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Manage clinical research data with confidence with an open, cloud-native clinical data repository

SAS Health Clinical Acceleration - screenshot cluster

SAS Clinical Acceleration Repository

Support data integrity and collaboration while streamlining the path to regulatory submission.

Key features

Help ensure data integrity and work in a validated environment while enabling collaboration and expediting regulatory submissions.

Centralized global repository

Consolidates clinical information into a single, secure, centralized global repository.

Data tracing

Traces data pedigree back to source data.

Data security

Defines data check-in/out process, audit trails, electronic signatures, versioning and role-based privileges.

Audit trails

Lets you readily determine what audit changes were made, when and by whom, for all content stored in the repository.

Secure logins

Controls all information and research team access via secure logins.

Regulatory compliance

Enables compliance with the FDA’s Title 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, as well as other industry regulations.

CDISC compliance

Complies with CDISC and its initiatives – dataset-JSON and CDISC CORE.

Metadata repository integration

Supports integration with the metadata repository.

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