SAS Analytics Pro y
SAS Analytics Pro Programación Avanzada
Funciones potentes y fáciles de usar para acceder a la información, manipularla, analizarla y presentarla, tanto en la nube como in situ. Además, dispone de técnicas estadísticas avanzadas.
Mejore la productividad con SAS Analytics Pro: todas las herramientas de análisis de datos que necesita en un solo paquete. Y obtenga capacidades adicionales con SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming.
Obtenga análisis, reportes y visualizaciones fáciles de entender de un solo proveedor.
¿Por qué juntar paquetes de software especializados de distintos proveedores? Una cartera consolidada que incluye tres de nuestros productos más populares ( Base SAS, SAS/STAT® y SAS/GRAPH® ) reduce el costo de las licencias, el mantenimiento, la formación y la asistencia, al tiempo que garantiza la disponibilidad de información coherente en toda la empresa.
Utilizar técnicas estadísticas innovadoras.
Los procedimientos estadísticos de SAS se actualizan constantemente para reflejar los últimos avances en metodología estadística. Además, el soporte técnico corre a cargo de expertos estadísticos con nivel de máster y doctorado que ofrecen un nivel de servicio y conocimientos poco habitual en otros proveedores de software. SAS cuenta con más de cuatro décadas de experiencia en el desarrollo de software de análisis estadístico en el que confían organizaciones de todo el mundo para proporcionar respuestas precisas a preguntas sobre datos.
Integrar los datos y cumplir las obligaciones de conformidad.
El software SAS se integra en prácticamente cualquier entorno de cómputo, de modo que puede unificar sus esfuerzos informáticos y obtener una visión única de sus datos. Puede producir código repetible que se documenta y verifica fácilmente para garantizar el cumplimiento. Y los analistas pueden centrarse en el análisis y no en los datos.
Crea y comparte fácilmente gráficos e informes.
Cree gráficos, mapas y diagramas de estilo analítico con cualquier estilo de salida que necesite. Es fácil crear informes en formatos ofimáticos estándar como RTF, PDF, PowerPoint, HTML y libros electrónicos que pueden leerse en eliPad® y eliPhone®, para que pueda entregar los resultados analíticos donde más se necesitan.
Características principales
Lenguaje de programación intuitivo de cuarta generación
4GL altamente flexible y extensible, con una sintaxis fácil de aprender, incluye cientos de elementos y funciones del lenguaje que dan soporte a la programación, desde la extracción, el formateo y la limpieza de datos hasta el análisis de datos, la elaboración de informes y el almacenamiento de información.
Análisis estadístico avanzado con el potente SAS Analytics
Ofrece una amplia gama de métodos estadísticos -incluidos análisis de geolocalización con funciones cartográficas incorporadas- que se actualizan con frecuencia para reflejar las metodologías más recientes.
Biblioteca prediseñada de procedimientos listos para usar en un entorno basado en web
Agiliza la programación, el análisis y la elaboración de informes -y mejora la productividad y la eficacia de los programadores- al ofrecer una importante funcionalidad ejecutada con unos sencillos comandos.
Visualización de datos, presentación y entrega
Permite la presentación visual de ideas y conclusiones mediante una amplia variedad de mapas empresariales, cuadros, diagramas y gráficos de relaciones tridimensionales.
Acceso sencillo y basado en la nube a análisis estadísticos avanzados y reportes
Proporciona acceso instantáneo a potentes aplicaciones de análisis estadístico y elaboración de informes, suministradas en un contenedor para su fácil despliegue en la nube e in situ, para convertir rápidamente sus modelos en valor empresarial. Ahora con una instalación más rápida que nunca para los usuarios de ordenadores de sobremesa.
Funciones avanzadas de programación para estadísticos
SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming ofrece una amplia gama de técnicas estadísticas avanzadas adicionales para evaluar la calidad, procesar datos de series temporales y desarrollar la optimización lineal y no lineal.
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SAS Analytics Pro
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- ESPECIAL Nerd in the herd: protecting elephants with data scienceA passionate SAS data scientist uses machine learning to detect tuberculosis in elephants. Find out how her research can help prevent the spread of the disease.
- Artículo Using analytics to prevent deadly infections Dignity Health’s Bio-Surveillance Program predicts new sepsis cases, allowing early intervention and saving lives.
- Artículo Governed analytics and discovery: Balancing business user and IT needsTDWI provides seven steps for balancing IT governance needs with the expanding use of self-service BI and data discovery tools.
- Artículo The intersection of modern IT and advanced analyticsThornton May explains how IT groups are helping the business use analytics to adapt to the C-suite's need for a modern, agile and results-focused IT function.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight California's Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission uses analytics and data management to better serve residents and increase community well-being.
- Artículo Your personal data scientistImagine pushing a button on your desk and asking for the latest sales forecasts the same way you might ask Siri for the weather forecast. Find out what else is possible with a combination of natural language processing and machine learning.
- White Paper SAS®: A Comprehensive Approach to Big Data Governance, Data Management and AnalyticsSAS puts you in charge of burgeoning big data governance issues. See how in this paper by Sunil Soares.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumptionUnlocking the power of data with SAS® helps Repsol journey toward sustainable energy
- Artículo Introduction to machine learning: Five things the quants wish we knewMachine learning is gaining momentum thanks to bigger, more complex data sets. How does it work? Kimberly Nevala from SAS Best Practices explains what it is by focusing on what it isn't.
- Artículo The humanity in artificial intelligenceCould artificial intelligence be the change agent we need to solve many problems around the globe? Read how AI could accelerate our ability to have a a positive, lasting impact.
- E-book The Mechanics of StorytellingAnalogies are a powerful tool that can help an audience grasp complex ideas. This ebook uses the technique by comparing a mechanic’s journey to a storyteller’s assembly process defined by the acronym, “PARTS”: people, analytics, requirements, tools and success factors.
- Artículo Three steps for conquering the last mile of analyticsPutting your analytical models into production can be the most difficult part of the analytics journey. It’s no surprise that this last mile of analytics – bringing models into deployment – is the hardest part of digital transformation initiatives for organizations to master, yet it’s the most crucial.
- White Paper Choosing New Slots? Here’s a Game-Changer.This conclusions paper presents highlights of a SAS webinar showing how a unique combination of data profiling, statistical forecasting and optimization can improve slot floor performance, utilization and patron satisfaction.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience The Orlando Magic uses mobile app data and machine learning to personalize marketing campaigns and analyze game data.
