Consumer Goods Analytics
Discover how consumer goods solutions from SAS help efficiently plan supply and demand with a better understanding of every step of the customer journey.
Gain real-time insights into supply and demand dynamics. See improvement in your performance of on-time and in-full delivery.
Gain faster, deeper customer insights, identifying and understanding customers at each stage of their path to purchase, so you can provide more relevant, consistent experiences.
Gain visibility into downstream real-time consumer data by blending retail point of sale with syndicated data.
주요 솔루션
SAS Intelligent Planning Cloud
유연하고 확장 가능한 클라우드 분석 서비스로 수요 계획과 예측에 정확도를 높여 보세요. 소비재와 식료품 부문에서도 클라우드 분석을 이용할 수 있습니다.