Industry Applications
AI & Machine Learning for Utilities
Maximize value and insight with industry-leading AI and machine learning capabilities.
Business Challenges
As the utility industry undergoes sweeping changes at the nexus of technology, climate-driven regulatory requirements, newly born competitors and customer demands, using data to meet these challenges is critical. Specifically, this means leveraging massive data sets to transform the utility from operating reactively to proactively across customer operations, grid operations, load forecasting and renewables management. This requires an analytics platform that can ingest and govern these massive data sets, along with the AI and machine learning algorithms that deliver predictive insights you can act on.
How AI Can Help
Across the utility enterprise, artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts, resulting in a more efficient, reliable utility. With AI capabilities from SAS, you can:
- Turn customer experience into customer engagement. With embedded AI tools, you can stitch data together from all sources, providing an accurate and evolving view of the customer journey. Then optimize customer journeys across all channels to maximize engagement and enable real-time decisioning.
- Protect revenue. Use AI and machine learning techniques to identify areas of vulnerability to prevent theft, secure revenue and improve financial governance.
- Manage assets predictively. Transform decades-old, time-based maintenance practices. Predictive and prescriptive asset management processes driven by AI and machine learning insights save time and money while improving asset and systemwide reliability.
Why SAS?
As the leader in advanced analytics, SAS advocates applying analytics to any data that has the potential to produce insights. That's why we embedded AI capabilities in our software – from SAS® Viya® to solutions tailored to the needs of the utility industry. SAS delivers open, trusted, scalable and sustainable AI capabilities that can help utilities of all sizes achieve growth, profitability and compliance. For more than 40 years, SAS has delivered consistent value to the utility industry, and more than 560 energy companies around the world choose SAS to gain THE POWER TO KNOW®.
AI Solutions for Utilities
- SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine LearningSAS 비주얼 데이터 마이닝 및 머신 러닝은 통합적인 시각화 인터페이스를 통해 모든 데이터 마이닝, 머신러닝 프로세스를 지원할 수 있습니다.
- SAS® Visual Text AnalyticsSAS 비주얼 텍스트 애널리틱스는 자연어 처리, 머신 러닝 및 언어학적 규칙을 결합하여 비정형 데이터에 숨어있는 인사이트를 제공할 수 있습니다.
- SAS® 모델 리스크 관리모델 위험 관리를 통해 모델 위험을 대폭 줄이고, 의사 결정 및 재무 성과를 개선하며 규제 요구 조건을 충족합니다.