- Artículo Finding COVID-19 answers with data and analyticsLearn how data plays a role in optimizing hospital resources, understanding disease spread, supply chain forecasting and scientific discoveries.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Predictive analytics empowers bank to act quickly with confidenceOTP Bank Romania can better assess risk, meet profitability targets and enhance customer satisfaction through a streamlined data mining process from SAS.
- Artículo Supporting indigenous communities with analyticsThough indigenous women are a small part of Canada's population, they account for a disproportionately large number of Canada's murder victims. Now, big data and analytics are being used to help improve outcomes.
- Artículo Five ways your organization can enhance resilience for years to comeInnovation, agility and customer-centricity frequently top the list of companies’ strategic objectives, and now the most urgent priority is resilience. Given this new urgency, it’s worth taking a close look at the underpinnings of resilience and how they could be applied in any industry. This article explores how analytics can help boost resilience and includes key elements to keep your organization resilient.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA SAS Explore 2022 Review and AnalysisThis IDC Link focuses on several SAS announcements supporting faster time-to-value for AI/ML model-driven businesses.
- Artículo Coming soon: The Industrial Internet and IoT standardsFrom smart farms to connected water meters, the IIoT party is happening – with consensus around IoT standards playing host.
- Artículo Smart cities, smart energy solutions – thanks to the IoTFind out how Envision America and CPS Energy are using the IoT and analytics to make cities smarter and transform energy programs.
- White Paper Text Analytics for ExecutivesThis paper looks at how organizations in banking, health care and life sciences, manufacturing and government are using SAS text analytics to drive better customer experiences, reduce fraud and improve society.
- E-book Enrich Your Data With Location AnalyticsLocation is more than a point on a map. It is a pathway to growth and better service. Matching up location information with big and little data can revolutionize business practices. Learn more in this e-book.
- White Paper Forecasting 101Organizations spend much time and money searching for a magic formula for the perfect forecast, yet still get bad forecasts. But it doesn't have to be this way. This paper provides a summary of a webinar in the SAS "Applying Business Analytics" series that discusses how businesses can achieve better accuracy and forecasting efficiency by understanding the nature of demand patterns and where the forecasting process is adding value — or not.
- Artículo Components of an information management strategyBefore starting a data management strategy for your business, you need to understand each component. Data expert David Loshin breaks them down.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE University uses analytics to ensure student successWestern Kentucky University uses data visualization and advanced analytics to make informed decisions.
- E-book Doing good with government dataFrom child welfare and public health to combating prescription abuse and improving education, analytics is improving government programs around the world.
- White Paper From chaos to coherence: Managing pandemics with dataBased on a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit on the use of data and analytics, professionals in the public and private sectors around the world viewed health care as the industry with the greatest potential to benefit from data analytics. In fact, the global sharing of health care data means most are optimistic about preventing future pandemics, and they want businesses to work closer with government entities to share health care data for the greater good.
- Artículo Hiring? We have the data scientist interview questions you needUse these data scientist interview questions to recruit someone with a range technology skills and a knack for communicating complex subjects to a variety of audiences.
- Artículo Educating informed “intuitants"Today’s knowledge worker and future senior leader should be an “informed intuitant,” says Dr. Jay Liebowitz of the University of Maryland University College. Read more about a skill set that combines analytics and intuition – and how you can better develop it.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligenceA modern AI, IoT and analytics platform powered by SAS Viya helps Rijkswaterstaat move from reactive to predictive infrastructure maintenance.
- Series Tracking down answers to your questions about data scientistsDo you need a data scientist? Want to be a data scientist, or improve the skills you already have? Check out our Insights series.
- White Paper Looking Inside SAS® Forecast StudioOrganizations depend on statistical forecasting to provide a solid foundation for many important planning and decision-making processes. SAS Forecast Server, which comprises a graphical user interface (SAS Forecast Studio) and the statistical forecasting engine (SAS Forecast Server Procedures), facilitates and speeds the forecasting process by providing a convenient, user-friendly interface to the large-scale automatic forecasting, model building and time series exploration capabilities available in SAS.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Revolutionizing marketing campaigns with AIAlliant relies on machine learning to create qualified marketing audiences for its clients.
- Series Tips for making the most of your analytics softwareEducators need insights from their data. Learn how to harness big data in education using analytics software.
- Artículo From living on the streets to owning a profitable businessZoe Empowers, a ministry for vulnerable children living in life-threatening poverty in Africa and India, finally found a way to measure and reveal its incredible impact. Using SAS, they developed an "empowerment index" that measures improvements in housing, health, education and more for program participants.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customersDigital insurance company InShared uses SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to improve services and extend personalized offers.
- Artículo From Apollo to AI: A new era of American explorationAs we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, what’s the next frontier for American Innovation? It’s available now, from our desks and waits for us to unlock its potential.
- E-book The Streaming Analytics Scaries: What they are and how to get over themThis e-book addresses the top five factors holding back most asset-intensive companies when it comes to implementing and taking advantage of streaming analytics. Read it, put the scaries to rest, and start delivering more value and insight in ways few in your organization may have ever thought possible.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft AzureLeading Greek financial institution pursues digital transformation backed by advanced analytics to become the bank of choice for businesses and private individuals.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Funding for groundbreaking childhood cancer research fueled by analyticsThe Kids’ Cancer Project uses SAS to improve fundraising efforts for vital cancer research.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analyticsCIMB Singapore uses SAS Viya to enhance business operations and keep pace with changing customer needs.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Colin NugterenData scientist and CAO Colin Nugteren says while every day is different, one thing remains the same. He ends each day with SAS® Visual Analytics.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Building reliability in riskBanca Mediolanum uses SAS Viya to develop high-performing, reliable credit scoring models.
- Artículo Operationalizing analytics: 4 ways banks are conquering the infamous ‘last mile’Here are four examples across the banking industry that show how these leading organizations followed a clearly defined path to conquer the infamous 'last mile' of analytics.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parentsCalifornia’s Orange County Child Support Services uses analytics from SAS to empower caseworkers to help parents make decisions that benefit their children.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Transforming steelmaking through IoT analyticsSSAB improves production efficiency, product quality and maintenance strategies using sensor data, artificial intelligence and advanced analytics.
- White Paper SAS Analytics and Open SourceExplore how organizations balance open source solutions along with commercial software to meet the requirements for statistical analysis, both within their organizations and externally with regulatory bodies.
- Artículo Learning the art of analytical storytellingCrafting and pitching enticing data-driven stories is a vital skill to master. Here are a few tips to help you get started with storytelling visualizations.
