Abstract view of city at night

Telecom Network Analytics

Optimize your network operations and maximize network profitability.

How SAS Delivers Telecom Network Analytics

Optimize your investments and maximize quality by using SAS® advanced analytics to address all aspects of planning, building and operating a communications network. SAS integrates your analytics ecosystem and supports diverse data sources, formats, skill sets, methods and infrastructure. Scale easily using automated and semi-automated methods to dynamically tweak capacity and address problems of any size or complexity. Ensure superior performance and resilience with secure authentication and authorization governance and regulatory traceability – all with centralized administration.

Network capacity planning

  • Save millions of dollars in unnecessary CapEx spend using advanced forecasting capabilities, along with multihierarchical forecasting, enabling planners to better understand where capacity is needed – and where it is not.
  • Realize additional value across the planning process, including more accurate forecasting for node splitting, optimized tower placement and enhanced microcell planning.

Network operations

  • Predict node performance degradation and failure.
  • Optimize truck rolls to ensure fast outage resolution.
  • Optimize technician skills to improve mean time to repair (MTTR) performance.
  • Incorporate customer data to enable operations teams to prioritize trouble tickets.

Service assurance

  • Monitor customer experiences from an outside-in perspective.
  • Improve the customer experience and stop revenue leakage by ensuring that customers are receiving the products and services they expect.

Customer experience

  • Take an outside-in view of your network and manage performance to achieve the highest customer satisfaction possible.
  • Use advanced analytics to transform from a network operations center (NOC) to a service operations center (SOC).

Why SAS for telecom network analytics?

Forecast and manage network traffic with greater precision. Optimize CapEx and OpEx. And establish flexible, scalable network analytics that can evolve and grow along with your network.

Predict & prevent network issues before they affect customers

Spend less time finding network issues and more time generating value from your network data by using advanced analytics.

Optimize network investments

Make fact-based investment decisions based on precise analytic forecasts that use detailed data – from cells, nodes, products, customers and financial metrics – to effectively plan and optimize network upgrades and/or expansions.

Know what your customers experience throughout your network

Arm service and care professionals with network performance and issue resolution information to support better decision making that improves customer satisfaction and increases customer lifetime value.

Identify customer consumption patterns across network elements

Boost utilization across elements by optimizing network capacity and providing high-value customers with enhanced service offerings, high-capacity availability and precisely targeted marketing messages.

Recommended Resources

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