Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 Awards
SAS ranks #2 overall – with six category wins

SAS is ranked second overall in the world's foremost ranking of the Top 100 risk management and compliance technology providers. SAS also bested six technology award categories, including AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
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- ホワイトペーパー Rethinking risk: Smarter models, better decisionsModernizing and automating the end-to-end process for origination and servicing – from data management to model development to credit decisions – can reduce credit losses and boost performance. This paper explores how infusing machine learning into this process supports more effective credit decisions for individuals, products or portfolios.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Model Risk Management, 2024Chartis names SAS a leader in both Model Risk Governance and Model Validation, 2024.
- ホワイトペーパー Revealing the paths to 2040: global insurance survey reportGlobal insurance leaders are grappling with disruption and uncertainty. Consider extreme weather events and the new global record for insured losses due to natural catastrophes. How will that affect risk models and pricing? As the protection gap grows, what can (and should) insurers do to address it? With the staggering amount of data that’s available, how can insurers use advanced technologies like AI and generative AI to drive product innovations and operational efficiencies? To answer questions like these, Economist Impact (sponsored by SAS) surveyed more than 500 insurance executives in September and October 2024. Organizations of all sizes and types responded. The results show that amid the challenges, there’s room for cautious optimism. Delve into the survey results to see how leaders responded to questions, such as: · Which trends will have the most impact over the next decade – and which pose the biggest risks and opportunities? · What’s the key to staying ahead of industry trends and accelerating the business? · What are internal and external barriers to success? · Which technologies are driving the biggest industry changes?
- e-Book Reimagining risk, modeling, and decisioningThe eBook addresses how SAS and Microsoft are modernizing credit risk modeling and decisioning for better customer experience.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Asset and Liability Management, 2024SAS is named a category leader in Chartis Research's 2024 RiskTech Quadrant for ALM solutions, FTP solutions, LRM and reporting technology solutions, capital and balance sheet optimization solutions., hedging and risk management solutions, and financial planning and budgeting solutions.
- e-Book 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning StrategyIn an era of unprecedented technology-driven disruption, banks are facing a dual challenge: Meeting rising customer expectations while navigating increasingly complex regulatory demands. To remain competitive, banks must not only innovate but also streamline operations and foster greater collaboration across departments, breaking down traditional silos and working toward innovation. How can banks simplify their operations, future-proof their services, and drive growth? Enterprise customer decisioning is the answer. This ebook describes five important steps to making better decisions faster with enterprise customer decisioning.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis RiskTech100 2025SAS ranks #2 overall in the prestigious Chartis RiskTech100, 2025. Six category wins are AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
- ホワイトペーパー Pioneering Ethical AI: The Crucial Role of Property and Casualty InsurersInsurers have long been global leaders in addressing risks and protecting people and businesses. As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize how business gets done, it is redefining how insurers can deliver on their promises. Read this paper to learn from industry veterans and AI experts alike about: • The state of AI regulations globally. • The multifaceted role insurers can play in developing AI ethics. • Why insurers are uniquely qualified to use AI (and GenAI) – and how they’re using these technologies today. • An approach to an ethical AI framework that any insurer can follow to establish their own AI narrative.
- ホワイトペーパー The balance sheet risk conundrumDiscover five key elements required to achieve the most possible value from a modernized ALM and liquidity risk management program.
- e-Book The insurance data and AI revolutionInsurers face continual disruptions these days as they respond to price sensitivity, the push for sustainable practices, evolving regulations, climate change issues and all types of heightened risks. How should they respond?
- ホワイトペーパー How to compete in the new era of customer-centric insuranceLearn how to quickly respond to market changes by reducing the time needed to build hand-coded models and accommodating a range of programming languages.
- ホワイトペーパー Insurers: Are you ready for IFRS 17?This white paper explores what IFRS 17 means for insurers, challenges faced in the transition and the top 10 things they should have in their IFRS 17 information architecture.
- ホワイトペーパー The balance sheet risk conundrumHow SAS and Microsoft are modernizing asset liability management and liquidity risk management in turbulent times.