- White Paper TDWI Navigator Report: Predictive AnalyticsPredictive Analytics
- White Paper Machine Learning Use Cases in Financial CrimesLearn 10 proven ways machine learning can boost the efficiency and effectiveness of fraud and financial crimes teams – from data collection to detection to investigation and reporting.
- Artículo How to find and equip the citizen data scientists in your midstCitizen data scientists are challenging the status quo and looking at data in new ways. Learn how to recognize, reward and train these analytical minds to benefit the business.
- White Paper Hosted managed services for SAS® technologySAS provides hosted managed services designed to provide faster and easier deployment options for SAS technologies. This white paper reviews the fundamentals of this capability.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Alex HerringtonAlex Herrington decided he wanted a career in data because he liked the idea of using numbers to figure out things. Now he’s a data scientist at a US retailer.
- White Paper TDWI Checklist Report: Gaining Business Value from Governed Analytics and Discoverydata governance
- Artículo Using data to control unruly hotel pricingKelly McGuire of SAS has packaged everything hoteliers need to optimize pricing and maximize revenue into one neat book.
- Artículo Exploring the sun with big dataResearchers working for NASA are using automatic, exploratory and visual analysis of big data to help understand the mysteries of our universe.
- Artículo Optimizing well placement to eliminate water poverty How data visualization is helping Water for Good bring fresh water to the Central African Republic.
- White Paper Demand ShapingDemand shaping is commonly thought of in terms of demand manipulation. This paper provides an extended version of demand shaping that helps organizations understand the dynamics of both supply and demand.
- Artículo The advantages of an analytics cultureGen. Colin Powell and SAS experts focus on the topic of culture and how to change an organization’s DNA to meet the challenges of this brave, new analytics world.
- Artículo What coaching a new driver and developing an analytics culture have in commonEight lessons that apply equally to nurturing an organization's analytics culture and instructing a young driver how to safely navigate the open road.
- Artículo Why pharmaceutical firms are investing in real-world evidenceTo get a compound or device to market – bench to bedside – may be an eight- ,12- or even 15-year process. Real-world evidence has a critical role at every step, particularly in the clinical trials process.
- E-book Your data scientist hiring guideThis ebook provides a brief guide for data scientist hiring. It offers 20 interview questions, 3 data scientist profiles and tips on building a data science program. The book provides a call-to-action to the data scientist primer page.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- Series Women in analytics: Katherine Sanborn, Kellogg CompanyA recent college graduate who mentors and coaches incoming interns shares her advice for the newest generation of analytics professionals.
- Artículo Twelve questions to ask your data visualization software vendorIdentify which data visualization vendor’s applications, support models, deployment options and technology platforms align with the goals of your project.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Boosting institutional research with data governance and self-service reportingThe University of Idaho invests in SAS to give administrators access to trusted, insight-rich data.
- Artículo How openness can supercharge event stream analyticsWhat does openness do for event stream analytics? David Loshin shows how it helps you speed and govern the full streaming analytics life cycle.
- Entrevista What’s powering the digital economy? The analytics economy. From the digital economy to the app economy, technology is changing the way we do business and manage resources. Find out how the analytics economy can help you make the most of your data resources.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Daymond LingDaymond Ling believes the right personal traits are more important than technical skills when it comes to being a successful data scientist.
- E-book Public service of the futureNever before have governments been asked to do so much, so fast, while facing considerable pressures – rising customer service expectations, fiscal constraints, overstretched organizations and workforce fatigue. Technologies like AI and generative AI are shifting the limits of what is possible – enabling fresh ideas about how public sector organizations can deliver services and helping to rethink what services are offered. From national to local government, law enforcement to health and defense to education, great strides are being made to deliver better outcomes and experiences. In this e-book, you will discover six considerations for improving productivity and ensuring public servants have the time to focus on what matters. Here's a sneak peek: · How do different demographics engage with public services and how do you serve everyone? · Are traditional processes meeting your organization’s needs? Would updating and modernizing help you achieve increased operational efficiency? · How AI is a catalyst for organizational transformation.
- Artículo How to work like a disrupterFind out what companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Spotify and Lyft know about analytics that you don't know. Learn how to become technologically and analytically mature just like them.
- White Paper Building a Foundation for HR Analytics Valuable insight into what it takes to build HR analytic competency from scratch.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Making faster, better lending decisionsLocal Government Federal Credit Union sees efficiency gains with SAS.
- Artículo Seven tips for creating a self-service BI governance strategySelf-service BI and IT governance – sometimes the two seem at odds. Can they coexist peacefully? Live happily ever after? TDWI thinks so. They offer seven tips for creating a strategy that works for both.
- E-book The New Analytics EcosystemMany organizations are struggling to evolve their current analytics ecosystem, with disparate groups working across multiple technologies and tools. We surveyed more than 1,000 organizations to determine their level of adoption of technology to evolve their analytics ecosystem. In this e-book, you’ll learn the results of our survey and the three approaches to analytics that deserve your attention
- White Paper In-Memory Analytics: Get Faster, Better Insights from Big DataThis QA with Tapan Patel, Global Product Marketing Manager at SAS, provides a great overview of in-memory analytics.
- White Paper Cognitive Computing: Analytics and BeyondWith the addition of text and sentiment analytics, predictive modeling and sentiment prescriptive analytics, analytics has taken another leap forward. This paper, by Sue Feldman of Synthexis, explains how cognitive computing helps you understand ambiguous problems while adding accessibility to data for more users.
- White Paper Fast and Furious: Big Data Analytics Meets HadoopConclusions paper from a presentation at the 2014 Strata Santa Clara big data conference, in which two SAS data experts demonstrated new ways of gaining insights from big data at speeds that will redefine how organizations solve complex problems.
- Artículo When it matters: Safeguarding your organization from the insideWith evolving threats, fraud detection technologies have to be flexible and nimble, and automated risk detection is a crucial component of decision advantage.
- Artículo Establishing a roadmap for government data analytics takes less time than you think Public sector groups need a strategy before taking on government data analytics. Learn how to get the most from your data.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Forecasting helps Wescom Credit Union save millions of dollarsWescom Credit Union increases lending decision accuracy by at least 50%.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Improving loss ratios and profitabilityTriad Analytic Solutions helps insurers benefit from advanced analytics.
- Artículo Empty shelves: The retail analytical talent deficitIf you already have an analytics team, you know how hard it is to attract and retain top talent. If you're trying to build a team, here are some ways to find (and keep) the analytical experts you need.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Optimizing cancer patient care with advanced analyticsSAS Viya helps create custom care pathways for Oscar Lambret Center cancer patients.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Italy’s second-largest hospital uses advanced analytics for effective pandemic responseGemelli University Hospital uses SAS solutions to predict admissions of patients in the intensive care units and impacts on the organization, from staffing hospital wards to effectively scheduling and managing COVID-19 vaccine administration.
