On-Demand Webinar

Breaking Down AI Capabilities for IT: What to Know About Machine Learning

Learn about the technical requirements of machine learning through the lens of IT management.


About the webinar

Machine learning is a field of AI that trains computers to interpret and understand patterns in data – with minimal human intervention.

When successfully implemented, machine learning provides analytics team members of all skill levels with a simple, powerful and automated way to handle all tasks in the analytics life cycle.

Deploying machine learning has implications for IT organizations, and in this webinar we’ll explore the technical requirements of machine learning through the lens of IT management.

Join us as we discuss:

  • Examples of machine learning being used today.
  • The typical technical requirements of AI software for machine learning.
  •  How those requirements affect issues for IT, such as: computing policies, processes, staffing and training, data management, privacy and security, accommodating open source software and cloud-based solutions in your stack.

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About the Experts

Jennifer Nenadic, Director of Enterprise Data and Analytics in IT, SAS

Jonathan Wexler, Advisory Product Manager for Machine Learning and AI, SAS