White Paper & E-Book
White Paper & E-Book in evidenza
Real-Time Analytics.
Questa survey condotta da Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, e sponsorizzata da SAS, Intel e Accenture, guarda al modo in cui le aziende utilizzano soluzioni di customer data analytics, di real-time analytics e real-time marketing per migliorare la customer experience. La survey è in italiano.
IFRS 17: una trasformazione in corso.
Il paper raccoglie le opinioni di C-Level, direttori di funzione e senior manager di compagnie assicurative su diversi temi relativi all'adozione di IFRS 17 dai costi della compliance alle modalità pianificate per conseguire la conformità, fino alle previsioni su come questa influenzerà il settore assicurativo stesso.
Making Sense of AI.
Creating a cooperative AI environment in which man and machine work seamlessly together takes more than a smart machine. Deploying smart systems in ways we humans find natural and intuitive is both science and the art. This e-book explores the current boundaries of AI, as well as the many ways that modern AI applications can improve our understanding of the world and enable us to make better, faster decisions.
La tua guida al Machine Learning.
Oggi si parla sempre più di Intelligenza Artificiale e Machine Learning. Ma quali sono i vantaggi e i benefici per le aziende? Questo ebook illustra tecniche innovative, 10 best practice e una checklist per valutare il livello di maturità della tua azienda in tema di machine learning e artificial intelligence.
La compliance GDPR in un mondo data-driven.
Sono molti i benefici a lungo termine per coloro che intendono procedere sulla via di una compliance sostenibile a GDPR. SAS ha condotto una global survey su 183 professionisti cross-industry coinvolti nelle attività di adeguamento alla normativa. Questo e-book descrive opportunità e sfide affrontate.
- Analytics
- Big Data
- Business intelligence
- Cloud
- Data for Good
- Data Management
- Frodi
- Intelligenza Artificiale
- IoT
- Marketing
- Piccola e Media Impresa
- Risk Management
- Supply Chain
- Accelerate Open Source Forecasting With SAS® By running open source forecast models with SAS, organizations can build upon their existing open source strategies in an agile, efficient and highly scalable way.
- Analytics on a Grand Scale Better Answers Faster through Analytic Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management Keeping Pace and Reaping Benefits in a New Age of Analytics
- Banking on Analytics How High-Performance Analytics Tackle Big Data Challenges in Banking
- BI, Analytics, and the Cloud: Strategies for Business Agility
- Big Data Analytics Meeting business needs and raising IT's profile in the organization
- Big Data Meets Big Data Analytics Three Key Technologies for Extracting Real-Time Business Value from the Big Data That Threatens to Overwhelm Traditional Computing Architectures
- Building your data and analytics strategy The tools every data professional needs to build a world-class analytics organization
- Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning
- Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- Data, Analytics & AI: How Trust Delivers Value Findings From the Annual Data & Analytics Global Executive Study
- Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud prevention
- Doing good with government data Improving health, protecting the vulnerable, preventing fraud – and more
- Embedded Insurance in the Age of CX
- Field Experience in Embedded Analytics
- Forecast Value Added Analysis: Step-by-Step
- Formidable Forecasts How AI Delivers Better, Faster Forecasts
- Government and education: Leading through change How analytics and AI are helping solve unprecedented challenges
- Governments leading through change How analytics and AI are helping agencies face unprecedented challenges
- How AI Changes the Rules New Imperatives for the Intelligent Organization
- How the first mile of consumer goods can fight climate change
- How to Maximize the Impact of your Analytics Research shows the strategic benefits from investments in an analytics platform.
- Industrial Transformation. Architecture and Analytics Just the Beginning LNS Research Spotlight
- Innovation: From data to business Peer insights to help you navigate the journey to analytically driven innovation
- La pubblica amministrazione del futuro I sei punti per migliorare la produttività
- La pubblica amministrazione in un mondo di incertezze
- Make every voice heard with natural language processing Everything you need to know about communication between humans and machine intelligence
- Making the Case: The ROI of Demand Management
- Mastering Model Lifecycle Orchestration An interactive guide
- Resilience: The best way to beat coronavirus Here’s how you ensure operational and financial stability–no matter the circumstances
- Revealing the paths to 2040: un report globale sul mondo assicurativo
- Come migliorare il customer journey
- SAS® High-Performance Analytics Products What Could You Do With Faster, Better Answers? Transform Your Organization and Gain Competitive Advantage.
- TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- The Analytics Mandate As analytics becomes a common path to business value, many companies are changing how they make decisions, operate and strategize
- The Artificial Intelligence of Things From smart connected devices to artificially intelligent things, services and experiences
- The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of Things
- The New Analytics Ecosystem Transform, evolve and operationalize
- The Next Analytics Age: Artificial Intelligence A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- The secret to IT success? Enabling choice and control Orchestrate your efforts with an integrated platform covering all stages of the analytics life cycle
- What is the best path forward? Mathematical optimization finds the best courses of action through multiple variables and conflicting constraints
- What's Next for Life Sciences? 5 trends building resilience and driving innovation beyond COVID-19
- BI, Analytics, and the Cloud: Strategies for Business Agility
- Discovering new possibilities with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure Hackathon teams use powerful analytics to solve real-world problems
- Enabling Data and Analytics in the Cloud What’s required – and why companies choose SAS® Managed Application Services to ensure their success
- Exploring the True Economic Value of SAS® Cloud
- Field Experience in Embedded Analytics
- Four Winning Strategies for Digital Transformation
- Migrating Analytics to the Cloud: It's About Time
- Overheard: 5 Questions IT leaders are really asking about SAS® and Microsoft Azure And the straight answers they deserve to hear
- Reimagine Analytics in the Cloud With SAS and Microsoft Azure Easily migrate and run analytic workloads in the cloud to meet business goals faster and drive innovation cost-efficiently.
- SAS and Microsoft: Shaping the future of AI and analytics in the cloud
- SAS® Analytics on Azure: Four Steps to Success with the Cloud Adoption Framework
- TDWI Checklist Report | Bring Your Analytics Investments into the Cloud-Native World: Key Best Practices TDWI Checklist Report
- The New Analytics Ecosystem Transform, evolve and operationalize
- The Total Economic Impact™ of SAS® Viya® on Azure Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by SAS Viya on Azure
- Banking on Analytics How High-Performance Analytics Tackle Big Data Challenges in Banking
- Big Data Meets Big Data Analytics Three Key Technologies for Extracting Real-Time Business Value from the Big Data That Threatens to Overwhelm Traditional Computing Architectures
- Data Privacy: Are You Concerned? Insights from a survey of US consumers
- Hadoop for the Enterprise: Making Data Management Massively Scalable, Agile, Feature-Rich, and Cost-Effective A TDWI Best Practices Report
- Operationalizing Analytics What it is, why it matters and how to get started
- Playbook SAS gratuito - Un playbook dedicato ai non esperti di Big Data Hadoop and the Enterprise Data Warehouse
- Profiling and Analytics under GDPR: Staying on the Right Side of the Regulation with Data Governance
- White Paper gratuito - The SAS® Data Governance Framework: A Blueprint for Success
- AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
- AML Modernization Embarking on the Journey
- Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report with ACFE
- Artificial Intelligence Use Cases in Financial Crimes Ten practical and achievable ways to put machine learning to work
- Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Why it can be more important to identify the good customers than the fraudulent ones
- Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud prevention
- Data-Driven Performance Federal News Network Executive Briefing
- Detect and Prevent Identity Theft How advanced analytics can uncover the fast-growing incidence of synthetic identities
- Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro
- Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SAS
- Fighting the Rising Tide of Medicaid Fraud
- High velocity decisions. Trusted outcomes. Using analytics to redefine fraud prevention, AML compliance and public security
- How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money Laundering The bad actors are making strong plays. Take every advantage to fight back.
- Payments Without Borders Mitigating fraud risks in cashless payments by holistically understanding your customers across all channels
- Procurement Integrity Powered by Continuous Data Monitoring Getting predictive with analytics to prevent fraud
- Reinventare il customer journey con l'Enterprise Decisioning
- The Escalation of Digital Fraud Global Impact of the Coronavirus
- The Future of Energy & Utilities: Transform Through Innovation Adaptable. Resilient. Low carbon.