- ホワイトペーパー Modernizing Asset Liability ManagementChanging priorities in ALM technology, data and analytics.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート SASは、The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms、2023年第2四半期のリーダーと評価The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms(2023年第2四半期)は、意思決定のための世界トップクラスのアナリティクスをシームレスに統合しているSASを評価しています。
- ユーザー事例 リアルタイムの制裁スクリーニングにより、金融犯罪やテロ資金供与に対抗Orange Bankは、SASとNeteriumによるクラウドベースの制裁スクリーニング・ソリューションで、新たなリスクや変化する規制の一歩先を進んでいます。
- ホワイトペーパー Banking in 2035: global banking survey reportWhat trends do banking leaders consider to be the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities? What internal and external barriers stand in their way? What technologies will help them harness the opportunities ahead? Download the report to explore.
- ホワイトペーパー Decision science: From automation to optimizationThis white paper explores decision science and automation and the efficiencies it brings, and offers insight into why automation – married with adaptable analytics – is now crucial.
- ホワイトペーパー Banking in 2035: three possible futuresThis paper explores how the major forces affecting banks may evolve between now and 2035, seen through the lens of three potential scenarios.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート Chartis names SAS a Leader in Actuarial Modeling and Financial Planning Systems, 2022SAS is a leader in the categories of asset and liability management, risk and capital management, and financial planning and analysis.
- ユーザー事例 フィンランド最大手のリテール銀行、顧客サービスとクレジット・スコアリングを改善するためにAIを適用S-Bankは、SAS Viya on Azureを活用して、より優れた顧客サービスと、より迅速かつ正確なローン契約処理を提供しています。
- 記事 IFRS9とCECL:信用損失会計基準に関する課題CECLとIFRS9は銀行に対し、予想信用損失(ECL)の予測精度を向上させることを義務付けます。この要件を満たすためには、アナリティクスに基づく新しい信用損失モデルが必要になります。
- ホワイトペーパー Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending PerspectiveWhat will it take for banks to trust artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with judgments about data accuracy and leverage it for commercial lending process automation?
- 記事 IFRS17とSolvency II:保険業界における規制と会計基準の収斂IFRSとSolvency IIは、保険会社に対して規制および会計の観点からの比較可能性と透明性の確保を奨励していますが、両者には重要な違いがあります。
- 記事 FRTB:「様子見」戦略は危うい賭けFRTB(トレーディング勘定の抜本的見直し)は、銀行がトレーディング勘定における市場リスクをどのように分析すべきかの基準を変更する規制であり、システミックな課題への対応強化を目的としています。
- 記事 信用リスク管理、それが答えです貸付・融資量は金融危機前の水準を回復しています。しかし、銀行は滞納率の上昇にも直面しています。だからこそ、信用リスク管理の改善がカギなのです。
- 記事 シナリオ・ストレステスト:規制遵守以外の領域における有効活用に向けてシナリオ・ストレステストは銀行に対し、幅広い条件と重大度レベルを用いて金融危機への対応をシミュレートする方法を提供します。シナリオ・ストレステストは銀行監督用ツールとして進化してきたものですが、金融機関の側では既に、これらの規制対応実務を通常業務に組み込み済みです。
- e-Book Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk ManagementThis e-book from SAS and Argyle explores some of the ways that top-performing organizations are undertaking scenario-based risk assessment to develop and manage their business strategies.
- ホワイトペーパー Risk-Aware Finance and the Changing Nature of CreditNew research by Chartis and SAS highlights how financial institutions must align finance and risk departments to accurately assess future risks and bolster budgeting and forecasting capabilities. This paper explores how risk-aware finance is becoming essential to meeting future regulatory and competitive demands.
- ホワイトペーパー Designing the Infrastructure for Credit Risk Model Development and Deployment in UtilitiesExplore the challenges of setting up credit risk modeling – and how to establish an effective program through better planning and design.
- ホワイトペーパー Tackle the Complexity of IFRS 9 and CECL StandardsThe US standard for CECL increases the complexity of the allowance estimation process. Outside the US, IFRS 9 is having the same effect. Learn about best practices for getting this right.
- ホワイトペーパー Designing the Infrastructure for Credit Risk Model DevelopmentExplore the most common problems organizations face when setting up infrastructure for analytics – and credit risk modeling specifically – and learn about ways to increase productivity and reduce problems through better planning and design.
