Why choose SAS® for health care analytics?
Deliver trusted health innovations to advance the entire health ecosystem with a faster, more productive AI and analytics platform.
Predict future needs and improve the quality of care, health outcomes and costs.
Design and automate operational processes, workflows and resources efficiently.
Make transparent, explainable and fair decisions in governed, regulated environments.
Achieve a return on your investment in health analytics.
SAS Health Care Data Analytics
Powered by Azure
Reliably run your health care data analytics in the cloud. Get the latest product enhancements as soon as they're available. And centrally manage your health care data analytics with familiar Microsoft tools.
의료 서비스 분야의 SAS – 수치 및 동향
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의료질 개선 및 비용 절감을 위한 솔루션
의료 비용의 지속적 증가는 복잡하지만 잠재적으로 피할 수있는 합병증 때문인 경우가 있습니다. 고품질 의료 서비스는 더 안전하고 비용 효율적입니다. 환자의 생명을 구하고 병원비 절약과 동시에 더 많은 환자가 치료 받을 수 있습니다.