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Qu'est-ce que les données synthétiques ? Et comment pouvez-vous les utiliser pour stimuler des avancées en IA ?Les données ne manquent pas dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, mais il peut être difficile, lent et coûteux d'accéder à des données de haute qualité suffisantes pour entraîner des modèles d'IA. Découvrez pourquoi les données synthétiques sont si essentielles pour les initiatives d'IA gourmandes en données, comment les entreprises peuvent les utiliser pour débloquer la croissance et comment elles peuvent aider à relever les défis éthiques.
Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to knowMachine learning and fraud analytics are critical components of a fraud detection toolkit. Discover what you’ll need to get started defending against fraud – from integrating supervised and unsupervised machine learning in operations to maintaining customer service.
Fraude aux moyens de paiement : sécurisez vos transactionsLutte contre la fraude: Évolution, détection, prévention de L'IA face la fraude. SAS au service de la sécurité.
6 ways big data analytics can improve insurance claims data processingWhy make analytics a part of your insurance claims data processing? Because adding analytics to the claims life cycle can deliver a measurable ROI.
What are AI hallucinations?Separating fact from AI-generated fiction can be hard. Learn how large language models can fail and lead to AI hallucinations – and discover how to use GenAI responsibly.
Qu'est-ce qu'un chatbot ?Un chatbot est une forme d'IA conversationnelle conçue pour simplifier l'interaction entre l'homme et l'ordinateur. Découvrez comment les chatbots sont utilisés dans les entreprises et comment ils peuvent être intégrés dans les applications analytiques.
4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
Modern manufacturing's triple play: Digital twins, analytics & IoT IoT-powered digital twins revolutionize manufacturing with real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance and optimized production. Discover their transformational impact.
Why banks need to evolve their approach to climate and ESG riskManaging environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk is important to banks, regulators, investors and consumers – yet there are many interpretations of how to do it. To thrive, organizations must evolve their risk management practices – including those affected by ESG risk.
Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapiesA long-shot treatment offers hope to 10-year-old Harrison after he learns the DNA profile of his cancer is resistant to chemo. Find out how data and analytics play a role in cancer research and cancer treatments that are saving lives.
Know your blind spots in tax fraud preventionTax agencies sometimes miss fraud that's happening right under their noses – despite robust external fraud prevention efforts. Find out where traditional tax fraud prevention and detection efforts fall short, and how analytics can change that.
Are you covering who you think you’re covering? Payers often don't focus enough on healthcare beneficiary fraud in public and private healthcare plans. Before paying a claim, payers need to ensure beneficiaries are eligible. Advanced analytics applied to a broad range of data can help them accurately detect and prevent beneficiary fraud.
Containing health care costs: Analytics paves the way to payment integrityTo ensure payment integrity, health care organizations must uncover a broad range of fraud, waste and abuse in claims processing. Data-driven analytics – along with rapid evolutions in the use of computer vision, document vision and text analytics – are making it possible.
Key questions to kick off your data analytics projectsThere’s no single blueprint for starting a data analytics project. Technology expert Phil Simon suggests these 10 questions as a guide.
Analytics tackles the scourge of human traffickingVictims of human trafficking are all around us. From forced labor to sex work, modern-day slavery thrives in the shadows. Learn why organizations are turning to AI and big data analytics to unveil these crimes and change future trajectories.
Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory floodWhat are the challenges of a risk data infrastructure and how can they be addressed? Here's what you need to know to build an effective enterprise risk and finance reporting warehouse that will effectively address compliance requirements.
Are you good at scoring?Credit scoring is the foundation for evaluating clients who apply for a loan (or other types of exposure for the bank). It is not unusual for it to take up to 12 months to build and deploy a new credit scoring model. Reforming the process will help minimize losses, increase earnings and reduce operational risk.
Analytics: A must-have tool for leading the fight on prescription and illicit drug addictionStates and MFCUs now have the analytics tools they need to change the trajectory of the opioid crisis by analyzing data and predicting trouble spots – whether in patients, prescribers, distributors or manufacturers. The OIG Toolkit with free SAS® programming code makes that possible.
Viking transforms its analytics strategy using SAS® Viya® on AzureViking is going all-in on cloud-based analytics to stay competitive and meet customer needs. The retailer's digital transformation are designed to optimize processes and boost customer loyalty and revenue across channels.
Top prepaid card fraud scamsThe margin for prepaid cards is slim, so it's particularly important to root out the scams. Here are some tips for combating and mitigating prepaid card fraud.
Understanding capital requirements in light of Basel IVMany financial firms are already using a popular 2012 PIT-ness methodology for internal ratings-based models. This article examines eight ways the industry is successfully using the methodology – and why this approach can bring synergies for banks, value for regulators, and major competitive advantages.
Model risk management: Vital to regulatory and business sustainabilitySloppy model risk management can lead to failure to gain regulatory approval for capital plans, financial loss, damage to a bank's reputation and loss of shareholder value. Learn how to improve model risk management by establishing controls and guidelines to measure and address model risk at every stage of the life cycle.
Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
Payment fraud evolves fast – can we stay ahead?Payment fraud happens when a criminal steals a person’s private payment information, then uses it for an illegal transaction. As payment trends evolve, so do the fraudsters. Banks and PSPs can fight back with advanced analytics techniques that adapt quickly to spot anomalies in behavior.
Unemployment fraud meets analytics: Battle lines are clearly drawnMany fraudsters seized opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the crisis, unemployment fraud became a battleground between international criminal networks and government agencies. Learn how analytics can save billions – and deliver benefits to those truly in need.
Data lake : Présentation et atoutsUn data lake est un type de référentiel de stockage qui ingère rapidement de grandes quantités de données brutes et hétérogènes dans leur format natif. Les data lakes contiennent tout type de données, de plusieurs sources en un seul référentiel et permettent un accès, une exploration et une visualisation en libre-service. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi voir et réagir plus rapidement à de nouvelles informations.
Beyond IFRS 17 – what's next?IFRS 17 is not just a new accounting standard. Its fundamental objective is to provide transparency and insight to the insurance business while identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Learn how to keep a long-term vision and achieve broader business value beyond the immediate demands of IFRS 17.
Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
Online payment fraud stops hereBillions of dollars each year are lost to online payment fraud through channels that provide convenient – yet vulnerable – ways to shop and bank. See how to fight back and win with advanced analytics.
IFRS 9 and CECL: The challenges of loss accounting standardsThe loss accounting standards, CECL and IFRS 9, change how credit losses are recognized and reported by financial institutions. Although there are key differences in the standards for CECL (US) and IFRS 9 (international), both require a more forward-looking approach to credit loss estimation.
Risk data aggregation: Transparency, controls and governance are needed for data quality and reportingFinancial institutions’ data aggregation and reporting techniques and systems are receiving increased attention both internally and externally. Find out how to take a comprehensive approach to BCBS principles and risk data aggregation and management.
The 5 new rules of retailThere is good news for retailers. Analytics can help overcome some of the effects of disruption, allowing retailers to move from long-term seasonal forecasting to more agile planning.
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