Gli insight degli esperti su intelligenza artificiale, machine learning, e oltre
Articoli e altre risorse sull'Intelligenza Artificiale
- Ansia da AI: affrontare il cambiamento con calmaL'ansia da AI non è uno scherzo. Se temi che il tuo lavoro diventi obsoleto, che le informazioni vengano distorte o semplicemente che un'opportunità importante vada persa, comprendere l'ansia da AI è il primo passo per superarla.
- Sfruttare i dati sintetici per alimentare l'evoluzione dell'AIScopri perché i dati sintetici sono essenziali per le iniziative basate sull'AI che richiedono un elevato consumo di dati, in che modo le aziende li utilizzano per favorire la crescita e come possono contribuire a risolvere i problemi etici associati.
- Cosa sono i chatbot?Il chatbot è una forma di intelligenza artificiale conversazionale progettata per semplificare l'interazione tra uomo e computer. Scopri in che modo i chatbot sono utilizzati nelle aziende e come possono essere incorporati nelle applicazioni di analytics.
- Cosa sono le allucinazioni dell'AI?Può essere difficile distinguere la realtà dalla finzione generata dall'intelligenza artificiale. Scopri perché i modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni possono sbagliare e provocare le allucinazioni dell'AI, e impara a utilizzare la GenAI in modo responsabile.
- 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
- Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapiesA long-shot treatment offers hope to 10-year-old Harrison after he learns the DNA profile of his cancer is resistant to chemo. Find out how data and analytics play a role in cancer research and cancer treatments that are saving lives.
- Analytics: A must-have tool for leading the fight on prescription and illicit drug addictionStates and MFCUs now have the analytics tools they need to change the trajectory of the opioid crisis by analyzing data and predicting trouble spots – whether in patients, prescribers, distributors or manufacturers. The OIG Toolkit with free SAS® programming code makes that possible.
- Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
- Break stuff . . . servers, rules and the glass ceilingCarla Gentry knows what it’s like to be the only woman on the team and is happy to share her hard-won knowledge with an ever-growing number of female data scientists. She recently shared with us some sage advice for women entering or interested in advancing in the field.
- Three steps for conquering the last mile of analyticsPutting your analytical models into production can be the most difficult part of the analytics journey. It’s no surprise that this last mile of analytics – bringing models into deployment – is the hardest part of digital transformation initiatives for organizations to master, yet it’s the most crucial.
- As AI accelerates, focus on 'road' conditionsAI technology has made huge strides in a short amount of time and is ready for broader adoption. But as organizations accelerate their AI efforts, they need to take extra care, because as any police officer will tell you, even small potholes can cause problems for vehicles traveling at high speeds.
- AI in government: The path to adoption and deploymentThe government sector is lagging in AI adoption, but awareness of the importance of AI in the public sector is increasing. Our survey indicates that operational issues are requiring governments to turn their attention to AI projects as a way to address important public issues.
- From Apollo to AI: A new era of American explorationAs we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, what’s the next frontier for American Innovation? It’s available now, from our desks and waits for us to unlock its potential.
- The untapped potential in unstructured textText is the largest human-generated data source. It grows every day as we post on social media, interact with chatbots and digital assistants, send emails, conduct business online, generate reports and essentially document our daily thoughts and activities using computers and mobile devices.
- AI in manufacturing: New opportunities for IT and operationsAn AI survey reveals that leaders and early adopters in AI are making important advances and are identifying and expanding on what works as they use AI in more ways and more parts of their organizations.
- The Humanity in Artificial IntelligenceCould artificial intelligence be the change agent we need to solve many problems around the globe? Read how AI could accelerate our ability to have a a positive, lasting impact.
- AI in banking: Survey reveals factors for successWhat do banking executives report about their experiences with AI? Where are they focusing today? What’s working? What are their plans for the future?
- Data lineage: Making artificial intelligence smarterLear how data lineage plays a vital role in understanding data, making it a foundational principle of AI.
- How to drill a better hole with analyticsFrom drilling holes to preventing health care fraud, learn about some of the new technologies SAS has patented with IoT and machine learning technologies.