- What is next-generation AML? The fight against financial crime fortified with robotics, semantic analysis and artificial intelligence
- What Lies Beneath The prevalence of and approaches to procurement fraud in global business
- A Comprehensive Approach to Trustworthy AI Governance
- Accelerate and improve business outcomes with AIoT How to deploy the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) for stronger results
- Adopting AI: Industry Perspectives A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: Linchpins of AI Success - Data Scientists and Their Algorithms A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: Strategic Takes on AI Adoption A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: The Impacts of AI on Management A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- AI for the CIO: 10 Tips for Success
- AI Momentum, Maturity and Models for Success Based on findings from a global executive survey
- AIOT: How IoT Leaders Are Breaking Away (IDC Market Report / AIoT Survey 2019)
- Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management Keeping Pace and Reaping Benefits in a New Age of Analytics
- Augmented Analytics: The secret ingredient to better business intelligence
- Data, Analytics & AI: How Trust Delivers Value Findings From the Annual Data & Analytics Global Executive Study
- Embedded Insurance in the Age of CX
- Fearless Decision? Accelerate your decision capabilities to drive profitability and meaningful differentiation in digital banking
- Formidable Forecasts How AI Delivers Better, Faster Forecasts
- How AI Changes the Rules New Imperatives for the Intelligent Organization
- How to Take AI Projects From Start to Win 4 pillars to starting an AI program
- Il tuo viaggio verso il futuro dell'IA Generativa: un percorso vincente per la pubblica amministrazione Una ricerca globale rivela ostacoli e opportunità nell'integrazione della tecnologia di GenAI (Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa)
- La pubblica amministrazione del futuro I sei punti per migliorare la produttività
- La pubblica amministrazione in un mondo di incertezze
- Revealing the paths to 2040: quattro possibili scenari per il mondo assicurativo
- Revealing the paths to 2040: un report globale sul mondo assicurativo
- TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- The Artificial Intelligence of Things From smart connected devices to artificially intelligent things, services and experiences
- The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of Things
- The Innovator's Flight Plan to AI A Tech Leader's Guide to Process Innovation
- Transformational decision? Know your decisions will drive operational efficiency, support fairness and improve citizen outcomes
- Accelerate and improve business outcomes with AIoT How to deploy the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) for stronger results
- AIOT: How IoT Leaders Are Breaking Away (IDC Market Report / AIoT Survey 2019)
- Analytics and the Modern Energy Supplier How IoT and AI make digital utility transformation possible
- Computer vision for product quality Delivering AI-embedded, industrial IoT analytics for the edge and the cloud
- Industrial Transformation. Architecture and Analytics Just the Beginning LNS Research Spotlight
- Internet of Things: Understanding the Journey
- Come migliorare il customer journey
- TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- The Artificial Intelligence of Things From smart connected devices to artificially intelligent things, services and experiences
- The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of Things
- Artificial Intelligence for an Improved CX
- Customer experience - now and into the future Research reveals 5 key themes driving customer experience
- Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro
- Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW! Focus on North America
- Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW! Focus on Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Experience 2030: Pulse Report The Acceleration of Digital Engagement, Personalization and Trust
- I segreti per una customer experience di successo
- In-the-Moment Marketing Real-time insights and actions
- Navigating the digital world without third-party cookies Explore the power of SAS® Customer Intelligence 360
- Offri esperienze che migliorano il business e costruiscono la fedeltà I campioni della CX condividono le loro strategie
- Operational Marketing: From Hard Work to Heroic Performance How SAS® solves your most frustrating customer engagement challenges and drives campaign success
- Reinventare il customer journey con l'Enterprise Decisioning
- Retail Experimentation: The New Fundamentals Big changes in retail require a new approach to customer-focused experimentation. Here's how to make it work.
- SAS - Hospitality Provider Nucleus Research ROI Case Study
- SAS Experience 2030 The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW!
