaningful work. Our award-winning internship program is focused on development, culture and community. We’ll help you grow professionally, further your passions and make memorable connections that last beyond your internship.
Click a tab below to learn more
Our awards help us attract top talent like you
Did we mention all the perks?
- Paid internships to earn while you learn.
- Flexible work options to promote productivity.
- Mentoring from the top minds in business.
- Culture that promotes work-life balance.
- Projects of real value, not tedious tasks.
- Social media training by professionals.
- Presentation and communication skills training.
- Work environment that fosters innovation.
- Executive fireside chats with leadership.
- Social and cultural events to unwind.
- SAS certification opportunities.
- Wellness support via Work/Life Center and Employee Assistance Program.
Timing is everything
SAS recruiters host events throughout the year, both in-person and virtually.
(Recruiting events are ongoing)
Interviews are conducted on a rolling basis, depending on the internships available.
(US interviews take place October - April)
Join Us
Internships last 10-12 weeks, but the positive experiences last much longer.
(US internships begin May - June)

Annual Intern Expo showcases talent
After working hard during the internships, our interns around the globe participate in an annual Intern Expo. SAS leaders attend the event to show their support of the program. Interns network with other fellow interns and teams across SAS. And they get valuable feedback about how their projects are making an impact.

CareerStart Internship Program for SAS EMEA and Asia Pacific Offices
Unlock your potential with our paid six-month internship program. Tailored to individual learning paths within each division, this international program connects you with fellow interns worldwide while working in one of our EMEA and AP offices on local or regional projects. Elevate your skills, gain hands-on experience, and shape your future with us. Our diverse workforce creates software that can change the world. During the internship, you’ll have the opportunity to bring your ideas to the table and gain first-hand project experience.
- Meet the leaders: Interact with and learn from top leaders within our organization.
- Gain an organizational awareness: Get an in-depth understanding of how we work and the industries we serve.
- Improve your skills with training: Access specialized training programs designed to prepare you for real-world challenges.
- Be mentored by the best: Learn from experienced professionals who will guide you on your journey.
- Get SAS certified: Take advantage of what a SAS certification can do for your career growth.

Why wait until you graduate?
There are opportunities right now for students to prepare for a career at SAS. SAS Academic Programs can help you get started with free access to basic analytics and statistics right on your computer. Free video tutorials and e-learning courses teach you the basics of SAS programming and statistical analysis. And there’s even an interactive, online community where you’ll find forums and software support.
Analytics moves the world
FAQs about our internship process
I've applied. How will I get updates?
Once you apply, we will provide regular status updates to all applicants on a rolling basis. We receive thousands of applications annually, so we appreciate your patience. At the close of our recruitment season (end of the spring semester), we’ll give you a final status update.
I've been offered an interview. What happens next?
During the selection and interview process, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the team you may work on. Interviews may be conducted via HireVue on demand, a live virtual interview, or a combination.
Can I apply for more than one internship?
Based on your prior experiences and interests, your résumé will be shared with hiring managers across SAS. This will then determine who you interview with during the selection process. You can apply multiple times, but that does not increase your chances for an interview.
Społeczność studencka SAS i Praktyki
Praktyki dla studentów
Praktyki oraz uczestnictwo w grupach społecznościowych poszerzają Twoje grono kontaktów biznesowych, pozwalają Ci na pracę z mentorem, uczenie się od ekspertów w branży oraz sprawdzenie swoich umiejętności i wiedzy w praktyce przy pracy nad realnymi wyzwaniami biznesowymi. Z jednej strony podnoszą Twoją wartość na rynku pracy, z drugiej – kto wie – może kiedyś do nas dołączysz na stałe?
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany praktykami w SAS, a aktualnie nie prowadzimy naboru na wybraną pulę praktyk - wyślij do nas swoje CV w języku polskim na adres PRAKTYKI. Załącz list motywacyjny, w którym wskażesz jaki obszar praktyk Cię interesuje, czego od nas oczekujesz, jaki masz pomysł na praktyki, i w którym przekonasz nas dlaczego warto się zainteresować Twoją aplikacją.
Get the confidence you need in a competitive job market.
"This internship has ultimately served as a gateway to launch my career as a full-time employee at SAS with the User Experience Design team, where I currently utilize skills learned and the relationships built during my experience in the R3 program."
Khaliah Cothran, User Experience Designer, SAS
“In one summer, the SAS Internship program transformed my college knowledge into the foundation needed for a successful career. Working with a team that respected me as a colleague, instead of the intern, was a unique experience. At SAS you work on the projects that are valuable to the company, which gives you the confidence and skills required to succeed anywhere.”
Alanna Howard, Senior Associate Digital Marketing Specialist, SAS
"From the first day that I stepped onto the campus I felt as if my peers valued my thoughts, valued my time, but more importantly, valued me as a person. Every morning that I put on my badge, I know that I work for a company that values diverse ideas, techniques and people.”