Jos van Dongen
Principal Consultant
Deze geeks hebben een passie voor Science & Technologie. Zij geven antwoord op specifieke uitdagingen die
een data scientist dagelijks kan tegenkomen in Talk of the Geeks.
Jos van Dongen
Principal Consultant
Rik de Ruiter
Analytical Consultant
Complex Event Processing
Frédéric Thys
Data Scientist
Variable binning: Increasing the predective power of your white-box models while keeping their interpretability
Joran Roor
Associate Data Scientist
Clustering: Same same and differrent
Larry Orimoloye
Sr. Business Solutions Manager
Regularization in deep learning
Ninja Antonini
Sr. Analytical Consultant
Text Analytics: Using machines to mine an intouched source of information
Véronique van Vlasselaer
Data Scientist
Autotuning: Hey data scientist! Did you already optimize your model hyperparameters?
Jaimy van Dijk
Data Scientist
Computer Vision in SAS: Keeping AI (an eye) on the future
Longhow Lam
Freelance Data Scientist
I love IKEA: Computer vision helping you to shop at IKEA
Thim van der Weijden
Data Scienitist, CGI
Data driven energy transition
Florian Bertrand
Analytical Consultant
Efficient scoring with PROC ASTORE
Gerard Jorna
Data Science - Talk of the non Geek