SAS Analytics Pro and
SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming Features Lists
Explore the Features of SAS Analytics Pro
Easily accessible browser-based development environment (SAS Studio)
Easily accessible browser-based development environment — SAS Studio
- Access SAS from anywhere, using any device with a web browser. No client installation. Zero footprint.
- Access all of your SAS programs, data files and libraries from your desktop, Mac and iPad through your web browser.
- Auto-complete feature displays a list of SAS procedures when you begin typing a procedure name. When a procedure is selected, it then displays the parameter list and pop-up syntax.
- Automatically generates SQL queries and lets you access the SQL code generated behind the scenes.
- Create and add your own code snippets to the snippet library.
- Point-and-click interface guides you through analytical or data manipulation processes.
- For more information, see Base SAS software.
Advanced statistical analysis (SAS/STAT)
Advanced statistical analysis — SAS/STAT
- Examine data for relationships using a broad range of statistical methods, including:
- Analysis of variance.
- Bayesian analysis.
- Causal analysis.
- Categorical data analysis.
- Cluster analysis.
- Descriptive statistics.
- Discriminant analysis.
- Distribution analysis.
- Exact methods.
- Group sequential design and analysis.
- Market research.
- Mixed models.
- Missing value imputation.
- Multivariate analysis.
- Nonparametric analysis.
- Power and sample size.
- Psychometric analysis.
- Regression.
- Simulation and Monte Carlo methods.
- Spatial analysis.
- Structural equations.
- Survey sampling and analysis.
- Survival analysis.
- Transformations.
- Multithreaded procedures.
- Post-fitting inference.
- Statistical graphics.
- Ability to add drill-down capabilities so users can visually explore analyses.
- For more information, see SAS/STAT. For a complete list of methods, see the SAS/STAT documentation.
Data visualization, preparation & delivery (SAS/GRAPH)
Data visualization, presentation & delivery — SAS/GRAPH
- Built-in map data sets (for countries, and US states and counties).
- New map data sets from GfK have been added to the MAPS library. The MAPSGFK data is more current and cleaner topologically, for easier mapping and analysis.
- Ability to generate latitude/longitude for mailing addresses and IP addresses.
- Ability to analyze point data against data polygons to see where points are located.
- Broad range of charts and plots:
- Scatter, line, area, bubble, multiple axis, overlay.
- Bar, pie, donut, star, block.
- Customized colors, line styles, symbols.
- 2-D and 3-D plots with tilting and rotation.
- Customized colors, line styles and symbols.
- Alpha transparency on charts.
- Anti-aliased lines for smoother plot lines.
- Generate static or dynamic interactive (Java or ActiveX) charts and graphs with drill-down capabilities.
- Link graphs to web pages.
- Embed interactive graphics in web pages or Microsoft documents.
- Support for virtually all common printers and plotters.
- Graphs are integrated with tables with all output displayed in the same HTML file.
- For more information, see SAS/GRAPH Software.
Protect data as it passes between platforms or over networks (SAS/SECURE)
Protect data as it passes between platforms or over networks — (SAS/SECURE)
- For more information, see SAS/SECURE.
Powerful data connectivity with support for SQL (Data Connectors)
Powerful data connectivity with support for SQL — Data Connectors
- Access to your local and/or enterprise data.
- Ability to read data in nearly any format, from nearly any kind of file data repository.
- Robust macro language, which reduces coding for common tasks.
- Runs interactively or in batch mode.
- For more information, see Data Connectors.
Additional Capabilities Available With SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming
Model, forecast & simulate business processes for improved strategic & tactical planning (SAS/ETS)
Model, forecast & simulate business processes for improved strategic & tactical planning — SAS/ETS
- Model, forecast and simulate business processes for improved strategic and tactical planning by helping you to:
- Analyze the impact of promotions and events.
- Model customer choices and price elasticities.
- Model risk factors and predict economic outcomes.
- Make better staffing decisions.
- Forecast volatility and devise trading strategies.
- Make better, more scientific decisions using methods covering a wide range of economic analysis and models:
- Autoregressive error models.
- Autoregressive integrated moving-average models.
- Bayesian analysis.
- Compound distribution modeling.
- Copula approach.
- Count regression.
- Discrete choice analysis.
- Error correction models.
- Exponential smoothing models.
- Limited dependent variable modeling.
