On-Demand Webinar

Disruptive Technologies in Process Manufacturing

Discover the potential changes disruptive technologies can have on process manufacturers and why implementing them is the key to a competitive edge.

About the webinar

Process manufacturers are enthusiastically adopting disruptive technologies to shore up complex operations and supply chains – and create a competitive advantage.

But while executives acknowledge the business benefits these technologies offer, they’re also wary of them.

Find out what the MPI Disruptive Technologies Study reveals about how innovative technologies help process manufacturing companies tackle their biggest challenges.

What you'll learn:

  • Which disruptive technologies are implemented most often.
  • What specific benefits these emerging technologies offer process manufacturers.
  • Which new technologies are most likely to deliver benefits in the next three years.

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About the Experts

John Brandt
 Chief Executive Officer, The MPI Group

Kara Hart
Senior Systems Engineer, SAS