- Artículo Load Forecasting: Ensuring supply meets energy demandLoad forecasting helps energy suppliers meet demand for residential and commercial customers. As renewable energy resources increase, the necessity for a technology platform that adapts to load forecasting requirements becomes crucial.
- White Paper The Artificial Intelligence of Things We’re living in a world that has more connected devices than humans. See how AI amplifies the value and potential of this fast-growing Internet of Things.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA SAS es líder en The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023.The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023 reconoce a SAS por integrar a la perfección analítica de primera clase para la toma de decisiones.
- White Paper Seven trends that will transform bankingAdvanced analytics and big data are enabling smarter decisions and more efficient processes, from credit to compliance and risk management.
- Webinar Have Your Cake and Eat It Too – With R, Python + SASJoin us for a webinar and demo and learn how SAS works with R and Python to easily scale your data science efforts for enterprise analytics deployment.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Manufacturing smarter, safer vehicles with analyticsKia Motors America relies on advanced analytics and artificial intelligence solutions from SAS to improve its products, services and customer satisfaction.
- Artículo Contact tracing investigations for public health: Technology enhances epidemic investigationWhat was once a cumbersome process that relied on an individual’s often incomplete or inaccurate memory, contact tracing investigations for public health has entered the digital era thanks to advanced analytics and data visualization.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE La selección francesa de rugby aumenta su rendimiento con IA y analíticaLa Federación Francesa de Rugby cuenta con la inteligencia obtenida de SAS Viya en Microsoft Azure para orientar las decisiones de los entrenadores y mejorar el rendimiento de los jugadores.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyondTelefónica Ecuador accelerates digital transformation, improves campaigns and achieves growth via intelligent decisioning powered by SAS.
- Artículo How police forces can use data to prevent crimePolice need to be given better access to data that will drive actionable intelligence and free up time to concentrate on investigating crime on the front line rather than dealing with time-consuming administrative tasks behind the scenes
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Knowing the who, informs the whatThe New Zealand Ministry of Health established the Virtual Data Registry to more accurately identify diabetes sufferers and citizens likely to contract diabetes. They'll use the database to inform policy and spending decisions that will ensure better care for those patients.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Decision Intelligence 2024
- White Paper Machine Learning With SAS® Enterprise Miner™Learn how SAS modelers prepared data and applied different machine learning techniques to create and identify the most accurate model for predicting churn using KDD Cup data.
- Artículo Key questions to kick off your data analytics projectsThere’s no single blueprint for starting a data analytics project. Technology expert Phil Simon suggests these 10 questions as a guide.
- Artículo Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisisMany circumstances call for situational awareness – that is, being mindful of what’s present and happening around you. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened this need, as leaders across industries used analytics and visualization to gain real-time situational awareness and respond with fast, critical decisions.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Making prisons and communities safer with data visualizationIowa Department of Corrections uses SAS Viya on SAS Cloud to better manage supervised populations, make informed decisions and improve public safety.
- Artículo Will health care be fundamentally changed post-COVID-19?Many market forces are supporting the transformation to virtual digital health programs -- the COVID-19 pandemic is just the latest compelling event.
- White Paper Redefine Your Analytics Journey With Interactive Data Exploration and Predictive AnalyticsWhat if your analytics journey were easier? It can be, in five easy steps. Learn how SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Visual Statistics together can provide a fast, fun way to explore data, build models and find the best performer.
- Webinar Getting Started With Geo Analysis in SAS® Visual AnalyticsSeeing is believing. Learn the geo analysis capabilities available in SAS Visual Analytics, available out of the box and through Esri integration.
- Webinar Five Imperatives for the Analytic ExecutiveLearn what it takes to capitalize on the analytics economy and generate substantial business value.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Using artificial intelligence to better engage with customersDaiwa Securities uses analytics and machine learning from SAS to better meet customer needs.
- White Paper Utility analytics in 2017: Aligning data and analytics with business strategyTo better understand organizational readiness for analytics and key areas of analytic priority in this diverse business landscape, SAS conducted an industry survey. The survey explored the issues and trends that are shaping how utilities are deploying data and analytics to achieve their business goals.
- Artículo Skip the fire drillsStop reinventing the wheel each time someone in your organization rings an alarm bell. Think people, process, technology and culture if you want to create repeatable models.
- Artículo Can sensing cities become thinking and responsive cities?In the vision of the sensing city, sensors will gather data to monitor everything from noise levels to water use, in real time and at a very granular level. Can the resulting data be analyzed to improve the lives of citizens?
- Artículo Concussion: Journalist crunches the numbers and breaks a scandalHow Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Alan Schwarz used his stats background to achieve the most remarkable feat in sports journalism history.
- White Paper Leveraging data successfully for developmentThe Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a survey of global data scientists and professionals on their use and interest in data analytics. One of the key themes from the research was the desire to improve development using data – ranging from policymaking to education and health care.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysisThe North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center uses SAS Viya on SAS Cloud to improve data accessibility and efficiencies in gathering and reporting state and county criminal justice statistics to stakeholders, policymakers and citizens.
- White Paper TDWI Best Practices Report | Faster Insights from Faster Dataresearch report on improving speed to insight
- Artículo ModelOps: How to operationalize the model life cycleModelOps is where analytical models are cycled from the data science team to the IT production team in a regular cadence of deployment and updates. In the race to realizing value from AI models, it’s a winning ingredient that only a few companies are using.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategyauxmoney saves resources, gains flexibility and scalability with risk management in the SAS Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure.
- White Paper Solving the public services productivity puzzleIn Global Government Forum’s survey, 91% of public service respondents said they face a productivity challenge, with 56% characterizing it as significant or very significant.
- White Paper The impact of data and analytics on local governmentGlobally, data and analytics usage for local governments is on the rise. From planning to operational impact, municipalities benefit from data-driven decision making and data sharing. And the ultimate winners are its citizens, offering better use of taxpayer funding and improved living conditions.
- Artículo Is your data too big to visualize?Use these tips to find new ways to look at big data, so you can quickly collapse and condense the results in an intuitive fashion.
- E-book How to Maximize the Impact of your AnalyticsFind out the results of our latest research, which revealed that the use of analytics is continuing to evolve in most organizations and that many organizations are on the path to using analytics strategically.
- Artículo Proactive detection – A new approach to counter terrorTo counter terror, investigative teams can better utilize the data they already have by applying a fresh approach with these steps to proactive detection.
