On-Demand Webinar

Evolving Your Analytic Platform: How to Succeed in the Cloud

Learn how to overcome challenges and achieve analytics flexibility and scalability.


About the webinar

Organizations are charging ahead with investments in analytics to support their digital transformation. To that end, cloud adoption has become a strategic imperative for enterprises.

But how exactly do organizations succeed in the cloud? And why do many fall short? In this moderated interview, Constellation Research’s R “Ray” Wang and SAS’ Keith Renison share their thoughts on this emerging topic.

We'll cover:

  • Why are organizations moving analytic work to the cloud?
  • What are the key challenges and misconceptions?
  • How do IT leaders provide choice while maintaining control?
  • How are technologies and vendors pivoting to support this evolution?

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About the Experts

Ray Wang, Constellation Research

Keith Renison, SAS