- Customer Stories
- InShared

Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customers

InShared creates customer-focused approach with SAS Customer Intelligence 360

Personalized customer experiences
via real-time analytics
InShared achieved this using • SAS® Customer Intelligence 360
Digital insurance company InShared uses SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to improve services and extend personalized offers
With the ambition to have smarter, integrated marketing campaigns, online insurer InShared, part of Achmea Schadeverzekeringen, chose SAS Customer Intelligence 360 as its new omnichannel marketing platform. Now the company is better positioned to reimagine its marketing processes to foster customer loyalty and satisfaction.
SAS enables business users to work independently, being less reliant on IT. That considerably shortens the time to market of campaigns. Martin Lodewijks Business Analyst InShared
Finding the perfect platform
When choosing a campaign management solution, InShared prioritized ease of use, integration possibilities and functionality. In the end, SAS was a top option. Martin Lodewijks, a business analyst at InShared, shares the criteria the company considered crucial: "Third-party software should not only integrate seamlessly to our online platform, but also contribute to our ambitions for smarter and integrated campaigns."
SAS met the criteria and was chosen as the platform to grow InShared. The insurance company realized that between SAS’ advanced analytics and commitment for serving customers, it would be a perfect partnership.
Shorter time to market
After it began using SAS for campaign management, InShared has been increasingly successful in running and managing more targeted email campaigns and has enabled more people to make campaign decisions.
"Although we are running more and more campaigns, we can still manage it with a relatively small team," Lodewijks says. "SAS enables business users to work independently, being less reliant on IT. That considerably shortens the time to market of campaigns."
Prior to migrating to SAS Customer Intelligence 360, InShared often sent commercial mailings, which included both targeted campaigns and occasional 'blasts.' For instance, in the past, all customers who selected a car insurance policy were also offered home insurance. "Now, when selecting the right offer, we can make a better match between the type of customer and the insurance product," Lodewijks says.
Now with SAS Customer Intelligence 360 in place, the insurer can better respond to the needs of its marketers, allowing them to do as much as possible without IT intervention. This gives campaign managers more control over their own planning and allows them to easily make their own selections.
InShared – Facts & Figures
company was founded
online company
Extending the technology
InShared is keen to extend microtargeting to cross-channel. "There are customers and prospects who do not want to receive emails," Lodewijks says. "We would like to target them via other channels. For instance, how can we better target customers during their website visit?
Using SAS Customer Intelligence 360 as its new, integrated marketing platform will help InShared integrate campaign selections into the digital domain. "Different campaigns can soon be combined and managed, which helps us to make better customer selections," Lodewijks says. "We want to improve our services (self-service) and our commercial offers toward our customers."
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