- Entrevista Data visualization: A wise investment in your big data futureData visualization technologies can help the practice of data-driven decision making really take hold. But putting data visualization software in the hands of business users? Is it crazy – or crazy smart?
- Artículo Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
- White Paper Making the case: The ROI of demand managementThis paper shows how to determine the value of improving the credibility of the demand plan. Several templates are included to help in quantifying and documenting the return on investment.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hubMedical research facility Black Dog Institute partners with SAS to support health care workers’ mental well-being.
- Artículo Location intelligence: Adding geospatial context to BI Get tips for implementing a location intelligence data strategy from industry thought leader and data explorer, Jen Underwood.
- Series Data drives destinyUS community colleges need to train 11 million more skilled workers by 2025. Karen Stout, CEO, Achieving the Dream, explains how data can make it happen.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experienceHome Credit modernizes its marketing with SAS® Customer Intelligence 360 to increase engagement, boost efficiency and reduce costs
- White Paper Using Agriculture Analytics to Improve Field TrialsCutting-edge research and development firms can operationalize streaming weather data, multidimensional observations and volumes of drone-collected data. But most product developers struggle to capture a fraction of their data’s value.
- Artículo Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new worldWhat is the interplay between man and machine in a brave new world with AI?
- E-book Rising Waters and Rapid ResponsesGet an insider’s view of the tools and strategies that some leaders in flood management are already deploying to better protect their citizens, as well as case studies that show how these approaches work in real-world applications.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Victor FangLike many in Silicon Valley, Victor Fang has been a data scientist since before the title was coined. Read this analytical professional's Q&A.
- Webinar SAS® Viya® and the cloud: How SAS is changing the game it inventedJoin this webinar to learn how to make the most of cloud migration with SAS Viya.
- Artículo Viking transforms its analytics strategy using SAS® Viya® on AzureViking is going all-in on cloud-based analytics to stay competitive and meet customer needs. The retailer's digital transformation are designed to optimize processes and boost customer loyalty and revenue across channels.
- E-book Building your data and analytics strategyLaunch successful data analytics projects, improve data prep and go beyond conventional data governance. Read on to help your organization become truly data-driven.
- E-book Make Every Voice Heard with Natural Language ProcessingNatural language processing: The communication link between human and machine intelligence.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE French fintech modernizes its analytics approach with SAS ViyaAs UTWIN’s insurance business grows, SAS Viya enhances efficiency and democratizes analytics among management, business teams and partners.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoringS-Bank provides better customer service and faster, more accurate loan processing time using SAS Viya on Azure.
- Artículo Student growth measures show the way to educational successStudent test scores don’t tell the whole story about how students are performing. Educators are finding new ways to measure progress.
- White Paper How will generative AI influence forecasting software?Delve into what potential applications of AI, particularly large language models (LLMs) within a forecasting support system (FSS), along with identifying obstacles to the widespread adoption of these technologies.
- Artículo Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to knowMachine learning and fraud analytics are critical components of a fraud detection toolkit. Discover what you’ll need to get started defending against fraud – from integrating supervised and unsupervised machine learning in operations to maintaining customer service.
- Caso de estudio Thwarting disruption with strategic investments in innovationNational Australia Bank turns to innovative strategies, like hackathons, to find new solutions to emerging challenges.
- Series Data drives destinyUS community colleges need to train 11 million more skilled workers by 2025. Karen Stout, CEO, Achieving the Dream, explains how data can make it happen.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Nationwide reduces fraud losses by 75%The world's largest building society chose SAS to lower its fraud losses - it realized a reduction of 75%.
- Artículo ¿Qué son los chatbots?Los chatbots son una forma de IA conversacional diseñada para simplificar la interacción humana con las computadoras. Aprende cómo se utilizan los chatbots en las empresas, cómo pueden incorporarse a las aplicaciones analíticas
- White Paper Channeling Streaming Data for Competitive AdvantageDiscover how and why innovative companies are transforming business operations by using streaming analytics to extract meaning from live data streams as data is created, and automate reactions to it with millisecond response times.
- Series Data drives destinyUS community colleges need to train 11 million more skilled workers by 2025. Karen Stout, CEO, Achieving the Dream, explains how data can make it happen.
- Artículo Practical advice for better business forecastingCheck out three short videos with simple, practical advice for improving business forecasting at your organization.
- White Paper Improving disaster response efforts through dataThis article explores the use of data and analytics in areas of social and economic development, including disaster management. The article was created with data from a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit of data scientists and professionals in the public and private sectors globally.
- Artículo Is open data the next step in digitization?Norwegian Tax Director Hans Christian Holte has seen how the state benefits from opening data sources to public analysis. How could it benefit you?
- Artículo Five ways to approach analytics differentlyGo beyond the conventional, the insane and the dabbling. Here are 5 ways to rethink how you do analytics.
- Artículo Using data to change the worldApplying data science for social good has led to new and creative ways to address issues related to education, poverty, health, human rights, the environment and more.
- White Paper The Power of CollaborationThis white paper explains the need for and value of the collaboration and self-service capabilities that SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Office Analytics provide. It provides how-to specifics for incorporating SAS Visual Analytics results with Microsoft Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Word and SharePoint with plenty of screen shots, explanations and architecture diagrams for IT.
- White Paper Thirsting for Insight? “Unpolluted” data is core to a successful business – particularly one that relies on analytics to survive. But preparing data for analytics is full of challenges. By some reports, most data scientists spend 50 to 80 percent of their model development time on data preparation tasks. SAS adheres to five data management best practices that help you access, cleanse, transform and shape your raw data for any analytic purpose. With a trusted data quality foundation and analytics-ready data, you can gain deeper insights, embed that knowledge into models, share new discoveries and automate decision-making processes to build a data-driven business.
- Artículo ¿Qué son las alucinaciones de IA?Separar la realidad de la ficción generada por la IA puede ser difícil. Aprende cómo los grandes modelos lingüísticos pueden fallar y conducir a alucinaciones de IA y descubre cómo utilizar la GenAI de forma responsable.
- White Paper Using Analytics to Improve Customer EngagementThe MIT Sloan Management Review's eighth annual Data & Analytics Global Executive Study and Research Report has released its latest findings regarding organizational use of analytics. Innovators continue to glean analytical insights, noting the use of data from multiple sources including customers, vendors, regulators and, in some cases, competitors.
- Artículo Could APIs provide advanced analytics for the masses?Find out how APIs could make advanced analytics more prevalent and open up entire new markets to using the predictive capabilities of analytics.