- Linear Gaussian state space models.
- Long-memory time series.
- Panel data analysis.
- Polynomial distributed lagged models.
- Self-selection models.
- Severity of events modeling.
- Spatial econometric modeling.
- Stochastic frontier analysis.
- Systems modeling and simulation.
- Unobserved component models.
- Vector autoregressive moving-average models.
- Volatility forecasting with GARCH models.
- Data management and preparation.
- Specialized access to commercial and government databases.
- Multithreaded procedures for high-performance econometrics.
- For more information, see SAS/ETS Software.
Operations research software for identifying which actions will produce the best results, given constraints (SAS/OR)
Operations research software for identifying which actions will produce the best results, given constraints — SAS/OR
- The OPTMODEL family of procedures provides:
- Flexible algebraic syntax for intuitive model formulation.
- Transparent use of standard SAS functions.
- Direct invocation of linear, nonlinear, quadratic, network, and mixed-integer linear solvers.
- Support for the rapid prototyping of customized optimization algorithms, including named problems and subproblems.
- Ability to run other SAS code within PROC OPTMODEL with the SUBMIT block.
- Ability to execute solver invocations in parallel with the COFOR loop.
- Linear programming algorithms:
- Primal simplex, dual simplex and network simplex.
- Interior-point with crossover.
- Parallel branch-and-bound mixed-integer linear programming solver with cutting planes and primal heuristics.
- Option tuning for mixed-integer linear programming.
- Decomposition algorithm for linear and mixed-integer linear programming.
- General nonlinear programming algorithm:
- Interior point trust region method with line search.
- Active-set trust region method with line search.
- Multistart capability.
- Quadratic programming with a state-of-the-art solver tailored for large-scale optimization.
- Multiple network analytics and optimization algorithms:
- Network structural enumeration and descriptive analysis.
- Network flow and routing optimization.
- Matching and spanning tree algorithms.
- Parallel hybrid global/local search optimization, including multiobjective optimization.
- Constraint programming capabilities with scheduling and resource features.
- Project and resource scheduling.
- Critical path method (CPM) and CPM-based resource-constrained scheduling.
- Calendars, work shifts and holidays for determining resource availability and schedules.
- Full support for nonstandard precedence relationships.
- Ability to include PERT estimates of duration.
- Versatile reporting, customizable Gantt charts and project network diagrams.
- Earned Value Management analysis for project tracking execution.
- Decision analysis:
- Create, analyze and interactively modify decision tree models.
- Calculate the value of perfect information (VPI) and the value of perfect control (VPC).
- Bill of material (BOM) processing:
- Read from standard product structure data files and part master files or combined files.
- Produce single- or multiple-level bills of material, including indented and summarized BOM.
- Produce summarized parts, listing items and quantities required to meet the specified plan.
- For more information, see SAS/OR Software.
Statistical process control software for improved product & process quality (SAS/QC)
Statistical process control software for improved product & process quality — SAS/QC
- Advanced quality control toolkit includes:
- Design of Experiments.
- Control Chart Analysis.
- Process Capability Analysis.
- Basic Quality Problem Solving.
- Reliability Analysis.
- Analysis of Means.
- Multivariate Process Monitoring.
- Organize quality improvement efforts.
- Design and analyze experiments for process discovery and optimization.
- Apply Taguchi methods for quality engineering.
- Establish statistical control of a process.
- Maintain statistical control and reduce variation.
- Assess process capability and analyze product reliability.
- For more information, see SAS/QC Software. For a complete list of methods, see the SAS/QC documentation.
Powerful, flexible matrix programming language (SAS IML)
Powerful, flexible matrix programming language — SAS IML
- High-level matrix programming language enables you to program custom algorithms and implement new analytical methods.
- Multithreaded matrix operations.
- Linear algebra: support for popular operations and decompositions.
- Data analysis: support for many classical and robust statistical methods.
- Statistical graphics: support for common statistical graphics.
- Numerical analysis: support for root-finding, integrals, derivatives, differential equations, interpolation and more.
- Optimization: support for linear, mixed-integer, quadratic, and nonlinear programming problems, with or without constraints.
- Simulation: support for simulating data from dozens of univariate and multivariate probability distributions, as well as implementing custom distributions.
- For more information, see SAS IML. See the SAS IML Language Reference for a complete list of methods.