Customer and customer service staff talking

TMT Customer Experience

Choreograph every touchpoint along the customer journey.

How SAS Enables TMT Companies to Deliver Better Customer Experiences

Unite your marketing with the customer journey to attract new customers, reduce attrition and increase engagement.

Customer journey optimization

  • Quantify customer lifetime value, as well as ARPU.
  • Orchestrate omnichannel communications that are consistent, contextual and meaningful.

Churn prediction & prevention

  • Analyze structured and unstructured data to gain deeper customer and service performance insights. 
  • Spot behavioral trends and churn triggers – whether network, product, service or pricing related – and take preemptive action. 
  • Identify operational changes that could lower your cost to serve while improving service quality.

Real-time next-best action

  • Automate and optimize customer interactions based on up-to-the-moment, streaming data on account history, product usage, data plans, network experiences, personal preferences, sentiment, location and more.

360-degree view of the customer

  • Combine online and offline views of customer activity. 
  • Enrich customer insights by consolidating customer data to create highly targeted campaigns and interactions.

Contextual customer relationships

  • Systematically connect with customers and hook them on your brand by presenting them with content and campaigns tailored to their preferences.

Why do TMT companies choose SAS for better customer experiences?

Craft contextual customer interactions based on insights gleaned from our advanced analytics and machine learning techniques. Predict, prioritize and preempt customer issues that may lead to dissatisfaction and churn. And develop new revenue-generating business models.

Successfully navigate the omnichannel world

Generate higher response rates and greater ROI by delivering a consistent, relevant customer experience across all channels. A single interface gives you access to capabilities for multichannel interaction management and execution combined with interaction optimization.

Understand the true impact of campaigns

With customizable attribution models, discover the actual customer journeys that exist and are successful – not just the ones that you created and thought were best.

Identify which customers are most – and least – profitable

Accurately calculate the cost and profitability of activities tied to campaigns and use this insight to drive your upgrade strategy and improve ARPU.

Uncover issues and trends, and identify root causes

Apply data mining, text mining and forecasting techniques to CDRs/IPDRs, network, trouble ticket and performance data so you can expose and address problems before they lead to churn or promoter score degradation.

Monetize aggregated streams of customer information

Deliver real-time, location-based, personalized services using real-time decision engines and event stream processing. Combine location-specific data with customer behavior insights to enrich the customer experience and drive market growth.

  • SAS® Software Used

    How does the second-largest mobile operator in Ukraine reduce churn and improve its market position?

    SAS is helping Vodafone Ukraine:

    • Improve retention and generate more incremental revenue than the competition through better decision making, more accurate propensity models, better targeting and faster campaign execution.
    • Reduce churn by 30% and boost incremental revenue by 2% by applying clustering and segmentation techniques to create highly accurate retention models, determine ideal product mixes and next-best offers, and send more effective communications.
    • Reduce data processing times from multiple weeks to one day, and increase the number of integrated communication channels from two to five.
  • How does the largest communications company in the Philippines stay ahead of its competitors?

    SAS helped Globe Telecom:

    • Become data-driven and use analytics to make the right offers to customers to keep them engaged.
    • Deliver personalized, more relevant offers to subscribers.
    • Use SAS offerings in a secure cloud environment that will enable the company to scale quickly and easily to meet changing needs.

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