Business People Meeting with a Tablet

Talent Development & Workforce Transformation Services From SAS

Find and develop your organization's analytics talent

With the rapid growth and adoption of AI and a constantly evolving labor market, analytics professionals must constantly advance their skills to keep up. And organizations must adapt to compete for analytics talent and drive innovation. We can help.

Explore Features of Our Talent Development & Workforce Transformation Services

Our proven methodology is designed to address the data analytics talent shortage. We’ll work with you to build a customized program that meets your organization’s unique challenges. Custom programs include job-role-aligned training paths designed to grow your team’s skills and improve employee retention. In addition, we'll help you grow your talent pipeline by connecting you to our robust partnerships with academic institutions.

Strategy Sessions & Planning

We’ll assess the current state of your SAS community and develop a strategy to meet your unique challenges.

Roles & Competency Framework

We’ll identify the competencies and skills needed for each job role and level.

Training Needs Assessment

We’ll explore current team skills and opportunities for growth so you can focus learning on knowledge gaps.

Development Plans

We'll create role-based development plans to support your organizational goals, employee career progression and onboarding of new hires.

Learning Program

We'll develop and deliver a learning program that engages your staff and provides practical application to your business.

Flexible Support for the Future

We'll build a program that can evolve with your changing business needs.

Why is talent development important?

  • Improve employee retention and engagement.
  • Attract the best talent.
  • Grow skills and standardize best practices.
  • Maximize individual performance and productivity.
  • Build a strong, self-sufficient SAS user community.
  • Discover how SAS Viya not only fulfills the promise of AI but also brings you speed and productivity you never imagined possible.
  • Create a scalable solution for achieving your vision.
60% of workers will require additional training by 2027, with the biggest priority being analytical thinking. World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Report 2023


SAS Education Adoption Services

Effectively maximize the benefits of your software investment with tailored guidance on your team's learning journey.


Getting Employees Ready for the New Skill Needs

Gain insights from the survey report by HR Dive’s studio ID and SAS.


Close the Data Science Skills Gap

SAS and Coleman Parkes Research surveyed key decision-makers in major organizations to size up the skills shortage, examine the broader impact and propose a path forward.

Ready to transform your workforce?

Find out how SAS Workforce Transformation can customize a learning plan that's right for your team. Please complete this form and a SAS Education training representative will contact you.

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