Research insights by

Organisations in Asia Pacific are rapidly embracing AI to capture value and transform their businesses
20%+ Boost in AI Investments planned by organisations in the next 12 months
3X Return on AI investments expected by 40% of organisations
67% Organisations prioritising Predictive AI and Interpretive AI
Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024
Research Report
Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific
Discover insights into the current state of Data and AI across Asia Pacific and the key drivers of AI success through this extensive new research conducted by IDC and commissioned by SAS.
Asia Pacific organisations are rushing to jump onto the AI bandwagon, with nearly half planning a large investment increase of over 20% in the coming 12 months. A more telling sign of their belief in this technology is how over 40% expect their AI initiatives to triple in ROI.
But is Asia Pacific overconfident of the AI gold rush or is it a sign of the lack of AI maturity in the region?
Gain practical insights from the IDC eBook - 'Data & AI Pulse: Asia Pacific, 2024' featuring perspectives from over 500 executives across eight countries and uncovering the current landscape and ambitious forward-looking plans of multi-industry organisations.