- Come migliorare il customer journey
- Strategic Marketing: From aspirational to exceptional customer experience How SAS® turns your most frustrating strategic challenges into compelling omnichannel marketing
- TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- The Real-Time and Predictive Commerce Playbook for CMOs The next generation of winning shopper experiences starts with personalization and predictive engagement
- Where does marketing stop and advertising begin? Navigating the new world of MadTech
- Adapting to the New Age of Risk Analytics Integrating Finance and Risk
- Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management Keeping Pace and Reaping Benefits in a New Age of Analytics
- Assicuratori: siete pronti per IFRS 17? Scopri perché adeguarsi subito ai nuovi requisiti e cosa cercare in una soluzione per IFRS 17.
- Basel IV: The push you needed
- Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending Perspective
- Climate Risk Special Report 2020 with Risk.net
- Compete and win with better model risk management Why every business needs continuous and effective model risk management
- Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro
- Enterprise Stress Testing Systems 2015 SAS Vendor Highlights
- How to compete in the new era of customer-centric insurance
- Intelligent Decision Automation for Telecommunications in the Digital Age
- Machine Learning Model Governance
- Managing Models and Their Risks Computational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline.
- Managing Models and Their Risks Computational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline
- Model Risk Management: Today's Governance and Future Directions A GARP-SAS Survey on Model Risk in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Potenzia il tuo sistema ALM. Presented by SAS
- Revealing the paths to 2040: un report globale sul mondo assicurativo
- Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the Challenges
- Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk Management Moving beyond compliance to unlock business value
- Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
- Assicurazioni
- Banche
- Energy and Utilities
- Fornitori di servizi sanitari
- Istruzione P-12
- Istruzione superiore
- Life Sciences
- Manufacturing
- Mercati dei capitali
- Oil and Gas
- Piccola e Media Impresa
- Produzione di beni confezionati al consumo
- Retail and Consumer Goods
- Settore Pubblico
- Telecom, Media e Tecnologia
- Assicuratori: siete pronti per IFRS 17? Scopri perché adeguarsi subito ai nuovi requisiti e cosa cercare in una soluzione per IFRS 17.
- Embedded Insurance in the Age of CX
- IDC Insurance Executive Brief - Get Up to Speed with your Insurance Customers IDC Insurance Executive Brief - Get Up to Speed with your Insurance Customers
- How to compete in the new era of customer-centric insurance
- Adapting to the New Age of Risk Analytics Integrating Finance and Risk
- AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
- AML Modernization Embarking on the Journey
- Analytics on a Grand Scale Better Answers Faster through Analytic Technologies
- Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report with ACFE
- Artificial Intelligence for an Improved CX
- Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management Keeping Pace and Reaping Benefits in a New Age of Analytics
- Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Why it can be more important to identify the good customers than the fraudulent ones
- Basel IV: The push you needed
- Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending Perspective
- Climate Risk Special Report 2020 with Risk.net
- Compete and win with better model risk management Why every business needs continuous and effective model risk management
- Customer experience - now and into the future Research reveals 5 key themes driving customer experience
- Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud prevention
- Detect and Prevent Identity Theft How advanced analytics can uncover the fast-growing incidence of synthetic identities
- Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro
- Fearless Decision? Accelerate your decision capabilities to drive profitability and meaningful differentiation in digital banking
- Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SAS
- How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money Laundering The bad actors are making strong plays. Take every advantage to fight back.
