Insights degli esperti su big data, Internet of Things, e altro ancora.
Articoli e altre risorse su Big Data e IoT
6 ways big data analytics can improve insurance claims data processingWhy make analytics a part of your insurance claims data processing? Because adding analytics to the claims life cycle can deliver a measurable ROI.
Modern manufacturing's triple play: Digital twins, analytics & IoT IoT-powered digital twins revolutionize manufacturing with real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance and optimized production. Discover their transformational impact.
What is a data lake & why does it matter?As containers for multiple collections of data in one convenient location, data lakes allow for self-service access, exploration and visualization. In turn, businesses can see and respond to new information faster.
Edge computingWith edge computing, IoT data is processed at the edge of a network where it’s created or collected – avoiding delays and enabling real-time processing and action.
Recommendation systemsCome fanno i recommendation system a sapere cosa stai cercando mentre stai facendo shopping online?
IoT: The customer experience accelerator you can't afford to ignoreIoT represents a powerful source of data that, when combined with analytics, can yield insights on everything from behavior to emotions to health. And that's why it's key to improving customer experience.
How to drill a better hole with analyticsFrom drilling holes to preventing health care fraud, learn about some of the new technologies SAS has patented with IoT and machine learning technologies.
IT/OT convergence: The dilemma of the IoT perception gapTom Bradicich explains why IT/OT convergence is essential for successful IoT projects.
What big data has brought to the privacy discussionHow does big data impact your privacy? There are ways to balance privacy and security in an increasingly transparent and dangerous world.
IoT in health care: Unlocking true, value-based careGiven the potential of IoT – and the challenges of already overburdened health care systems around the world – we can’t afford not to integrate IoT in health care.
Benvenuti nelle Assicurazioni 4.0Secondo i dati di una ricerca condotta da CeTif-Excellence Consulting, nei prossimi mesi/anni l’80% delle compagnie assicurative punterà a investire su customer experience, canali digitali, prodotti e servizi abbinati per rispondere in modo più puntuale alle nuove esigenze del consumatore/assicurato.
Game-changing technologies turn IIoT data into goldThe real value of IoT lies in its data. Maciej Kranz says technologies like edge and fog computing, machine learning and AI can unlock the hidden value in data from the IIoT.
Noi e l’Intelligenza Artificiale: ci fidiamo?L’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) è oggi uno dei principali trend e hot topic a livello mondiale. SAS ha realizzato uno studio europeo per comprendere meglio il fenomeno.
Big data in government: How data and analytics power public programsBig data generated by government and private sources coupled with analytics has become a crucial component for a lot of public-sector work. Why? Because using analytics can improve outcomes of public programs.
Meet the data scientist: Kristin CarneyWhen Kristin Carney graduated with a BS in mathematics, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her degree. That’s when she began researching data science.
Meet the data scientist: Daymond LingDaymond Ling believes the right personal traits are more important than technical skills when it comes to being a successful data scientist.
Meet the data scientist: Colin NugterenData scientist and CAO Colin Nugteren says while every day is different, one thing remains the same. He ends each day with SAS® Visual Analytics.
The connected consumer: IoT's impact on the future of retailThe IoT and the connected consumer are set to revolutionize retail. Here are a few ways companies can take advantage of technology advancements.
Doing good with dataDespite the tremendous opportunity to use data for good, there is significant potential for data abuse and misuse. Learn how technology, governance and legislation can help.
Artificial Intelligence oltre l’HypeSette triliardi di dispositivi connessi da qui al 2025. La capacità di computing e di analisi sarà distribuita sulla superficie di questi sensori. I motori di analisi costruiti su reti neurali e algoritmi di machine learning saranno alla base di questo nuovo ecosistema.
Connected vehicles: IoT steers a new direction for OEMsWith IoT and analytics, automakers and their partners can reshape business models, find new ways to monetize data and serve customers better.
IoT challenges in the connected supply chainThe IoT Is set to revolutionize supply chain management, but there are certain challenges it must overcome first. Here’s what you need to know.
Can data sharing lead to cancer discoveries?Clinical trials can bring new drugs – and new hope – to the market for cancer patients. Now, a new data sharing platform for clinical trial data brings even more hope.
Tracking down answers to your questions about data scientistsDo you need a data scientist? Want to be a data scientist, or improve the skills you already have? Check out our Insights series.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and moreArtificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are set to change the way we live and work. How do they relate and how are they changing our world?
Supporting indigenous communities with analyticsThough indigenous women are a small part of Canada's population, they account for a disproportionately large number of Canada's murder victims. Now, big data and analytics are being used to help improve outcomes.
The opportunity of smart grid analyticsWith smart grid analytics, utility companies can control operating costs, improve grid reliability and deliver personalized energy services.
The future of IoT: On the edgeFrom cows to factory floors, the IoT promises intriguing opportunities for business. Find out how three experts envision the future of IoT.
Data lake and data warehouse – know the differenceData lake – is it just marketing hype or a new name for a data warehouse? Find out what a data lake is, how it works and when you might need one.
5 machine learning mistakes and how to avoid themMachine learning is not magic. It presents many of the same challenges as other analytics methods. Learn how to overcome those challenges and incorporate new techniques into your analytics strategy.
Three C’s of the connected customer in the IoTTo optimize the connected customer experience, Blue Hill Research says organizations should build an IoT model based on three key features.
IoT success depends on data governance, security and privacyThe IoT puts intense demands on the data management life cycle. Learn from 10 common mistakes organizations have made with IoT endeavors.
5 Challenges for IoT in the insurance industryIoT promises to substantially reduce losses in the insurance industry, but adoption is low. That will change when the industry overcomes these five challenges.
Equifax uses trended data to better qualify loan applicantsMachine learning for credit scoring has helped Equifax analyze consumer data over time to determine which borrowers are trending in a positive direction and develop a more accurate measure than credit scores.
5 IoT applications retailers are using today The Internet of Things can bring big benefits, but what is IoT and how are retailers taking advantage of it?
See IoT industry examples in actionHow can analytics unlock the limitless possibilities in the Internet of Things?
An executive’s guide to cognitive computingCognitive computing is the latest buzzworthy term that everyone seems to be talking about in the technology industry. But can machines really think?
Smart cities, smart energy solutions – thanks to the IoTFind out how Envision America and CPS Energy are using the IoT and analytics to make cities smarter and transform energy programs.
Broken promises? Avoid IoT traps with an analytics platformHow can you realize the promise of the Internet of Thing? By using an analytics platform to sense, understand and act on streaming data.
Exploring the sun with big dataResearchers working for NASA are using automatic, exploratory and visual analysis of big data to help understand the mysteries of our universe.
Il machine learning (apprendimento automatico) è una branca dell'intelligenza artificiale che addestra una macchina a imparare. Scopri come funziona il machine learning, quali tipi di algoritmi e processi vengono utilizzati e alcuni dei modi in cui viene usato al giorno d'oggi.
Scopri che cos'è l'Internet of Things (IoT), la sua storia e i termini chiave che lo definiscono e guarda come funzionano i big data analytics.
A.I.- Artificial Intelligence: che cos'è? Dagli assistenti digitali alle radiografie automatizzate, l'intelligenza artificiale è presente in molti settori. L'Intelligenza Artificiale consente alle macchine di imparare dall'esperienza, di adeguarsi a nuove informazioni ricevute e svolgere compiti simili a quelli dell'uomo.
I big data sono qualcosa di più rispetto a volume (high-volume) e velocità (high-velocity). Scopri cosa sono realmente i big data, perché sono importanti e come possono aiutarti a prendere decisioni di business migliori.
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