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Advanced workload management

SAS Workload Management

Go beyond Kubernetes – simplify your analytic workload management on SAS Viya.

Get the most out of your cloud infrastructure spending while ensuring the best experience across your entire analytics platform.

SAS Workload Management showing queues on desktop monitor

Balance cost with agility.

Optimize Kubernetes compute resources through resource-based load balancing and job prioritization. With SAS Workload Management, you can define priorities for different types of workloads, ensuring that the most important work gets done first – and without interrupting interactive sessions.​

Improve throughput, availability and productivity.

SAS Workload Management lets you maximize workload processing efficiency, delivering greater throughput through parallel job processing. Your data scientists spend less time waiting for failed jobs to restart, so they can stay focused on producing the best models.

SAS Workload Management showing node activity on desktop monitor
SAS Workload Management showing jobs on desktop monitor

Simplify administration.

SAS Workload Management is powerful, yet easy to use. A graphical interface lets you centrally manage policies, programs, queues and priorities of SAS jobs running on Kubernetes. With centralized management of all resources, administrators spend less time learning new tools and bouncing between different applications for analytic workloads.

Key Features

Extending the power of Kubernetes by optimizing and prioritizing SAS workloads within a Kubernetes cluster.

Ability to optimize & prioritize analytic compute on Kubernetes

Delivers enterprise-class dynamic workload balancing for users and applications, including rule-based job queues and automatic management of SAS containers on Kubernetes.

Expanded high availability

Includes high availability for analytic workloads, including detection and restart of preempted jobs within the already highly available Kubernetes infrastructure.

Improved performance of analytic workloads

Processes analytics jobs faster by assigning jobs to the right job queue. Identifies serialized workloads that can be separated and processed in parallel.

Real-time monitoring & administration

Provides a web-based tool for monitoring and managing resources, users and jobs. Serves as an interface for configuring and managing high-availability services and defining alerts when thresholds are exceeded.​

Runs on your cloud provider's Kubernetes cluster​

Lets you manage a wide variety of SAS and open source jobs running on Kubernetes. Choose from leading cloud providers like Azure, AWS and Google, or run on-site with Red Hat OpenShift.

Get to Know SAS Workload Management

SAS Viya est une solution cloud-native et cloud-agnostic.

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Consommez SAS comme vous l'entendez - SAS managed ou autogéré. Et où vous voulez.

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Explore More on SAS Workload Management

Get white paper: SAS Viya and the cloud: How SAS is changing the game it invented

White Paper

SAS Viya and the cloud: How SAS is changing the game it invented

Learn how SAS Viya takes full advantage of the cloud's scalability, providing a solution that delivers the latest, up-to-date capabilities.

Read blog post: What you need to know about the future of SAS Grid and SAS Viya. Hint: It’s amazing!


What you need to know about the future of SAS Grid and SAS Viya. Hint: It’s amazing!

Learn about the powerful, advanced workload management capabilities of SAS Grid Manager, now available on SAS Viya.

Read communities post: Moving from SAS Grid to SAS Workload Management on SAS Viya


Moving from SAS Grid to SAS Workload Management on SAS Viya

Find out how you can benefit from advanced workload management capabilities, priority-based queues for SAS jobs and more granular control on workload placement.