- Machine Learning Model Governance
- Managing Models and Their Risks Computational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline
- Migrating Analytics to the Cloud: It's About Time
- Payments Without Borders Mitigating fraud risks in cashless payments by holistically understanding your customers across all channels
- Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the Challenges
- Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk Management Moving beyond compliance to unlock business value
- Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
- The Escalation of Digital Fraud Global Impact of the Coronavirus
- What is next-generation AML? The fight against financial crime fortified with robotics, semantic analysis and artificial intelligence
- Analytics delivers improved plant performances
- Analyzing and leveraging large volumes of complex data
- Applying digital solutions for new revenue service streams in manufacturing
- Assisted Demand Planning Using Machine Learning for CPG and Retail
- Computer vision for product quality Delivering AI-embedded, industrial IoT analytics for the edge and the cloud
- Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- Industrial Transformation. Architecture and Analytics Just the Beginning LNS Research Spotlight
- Internet of Things: Understanding the Journey
- SAS and C.H. Robinson: Rewriting the Rules of Demand Planning, Forecasting and Transportation Management
- Using Advanced Analytics to Model, Predict, and Adapt to Changing Consumer Demand Patterns Affected by COVID-19
- Using Machine Learning and Demand Sensing to Enhance Short-Term Forecasting
- Using SAS® for aggregate-level, driver-based demand planning
- 4 fasi per sviluppare processi di Demand Planning efficienti Una guida interattiva dedicata alle aziende retail, CPG e manifatturiere, per ottenere il massimo dai propri dati con previsioni in tempo reale basate su analisi.
- Achieve Data-Driven Digital Transformation in Retail and Consumer Goods How? By connecting product demand to customer engagement
- Analytics on a Grand Scale Better Answers Faster through Analytic Technologies
- Assisted Demand Planning Using Machine Learning for CPG and Retail
- Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- Internet of Things: Understanding the Journey
- Making the Case: The ROI of Demand Management
- Retail Experimentation: The New Fundamentals Big changes in retail require a new approach to customer-focused experimentation. Here's how to make it work.
- SAS and C.H. Robinson: Rewriting the Rules of Demand Planning, Forecasting and Transportation Management
- The Real-Time and Predictive Commerce Playbook for CMOs The next generation of winning shopper experiences starts with personalization and predictive engagement
- Using Advanced Analytics to Model, Predict, and Adapt to Changing Consumer Demand Patterns Affected by COVID-19
- Using Machine Learning and Demand Sensing to Enhance Short-Term Forecasting
- Using SAS® for aggregate-level, driver-based demand planning
- 7 trend che stanno delineando il futuro della fiscalità Una prospettiva globale
- Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report with ACFE
- Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning
- Data Unlocks Solutions for Safer Communities Protecting constituents and reducing crime through data driven decision making
- Data-Driven Performance Federal News Network Executive Briefing
- Doing good with government data Improving health, protecting the vulnerable, preventing fraud – and more
- Fighting the Rising Tide of Medicaid Fraud
- From cradle to career: A modern SLDS
- From Good to Great How Analytics Enables the Evidenced-Based Policymaking Life Cycle
- Government and education: Leading through change How analytics and AI are helping solve unprecedented challenges
- Governments leading through change How analytics and AI are helping agencies face unprecedented challenges
- Modernizing Analytics for Law Enforcement
- The Growing Need for Intelligent Border Control
- Top tips for making the shift to evidence-based policing How to modernize policing with data and analytics
- Transformational decision? Know your decisions will drive operational efficiency, support fairness and improve citizen outcomes
- A Comprehensive Approach to Trustworthy AI Governance
- A New Manifesto for the Future of Telecommunications
- Accelerate and improve business outcomes with AIoT How to deploy the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) for stronger results
- Accelerate Open Source Forecasting With SAS® By running open source forecast models with SAS, organizations can build upon their existing open source strategies in an agile, efficient and highly scalable way.
- Achieve Data-Driven Digital Transformation in Retail and Consumer Goods How? By connecting product demand to customer engagement
- Adapting to the New Age of Risk Analytics Integrating Finance and Risk
- Adopting AI: Industry Perspectives A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: Linchpins of AI Success - Data Scientists and Their Algorithms A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: Strategic Takes on AI Adoption A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- Adopting AI: The Impacts of AI on Management A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
- AI for the CIO: 10 Tips for Success
- AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
- AI Momentum, Maturity and Models for Success Based on findings from a global executive survey
- AIOT: How IoT Leaders Are Breaking Away (IDC Market Report / AIoT Survey 2019)
- AML Modernization Embarking on the Journey
- Analytics and the Modern Energy Supplier How IoT and AI make digital utility transformation possible
- Analytics delivers improved plant performances
- Analytics on a Grand Scale Better Answers Faster through Analytic Technologies
- Analyzing and leveraging large volumes of complex data
- Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report with ACFE
- Applying digital solutions for new revenue service streams in manufacturing
- Artificial Intelligence and Ethics The fundamentals every organizational leader should consider when embracing AI.