- Artículo Student lands dream job with help from SASA strong partnership between the University of Alabama and SAS put Cameron Jagoe on a path that led to his dream job with US Bank.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Maximizing Innovation in Digitally Maturing Process ManufacturingThis report outlines the roadmap that digitally maturing process manufacturers must follow to identify and build the core competencies needed to use transformation as a competitive advantage.
- Webinar The promise of data fabrics for analytics and better decisionsDiscover how to make analytically driven decisions and realize the value of data assets.
- Entrevista The University of Alabama makes better decisions through education analyticsAt the University of Alabama, the Office of Institutional Research and Assessments uses analytics and data visualizations to uncover better student outcomes.
- White Paper Workforce AnalyticsThis paper explores how government HR functions can use advanced analytics, machine learning and AI to develop effective plans to meet hiring, retention and performance goals.
- Artículo Five questions to help bridge the analytics gapEveryone is turning to analytics for a competitive edge. But the real advantage is in using analytics as a tool for exploration and innovation.
- Artículo Shut the front door on insurance application fraud!Fraudsters love the ease of plying their trade over digital channels. Smart insurance companies are using data from those channels (device fingerprint, IP address, geolocation, etc.) coupled with analytics and machine learning to detect insurance application fraud perpetrated by agents, customers and fraud rings.
- Artículo The future of IoT: On the edgeFrom cows to factory floors, the IoT promises intriguing opportunities for business. Find out how three experts envision the future of IoT.
- Artículo Streaming data: The ins and outs of this technology buzzwordLearn what streaming data is, why it matters to your business and how it relates to big data, event stream processing, data management and the IoT.
- Artículo How to drill a better hole with analyticsFrom drilling holes to preventing health care fraud, learn about some of the new technologies SAS has patented with IoT and machine learning technologies.
- White Paper The Machine Learning LandscapeThis paper, for novice and intermediate data scientists, talks about the four widely recognized machine learning styles and their common uses, data and modeling methodologies, and popular algorithms for solving machine learning problems.
- Series Women in analytics: Elisa Gois, MGM ResortsElisa Gois, Chief Analytics Officer for MGM Resorts, went from social work to the C-suite. Here are her top four tips for a successful career in analytics.
- White Paper How to Do Deep Learning With SAS® Get an introduction to deep learning techniques and applications, and learn how SAS supports the creation of deep neural network models.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI / ML Platforms, Q3 2024
- Artículo What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common?Law enforcement and public safety agencies must wrangle diverse data sets – such as data from drones – in their proactive policing operations. To be most effective, they need modern tools that support AI techniques like machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Making buildings – and business – more secure with analytics and AIIndustrial company Comelit Group harnesses the power of SAS Viya 4 to modernize how decisions are made, combining the most successful analytics and AI platform with the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.
- White Paper Unleashing the Power of Text Analytics for Travel Discover how text analytics can improve the way your travel organization runs its business – from marketing to operations to revenue management.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Managing mergers and analytics: Ensuring reliable energy by eliminating riskWhen the Belgian grid operators Eandis, Infrax and Integan merged into Fluvius, the new company turned to SAS for an analytics solution to screen its procurement systems and identify risks at an early stage.
- Artículo From lab to lifeOnce you've created your analytical model, you need to put it to use. Here are tips from finance industry experts to get your models in the hands of users.
- White Paper The Analytic EnterpriseMaking sense of enterprise data takes the right people with the right skills - and a solid strategy. This paper outlines what successful organizations do to make data work for them.
- White Paper Using a Hybrid Open Source and Commercial Analytics EcosystemAs more companies make the move to advanced analytics such as machine learning, they will need to decide whether to use open source, commercial products, or a combination of the two. An analysis in this TDWI report shows there are benefits to utilizing both.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Self-service analytics advances higher educationThe University of Central Florida depends on analytics and data visualization to uncover insights for increased student success.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Providing the best medical care via analyticsCrouse Hospital improves patient outcomes with data-driven approach.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analyticsBausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall uses SAS® Viya® to identify forged income documents
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA The Total Economic Impact™ Of SAS Viya On AzureMicrosoft and SAS commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study and examine the potential return on investment enterprises may realize by deploying SAS Viya on Azure.
- Artículo Equifax uses trended data to better qualify loan applicantsMachine learning for credit scoring has helped Equifax analyze consumer data over time to determine which borrowers are trending in a positive direction and develop a more accurate measure than credit scores.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Improving data collection and modeling to accelerate predictive medicine effortsDompé farmaceutici uses SAS for predictive analytics and quantitative disease modeling.
- Artículo Internet of things applications across multiple industriesLearn about existing Internet of Things applications in five industries, and get advice on how to develop your own Internet of Things applications.
- E-book Resilience: The best way to beat coronavirusTo be truly resilient means proactively seeking ways to ensure operational and financial stability no matter the circumstances. In this e-book, we explore digital transformation’s role in reimagining the world beyond COVID-19; how operational agility builds resilience; the five pillars of organizational resilience and more.
- White Paper SAS® in the Open EcosystemAnalytics professionals can create, experiment, test and deploy analytics using different methods, languages and skill sets – within one cohesive platform – while IT can easily govern all analytical assets in a centralized manner and scale big data processing power as needed.
- Artículo Sensing a disturbance in the dataAs IoT data unites with event stream processing (ESP), these combined forces will automatically sense data pattern deviations and trigger immediate response.
- White Paper The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of ThingsExplore how AI and IoT work together to deliver everything from improved threat detection to better customer engagement for utilities.
- Series How to get the most value from your data scientistsHiring data scientists isn’t enough. This excerpt from an MIT Sloan report offers advice on how to best manage these analytic professionals.
- Artículo Intelligent policing: Data visualization helps crack down on crimeLearn how data visualization can give police real-time views of locations enriched with other data to help them make intelligent, fact-based decisions.
- Artículo Bringing data to the streamHow much do we know about fresh water systems and the dynamic nature of streams and rivers? Find out how one data scientist turned his fascination with streams and rivers into a career.
- Series Use education dashboards to publicize the value of analyticsHow can education institutions show the effectiveness of their analytics and visualizations? Think about publicizing your key dashboards.
- White Paper Sales & Marketing Report 2017 - The Digital ExperienceCGT’s Sales & Marketing Report 2017, sponsored by SAS, looks at progress on several key topics, including supply chain, trade promotion, direct-to-consumer marketing, data and analytics, security and the digital enterprise.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA SAS Inside Intelligence 2023 ConferenceThis IDC Link focuses on SAS' responsible innovation initiative and the importance of building trust, transparency and information privacy in machine learning and AI life cycle technologies and applications.
