Cityscape or skyline of Quebec City, Canada, Chateau Frontenac, park and old town streets during sunset with illuminated castle, red Espace 400e building

Club des utilisateurs SAS de Québec

Jeudi 30 mai | Université Laval

9h00 – 16h30
Coût: gratuit

Ces conférences sont un excellent moyen d’apprendre de nouvelles notions sur SAS, en réviser certaines et rester à jour sur les développements chez SAS et en analyse de données.
La participation aux demi-journées est gratuite mais l'inscription est obligatoire. Réservez la date dans votre calendrier.

Ordre du jour

9h30Mot du président
Louis-René Rheault, Université Laval
9h35Gérer vos fichiers SAS avec PROC DATASETS
Jean Hardy, Services Conseils Hardy
10h20Les certifications SAS
David Émond, Université Laval
11h20Dictionnaire de données de SAS - partie 2
Patrice Bourdages, Desjardins Assurances Générales
12h00Mot de la fin de matinée
13h30Mot du président + retour sur SAS Innovate
Louis-René Rheault, Université Laval
14h00Processus de migration vers SAS Viya
Pierre Dupuis, Desjardins
14h25Gestion du changement dans le contexte de SAS Viya
Yoan Bolduc, Desjardins
15h10Création d'un tableau de bord dynamique sur SAS Visual Analytics
Carl Bergeron, MRNF et Robin Drolet & Antoni Dzieciolowski, SAS Canada
16h00Mot de la fin               
Abstract Purple Dots Background

Université Laval

Théâtre de Poche
Local 2113
Pavillon Desjardins-Pollack    
1030, Avenue du Séminaire, Québec, G1V 0A6


Ressources supplémentaires (en anglais)

Quebec City User Group Website
You'll find a presentation archive, information about upcoming meetings and the opportunity to contact members of the Executive Committee.

Receive email invitations to future Quebec City meetings.

SAS Support Communities
Discussion boards focused on solving SAS challenges. If you have a problem, chances are it's been asked - and answered - here before.

Lex Jansen Conference Paper Archives
Repository of all SAS Global Forum, SUGI, and Regional Conferences. Searchable by author, topic or solution.

Access to Programming 1 and Statistics 1 eLearning courses. Refresh your SAS knowledge and sharpen your skills.

SAS Talks
Webinar presentations from SAS experts, instructors, authors and customers about a wide range of topics, all of which are archived for later viewing.

Ask the Expert
Live SAS sessions hosted by experts which allow you to ask questions while they're happening.

SAS Canada Community
Connect with SAS employees and experts who are happy to discuss SAS topics.

SAS Canada Twitter
Articles of interest from business and technical perspectives.

Search for ‘#SASTip’ to find an outstanding collection of tips & tricks submitted by users. The list grows daily, so check back often.

SAS Canada YouTube Channel
Features interviews from Canadian SAS users, thought leaders and staff about all things SAS.

SAS Blogs
Thought leadership and technical advice from some of SAS’ best and brightest.

All Analytics: SAS Blog
A community for data management, business intelligence & analytics.

SAS Social Media Portal
Central hub site for videos, blogs, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, SAS communities and more. Provides links to support communities, SAS Global Forum information, certification, newsletters, and much more.

This event is no longer available for registration.

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