- Artificial Intelligence for an Improved CX
- Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management Keeping Pace and Reaping Benefits in a New Age of Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence Use Cases in Financial Crimes Ten practical and achievable ways to put machine learning to work
- Assicuratori: siete pronti per IFRS 17? Scopri perché adeguarsi subito ai nuovi requisiti e cosa cercare in una soluzione per IFRS 17.
- Assisted Demand Planning Using Machine Learning for CPG and Retail
- Augmented Analytics: The secret ingredient to better business intelligence
- Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Why it can be more important to identify the good customers than the fraudulent ones
- Banking on Analytics How High-Performance Analytics Tackle Big Data Challenges in Banking
- Banking on technology How rapid technology adoption could create a fairer, simpler and more compliant banking landscape
- Basel IV: The push you needed
- BI, Analytics, and the Cloud: Strategies for Business Agility
- Big Data Analytics Meeting business needs and raising IT's profile in the organization
- Big Data Meets Big Data Analytics Three Key Technologies for Extracting Real-Time Business Value from the Big Data That Threatens to Overwhelm Traditional Computing Architectures
- Building an Analytical Culture for Success How the University of North Texas created a new data landscape
- Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending Perspective
- Building your data and analytics strategy The tools every data professional needs to build a world-class analytics organization
- Data Privacy: Are You Concerned? Insights from a survey of US consumers
- Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- Data Unlocks Solutions for Safer Communities Protecting constituents and reducing crime through data driven decision making
- Data, Analytics & AI: How Trust Delivers Value Findings From the Annual Data & Analytics Global Executive Study
- Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud prevention
- Data-Driven Performance Federal News Network Executive Briefing
- Decentralized clinical trials: From evolution to revolution Part one of a three-part series on decentralized clinical trials
- Detect and Prevent Identity Theft How advanced analytics can uncover the fast-growing incidence of synthetic identities
- Discovering new possibilities with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure Hackathon teams use powerful analytics to solve real-world problems
- Doing good with government data Improving health, protecting the vulnerable, preventing fraud – and more
- Embedded Insurance in the Age of CX
- Empowering Life Sciences with Secure, Accessible Information Navigating new business models, new partnerships and new strategies to improve operational efficiencies
- Enabling Data and Analytics in the Cloud What’s required – and why companies choose SAS® Managed Application Services to ensure their success
- Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro Enterprise Customer Decisioning: un approccio integrato a prova di futuro
- Enterprise Stress Testing Systems 2015 SAS Vendor Highlights
- Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW! Focus on North America
- Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW! Focus on Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Experience 2030: Pulse Report The Acceleration of Digital Engagement, Personalization and Trust
- Exploring the True Economic Value of SAS® Cloud
- Fearless Decision? Accelerate your decision capabilities to drive profitability and meaningful differentiation in digital banking
- Field Experience in Embedded Analytics
- Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SAS
- Fighting the Rising Tide of Medicaid Fraud
- Forecast Value Added Analysis: Step-by-Step
- Get the most from your AI investment by operationalizing analytics
- IDC Insurance Executive Brief - Get Up to Speed with your Insurance Customers IDC Insurance Executive Brief - Get Up to Speed with your Insurance Customers
- Getting started with ModelOps A proven approach to deploying analytic models that deliver real business value
- Hadoop for the Enterprise: Making Data Management Massively Scalable, Agile, Feature-Rich, and Cost-Effective A TDWI Best Practices Report
- High velocity decisions. Trusted outcomes. Using analytics to redefine fraud prevention, AML compliance and public security
- How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money Laundering The bad actors are making strong plays. Take every advantage to fight back.
- How AI Changes the Rules New Imperatives for the Intelligent Organization
- How the first mile of consumer goods can fight climate change
- How to compete in the new era of customer-centric insurance
- How to Maximize the Impact of your Analytics Research shows the strategic benefits from investments in an analytics platform.