- White Paper The 3 R’s of AI Adoption: Refactor, Reinvent, ReimagineLearn how organizations are using AI to refactor, reimage and reinvent business as usual. Understand the relative impacts on business process, analytics and data practices, and DevOps at each level of adoption.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Conservation efforts take flight with analyticsThe Royal Society for the Protection of Birds uses SAS to help safeguard wildlife.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemicFPS Public Health uses SAS to forecast hospital bed occupancy, predict infection rates and ensure sufficient medical staffing during global health crisis.
- Series Lessons learned, looking forwardHow can community colleges train the next generation of skilled workers? Karen Stout, CEO, Achieving the Dream, discusses the role of analytics.
- Artículo Three C’s of the connected customer in the IoTTo optimize the connected customer experience, Blue Hill Research says organizations should build an IoT model based on three key features.
- Artículo Resilience in the face of unpredictabilityUnpredictability can “shatter and reshape” a society. And in these unpredictable times, it is important to remain resilient and be prepared to bounce back. This article explores what it truly means to be resilient, how to build it, and how analytics can help you act when your resilience is tested.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor AssessmentLearn why SAS is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide responsible artificial intelligence for integrated financial crime management platforms.
- White Paper Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud preventionThe Economist explores how global financial institutions are using advanced technologies such as machine learning to support fraud and security intelligence.
- Artículo IoT in health care: Unlocking true, value-based careGiven the potential of IoT – and the challenges of already overburdened health care systems around the world – we can’t afford not to integrate IoT in health care.
- White Paper Field Experience in Embedded AnalyticsA discussion summary from International Institute for Analytics
- E-book Innovation: From data to businessReport on findings from a global expert interview study on the topic of analytics driven innovation; Peer insights to help navigate the journey from data to innovation.
- E-book Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovationsThis e-book features top solutions showcasing how global Hackathon teams used SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop innovative approaches that save time, money, and entire ecosystems, such as the world's coral reefs.
- White Paper How to realize value from cloud analytics faster — and with less cost and riskIn just a few years’ time, analytic and AI models have gone from being on-premises “pet projects” and proofs of concept to high-volume mission-critical technologies developed and deployed in the cloud to support business decisions at scale. But as Foundry’s survey reveals, most IT departments haven’t evolved how they will support and enable the new world of cloud analytics at scale.
- White Paper Leadership and Big Data InnovationA Harvard Business Review Key Learning Summary
- E-book Governments leading through changeIn this e-book, SAS has collected the wisdom and stories of the government agencies that are rising to the challenges of our times and applying analytics to drive evidence-based decision making. These stories are pulled from every sector of government and are relevant across all sectors because they each share innovative new ways to respond to a changing landscape.
- White Paper Forecast Value Added Analysis: Step-by-StepThis paper discusses how the forecast value added (FVA) metric can be used to identify waste in forecasting processes and expose factors that diminish accuracy. The author provides detailed instruction on using FVA: from gathering data, to conducting analysis, to effectively reporting the results to management. He also discusses the real-world results of FVA analysis at companies from a variety of industries.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Un planeta más saludable a través de la innovación en biocienciasLa empresa de biotecnología más sostenible del mundo, Chr. Hansen, utiliza SAS Analytics para desarrollar probióticos naturales efectivos para la salud animal, lo que permite a los agricultores producir alimentos seguros y de alta calidad para los consumidores globales.
- White Paper The Use of Open Source is Growing. So Why Do Organizations Still Turn to SAS?This conclusions paper summarizes a session at the 2014 Hadoop Summit presented by Brian Garrett, Principal Solutions Architect at SAS Institute Inc. titled, “With the Rise of Open Source, Why Organizations Still Turn to SAS.” In it, he explains why corporate analytics requirements are best served when companies run both SAS enterprise-class analytics solutions and open source solutions together. Garrett explains how these technologies meet different needs and co-exist well. He also highlights recent SAS software enhancements that allow analysts to incorporate R algorithms into analytic processes as part of a comprehensive, enterprise-class SAS analytics platform.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safetyThe West Virginia Fusion Center uses SAS Law Enforcement Intelligence on Microsoft Azure to manage data, share information and help agencies solve and prevent crimes.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residentsJakarta and SAS team up to create an award-winning approach to public services and disaster management.
- Artículo Why you should care about episode analyticsThe future of value-based health care requires a better understanding of how patients are treated for thousands of conditions. Only episode analytics can uncover the insights payers and providers need.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA dbInsight: SAS Viya is living large on AzureLearn how Azure provides the onramp to a new customer base to take advantage of SAS capabilities without having to make big enterprise software commitments.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Data-Driven Grid Reliability: IoT Sensing and Analytics to Enable Predictive Maintenance and Improve ResiliencyLearn how the emergence of artificial intelligence, IoT sensors, advanced analytics and predictive maintenance within utility distribution systems can significantly improve reliability and build resiliency in the power grid.
- E-book Why choose a career in analytics?Why are analytics careers so hot? A few years ago, a Harvard Business Review article by Thomas Davenport, “Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” brought analytics as a career choice into the mainstream. Then there was a recent McKinsey study that predicts 3 million big data jobs will need to be filled in the US alone. Businesses, governments and nonprofits all use analytics every single day. To make decisions. Make a difference. And do more with less. Read this e-book to see where a career in analytics could take you. Your dream job awaits.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Identifying potential trouble spotsFlorida DOC turns to SAS Analytics to help improve citizen safety.
- E-book Out in the open with analyticsLearn how businesses in multiple industries are combining the benefits of SAS and open source analytics, integrating disparate code and information to deploy models and deliver critical results.
- Series Women in Analytics: Susan Weidner, IntrinsiQ Specialty SolutionsPractical advice for women interested in pursuing a career in analytics. Mentors were key for Weidner, now a Senior VP at IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions.
- White Paper Using Big Data to Enable the Omnichannel Retail ExperienceAs trends in consumer buying patterns continue to evolve, retailers need solutions that can derive deep data analytic insights to provide a more sophisticated, centralized view of their customers’ preferences and buying journeys.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Manuel David GarciaWhile he did study statistics, operations research and relational marketing, Data Scientist Manuel-David Garcia's "real school" came from on-the-job-training.
- White Paper What Makes a Data Scientist Great?A collection of interviews with top data scientists, who talk about problem solving, creative approaches to data, tenacity and the surprising importance of relationships.
