SAS Solution for CECL

Quickly comply with CECL and accelerate time to benefit.

Tackle the additional complexity of CECL and meet delivery deadlines.

Accelerate completion of your CECL implementation.

Successfully implement CECL faster with sample workflow and ECL model templates, business rules for data quality and Q-factor adjustments, and on-demand dashboard and disclosure reporting. SAS Solution for CECL can help you meet the business challenges and tight timelines of the new CECL standard while reducing implementation and execution risks.

Streamline ECL estimation processes.

Simplify CECL model implementation and maintenance through a point-and-click interface, automated workflows, and prebuilt templates that greatly reduce coding requirements and start-up time. Reduce ongoing CECL maintenance costs and enable expert resources to focus on higher-value activities.

Perform simulations and get fast results.

Automated CECL workflows and distributed, in-memory processing enable you to perform ECL calculations faster than ever, even for large portfolios and complex modeling systems. Then use prebuilt templates to create CECL management and disclosure reports or create your own. You can also aggregate and disaggregate CECL data and drill down into results in near-real time.

Key Features

Designed to help you meet CECL requirements – including modeling, workflow templates and disclosure reporting. SAS Solution for CECL has completed System and Organization Controls (SOC 1) Type 1 and Type 2 examinations under the attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Modeling & analytics

Speeds model implementation with sample templates for common model types. Enables timely compliance with CECL requirements through rapid implementation, execution and maintenance of ECL models and methodologies.

Results aggregation

Enhance controls and accountability with automated CECL management reports and disclosures. Aggregate or drill into results on the fly to understand ECL drivers and assess financial impacts.

Sample, configurable report templates

Quickly design and deploy CECL reports with easy-to-use reporting templates and out-of-the-box visualizations. Templates include lifetime ECL, scenario details, and adjustments and allocations – and can be configured as needed.

Unified workflows

Utilize sample workflow templates to manage and automate ECL estimation and reporting processes. Easily customize accounting rules and data flows while synchronizing risk and finance processes for greater auditability, transparency and repeatability.

Chartis RiskTech100® Awards

SAS vince in sette categorie diverse

Chartis RiskTech AI in Banking 2024

SAS continua la sua scalata nella classifica mondiale dei 100 principali fornitori di tecnologie di risk management e compliance; SAS vince in sette categorie tra cui: AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9, Model Risk Management e Risk & Finance Integration.

Explore More on SAS Solution for CECL & Beyond

White Paper

Risk-Aware Finance and the Changing Nature of Credit

Discover how risk-aware finance is becoming a matter of business survival to meet future regulatory demands.

Solution Brief

Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Process Optimization

Learn how SAS can help you develop a robust, transparent and sustainable CECL process that can be implemented quickly and easily adapted to changing interpretations over time.


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