- Le 5 tecnologie alla base dell’IAConosci la differenza tra intelligenza artificiale (IA) e machine learning? E sapresti spiegare perché la computer vision è una tecnologia IA? Scoprilo in questa breve panoramica.
- Shut the front door on insurance application fraud!Fraudsters love the ease of plying their trade over digital channels. Smart insurance companies are using data from those channels (device fingerprint, IP address, geolocation, etc.) coupled with analytics and machine learning to detect insurance application fraud perpetrated by agents, customers and fraud rings.
- A guide to machine learning algorithms and their applicationsDo you know the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning? How about the difference between decision trees and forests? Or when to use a support vector algorithm? Get all the answers here.
- Benvenuti nelle Assicurazioni 4.0Secondo i dati di una ricerca condotta da CeTif-Excellence Consulting, nei prossimi mesi/anni l’80% delle compagnie assicurative punterà a investire su customer experience, canali digitali, prodotti e servizi abbinati per rispondere in modo più puntuale alle nuove esigenze del consumatore/assicurato.
- GDPR and AI: Friends, foes or something in between?The GDPR may not be best buddies with artificial intelligence – but GDPR and AI aren't enemies, either. Kalliopi Spyridaki explains the tricky relationship between the two.
- Noi e l’Intelligenza Artificiale: ci fidiamo?L’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) è oggi uno dei principali trend e hot topic a livello mondiale. SAS ha realizzato uno studio europeo per comprendere meglio il fenomeno.
- Wanted: AI leadersDo you have what it takes to be an AI leader? In this growing field, people skills, innovation and ethics are more important than expertise in artificial intelligence technologies.
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new worldWhat is the interplay between man and machine in a brave new world with AI?
- Formazione e Lavoro: cosa studiare e come prepararsi al futuro?Quali saranno le nuove opportunità che si creeranno e quali competenze richieste? Cosa significa davvero "esperto" di intelligenza artificiale e che tipo di lavoro dovrà svolgere? Scoprilo leggendo questo articolo...
- Tre step per un'Intelligenza Artificiale più eticaL'Intelligenza Artificiale andrà a beneficio dell'umanità o produrrà una serie di conseguenze indesiderate?Un approccio etico all’Intelligenza Artificiale può essere un modo per garantire che l'IA sia usata a fin di bene.
- Nerd in the herd: protecting elephants with data scienceA passionate SAS data scientist uses machine learning to detect tuberculosis in elephants. Find out how her research can help prevent the spread of the disease.
- How to improve your AI marketing skillsMarketing teams can use current AI capabilities to enhance their efforts around campaign automation, dynamic pricing based on forecasting models, and by providing more relevant, real-time customer offers.
- Artificial Intelligence oltre l’HypeSette triliardi di dispositivi connessi da qui al 2025. La capacità di computing e di analisi sarà distribuita sulla superficie di questi sensori. I motori di analisi costruiti su reti neurali e algoritmi di machine learning saranno alla base di questo nuovo ecosistema.
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and moreArtificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are set to change the way we live and work. How do they relate and how are they changing our world?
- An executive’s guide to cognitive computingCognitive computing is the latest buzzworthy term that everyone seems to be talking about in the technology industry. But can machines really think?
- Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) - Intelligenza Artificiale delle Cose InfograficaRecentemente abbiamo intervistato 450 leader aziendali in tutto il mondo per capire se e come stanno utilizzando le emergenti funzionalità AIoT. Scarica l'infografica. Secondo lo studio realizzato da IDC e sponsorizzato da SAS, con il supporto di Intel e Deloitte, i progetti IoT hanno un maggiore successo quando sono combinati con l'IA: Artificial Intelligence of Things.
Artificial Intelligence: The Basics
Exactly how intelligent is artificial intelligence? And how closely can machines mimic human intelligence? We explore these questions, and review the ways artificial intelligence is improving our world. From digital assistants to automated X-ray readings, artificial intelligence can be found in many industries.
IA: che cos'è
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