- ホワイトペーパー CECL: Don't Neglect the FundamentalsFirms that proactively implement a CECL process that is controlled, efficient, collaborative and sustainable will find themselves with a competitive advantage over time. This paper discusses the long-term benefits of this holistic approach.
- ホワイトペーパー Analytics Platform and Program: Keys to Success for Regulatory Compliance in Financial ServicesAdvanced analytics is at the heart of regulatory compliance processes in financial services. This paper discusses data enormity and preparation for analysis; flexibility in computing platforms; and a comprehensive program for data, analytics and models.
- 記事 モデルリスク管理:規制対応と事業持続性の生命線多くの金融機関は、モデルリスク管理が規制遵守に留まらず、事業持続性のための極めて重要な業務機能であることに気づいています。
- ホワイトペーパー Firmwide Scenario Analysis and Stress TestingThis paper explores the two most commonly used firmwide scenario model approaches for stress testing, firmwide risk capital measures and how regulatory stress testing is different from the firmwide risk capital approach mandated by CCAR and EBA.
- 〓分析◆アナリスト・〓レポート モデルリスク管理システムに関する2014年版Chartis RiskTech Quadrant(英語)
- e-Book Adapting to the New Age of Risk AnalyticsRapid advancements in technology are leading to a new age of risk analytics. The availability of commercial and open source software – coupled with significantly improved integration using industry standard tools – has made analytics more user friendly, expanding its reach to a broader range of business professionals.
- ホワイトペーパー Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the ChallengesAs regulatory stress test regimes mature, financial institutions are looking for ways to harness investments they made in stress testing programs to gain additional business value.
- ホワイトペーパー Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk ManagementA road map for those who are starting to build – or are rethinking their approach to – their stress testing infrastructure and strategy.
- 役員概要 Climate RiskA collection of articles from on the impact of climate change on banks. SAS provides some key ideas for companies performing a self-assessment of their maturity in climate risk management.
- ホワイトペーパー Seven trends that will transform bankingAdvanced analytics and big data are enabling smarter decisions and more efficient processes, from credit to compliance and risk management.
- ホワイトペーパー The Value of Credit Risk Transformations and the Role of AIAs banks seek continued progress in their credit risk transformation journey, the insights gathered by SAS and GARP reveal the obstacles they face.
- ホワイトペーパー LDTI: Finding a solution for today and tomorrowSAS can help insurers address the data and technology complexities of LDTI with a solution that solves the problems of today while looking ahead to obstacles of the future.
- ホワイトペーパー Basel IV: The push you neededIn a landscape of great uncertainty and the economic crisis sparked by COVID-19, financial institutions must address the challenges Basel IV will bring. An integrated risk management approach is the best path forward to meeting ever-evolving regulatory needs.
- ホワイトペーパー Compete and win with better model risk managementAs explored in this paper, models can degrade over time, and sound model risk management (MRM) is the key to managing this risk.
- ホワイトペーパー Machine Learning Model GovernanceBanks are rapidly expanding their use of machine learning-enabled (ML) models, because they can provide step-level improvements in accuracy. But ML models need even more rigorous governance than traditional models. This paper explores what's required to implement effective ML model governance.
- ホワイトペーパー Outrunning risk with cloudBy employing cloud-based risk modeling and decisioning capabilities, banks can make faster, more sophisticated risk calculations that keep them one step ahead of existing and emerging threats.
- ホワイトペーパー Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk ManagementGlobal Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and SAS survey drew more than 2,000 responses from across the financial services industry to answer questions about the current and future state of AI in risk.
- イベント関連資料 ホワイトペーパー Model Risk Management: Today's Governance and Future DirectionsA GARP-SAS Survey on Model Risk in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
- ホワイトペーパー Managing Models and Their RisksComputational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline.
- ホワイトペーパー Intelligent Decision Automation for Telecommunications in the Digital AgeLearn how communications providers who adapt and embrace analytics and AI will unlock opportunities by converting current processes to be reliably smart, such as credit risk, fraud and collections.
- ホワイトペーパー From Crisis to Opportunity: Redefining Risk ManagementHow a more automated approach to risk management can transform banks’ performance, during the pandemic and beyond.