- How to Take AI Projects From Start to Win 4 pillars to starting an AI program
- I segreti per una customer experience di successo
- Il tuo viaggio verso il futuro dell'IA Generativa: un percorso vincente per la pubblica amministrazione Una ricerca globale rivela ostacoli e opportunità nell'integrazione della tecnologia di GenAI (Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa)
- In-the-Moment Marketing Real-time insights and actions
- Industrial Transformation. Architecture and Analytics Just the Beginning LNS Research Spotlight
- Machine Learning Model Governance
- Make every voice heard with natural language processing Everything you need to know about communication between humans and machine intelligence
- Making the Case: The ROI of Demand Management
- Managing Models and Their Risks Computational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline.
- Managing Models and Their Risks Computational and technological challenges present opportunities for a fast-evolving risk management discipline
- Mastering Model Lifecycle Orchestration An interactive guide
- Migrating Analytics to the Cloud: It's About Time
- Model Risk Management: Today's Governance and Future Directions A GARP-SAS Survey on Model Risk in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Modernizing Analytics for Law Enforcement
- Offri esperienze che migliorano il business e costruiscono la fedeltà I campioni della CX condividono le loro strategie
- Oilfield Analytics How New Insights Mitigate Subsurface Uncertainty and Unconstrained Risk
- Operational Marketing: From Hard Work to Heroic Performance How SAS® solves your most frustrating customer engagement challenges and drives campaign success
- Reimagine Analytics in the Cloud With SAS and Microsoft Azure Easily migrate and run analytic workloads in the cloud to meet business goals faster and drive innovation cost-efficiently.
- Reinventare il customer journey con l'Enterprise Decisioning
- Resilience: The best way to beat coronavirus Here’s how you ensure operational and financial stability–no matter the circumstances
- Retail Experimentation: The New Fundamentals Big changes in retail require a new approach to customer-focused experimentation. Here's how to make it work.
- Revealing the paths to 2040: quattro possibili scenari per il mondo assicurativo
- Revealing the paths to 2040: un report globale sul mondo assicurativo
- SAS - Hospitality Provider Nucleus Research ROI Case Study
- SAS and C.H. Robinson: Rewriting the Rules of Demand Planning, Forecasting and Transportation Management
- SAS and Microsoft: Shaping the future of AI and analytics in the cloud
- SAS Experience 2030 The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW!
- SAS Introduces POV by Peter Pugh-Jones
- Come migliorare il customer journey
- SAS® Analytics on Azure: Four Steps to Success with the Cloud Adoption Framework
- SAS® High-Performance Analytics Products What Could You Do With Faster, Better Answers? Transform Your Organization and Gain Competitive Advantage.
- SAS® Software Security Framework: Engineering Secure Products
- Scarica l'eBook Marketing Data Driven Come utilizzare i dati per migliorare e ottimizzare le tue attività di Marketing
- Scenario-Based Risk Management: Overcoming the Challenges
- Strategic Marketing: From aspirational to exceptional customer experience How SAS® turns your most frustrating strategic challenges into compelling omnichannel marketing
- Stress and Strategy: A C-Suite Guide to Scenario-Based Risk Management Moving beyond compliance to unlock business value
- Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
- TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- TDWI Checklist Report | Bring Your Analytics Investments into the Cloud-Native World: Key Best Practices TDWI Checklist Report
- The Analytics Mandate As analytics becomes a common path to business value, many companies are changing how they make decisions, operate and strategize
- The Artificial Intelligence of Things From smart connected devices to artificially intelligent things, services and experiences
- The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of Things
- The CIO Perspective Technology views from top IT leaders
- The Energy Transition and Forecasting The Next Decade How new tools are meeting the needs of a dynamic energy landscape
- The Escalation of Digital Fraud Global Impact of the Coronavirus
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- What is next-generation AML? The fight against financial crime fortified with robotics, semantic analysis and artificial intelligence
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- What Lies Beneath The prevalence of and approaches to procurement fraud in global business
- What You Need to Know About Data & Digital Transformation A Harvard Business Review Insight Center Collection
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- White Paper gratuito - The SAS® Data Governance Framework: A Blueprint for Success