- E-book Innovation driven by strategyFrom curing diseases to studying the sun, innovative uses of analytics are changing the world. Download this e-book to see where tomorrow’s technologies are happening today. You’ll find out how analytics technologies are being used for cybersecurity, machine learning, the Internet of Things and more. If you’re looking for inspiration, see where this e-book takes you.
- White Paper Portrait of a CAOOur latest eBook is an interview and blended profile of a government agency’s first Chief Analytics Officer. While the profiled CAO is fictitious, the ideas, processes and strategies within the book are real and proven. And although the industry focus is government, the eBook offers insights on the challenges and experiences of the CAO in any industry.
- E-book Your guide to bridging the analytics skills gap This e-book pulls together five customer interviews to explain where analytics skills are needed in different industries (from journalism to insurance to government). The customers explain how to provide training and cultural changes to support analytics careers.
- Webinar Real-Time Predictive Analytics: Uncovering Opportunities and Barriers at the Speed of Data FlowJoin us as we discuss how SAS® Event Stream Processing can help organizations uncover data anomalies instantly, before trouble starts or opportunity passes
- Artículo How researchers are fighting cancer with analyticsThanks partly to analytics, cancer survival rates are higher, treatments are more personalized and cancer research continues to expand.
- White Paper Rethinking Enterprise BI to Fit a Self-Service WorldSelf-service enterprise BI best practices
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Delivery company relies on analytics to optimize logistics and swiftly meet changing marketplace dynamicsRelais Colis reinvents itself during global pandemic using SAS Visual Analytics to ensure continuity of business and quality of service.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA IDC Spotlight: Looking Beyond the AI Model to Improve the Value of Computer Vision in Manufacturing OperationsThis IDC Spotlight explores the increasing adoption of computer vision (CV) by manufacturers, and how in order to succeed, they must focus on more than just model development, validation and deployment. SAS delivers a comprehensive portfolio of tools, software and resources – integrated into SAS Viya – to develop and deploy CV solutions.
- Artículo What is omnichannel analytics?Omnichannel analytics used to mean recognizing and marketing to customers across all channels. Now, smart retailers know it can, and must, mean so much more.
- White Paper From Value to Vision: Reimagining the Possible with Data Analytics
- Webinar Building and Maintaining Data Science TalentHear diverse perspectives on how to address the data science skills shortage through talent development programs, partnerships with academic institutions and more.
- White Paper Top 5 insurance problems – and AI isn’t one of themAs all players in the insurance ecosystem know – insurers to reinsurers, GSIs and regulators – the industry faces a multitude of daunting business problems today. In this paper, we discuss five of the most pressing insurance problems, how they affect communities around the world, and obstacles that can get in the way of solving those challenges. Read the paper to learn how insurers can use AI to identify and solve far-reaching issues. And learn why it will take the entire insurance ecosystem to course correct on business results, climate risk, AI safety and governance, and more.
- White Paper TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoTcustomer data, IoT
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Forecasting accuracy brings ‘new energy’ to CameroonEnergy supplier Eneo balances supply and demand to boost efficiency, save millions and improve reliability with SAS Energy Forecasting.
- Webinar From Idea to Action: The Keys to Real-World Evidence and AnalyticsReal-world data is the latest industry buzz, but is it that valuable? Without the power of analytics, it might not be.
- Webinar What Are Current Challenges and Opportunities in Analytics?Learn about the analytics process model.
- Artículo Respond, recover and reimagineDisruptions to our lives happen regularly, though most are not as far-reaching as the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever their nature, it’s helpful to have a plan for how to exit disruption still on your feet and in the game. Learn about the three-phase approach SAS recommends for mitigating widespread disturbances.
- Artículo Cómo Walmart hace que los datos funcionen para sus clientesConsejos del mayor minorista del mundo sobre la construcción de una infraestructura que haga que los datos funcionen para sus 240 millones de clientes a la semana.
- Artículo People analytics: Make smarter decisionsWith deep insights gained from people analytics, HR leaders can become trusted, strategic advisers to hiring managers and the executive team.
- Artículo Unlocking a strategic approach to data and AIAI is only as good as the data that powers it – this is a fundamental truth about data and AI that defines the limits of what’s possible with artificial intelligence. It may seem surprising, but it's rarely a bad algorithm or a bad learning model that causes AI failures. It's not the math or the science. More often, it's the quality of the data being used to answer the question.
- Webinar How Do I Migrate SAS® Event Stream Processing Workloads to Microsoft Azure?Learn how SAS and Microsoft work together to seamlessly migrate SAS Event Stream Processing workloads to Microsoft Azure.
- Artículo Keeping an open mind about open analyticsSome of the smartest data science teams are using SAS alongside open source analytics. Find out how you can use both and deploy all models consistently.
- White Paper Four Elements of Sustainability AnalyticsDirectors at consumer-packaged goods manufacturers who embrace sustainability grow their revenue while improving lives and environmental outcomes.
- Artículo Understanding data in motionLearn how to analyze fast-moving data streams on the fly with event stream processing.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE SAS Viya and open source: Innovation through collaborationHealth insurer Techniker Krankenkasse works with SAS to build innovative pattern recognition capabilities.
- Entrevista How does a center of excellence really work?At the Cincinnati Insurance Companies, analytics is bridging the gulf between IT and business units and leading by example to form common measures and objectives.
- E-book How Can Retailers Satisfy Today's Customers? With omnichannel analytics, you can use all the data you’re collecting on multiple channels, combine it with product data to improve all retail operations, while also improving the customer experience.
- White Paper Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new worldMachine learning in the last few decades has given way to an AI revolution. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, learn more about the endless possibilities for these developing technologies.
- Artículo Using Hadoop as an Analytics CatalystLearn how to get the most out of Hadoop by developing a sound strategy for analyzing data in this new storage environment.
- Entrevista Location analytics: Why adding where makes BI betterLearn how location analytics can enrich your BI endeavors by blending geographic data, spatial analysis and business data for deeper insights.
- Artículo Lessons from the trackDoes your organization have an analytics DNA? Here's a baker's dozen of tips for building a healthy, happy data-driven enterprise that can go the distance.
- White Paper The secret to IT success? Enabling choice and control SAS can support an organziation's journey toward becoming a data- and analytics-driven organization. We can help unlock the value by enabling with choices that make sense. Plus, we can show organizations how to get the most out of technology investments.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Property experts open analytics to new marketsNVM enhances real estate analytics with SAS Viya open architecture.
- White Paper Pioneering Ethical AI: The Crucial Role of Property and Casualty InsurersInsurers have long been global leaders in addressing risks and protecting people and businesses. As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize how business gets done, it is redefining how insurers can deliver on their promises. Read this paper to learn from industry veterans and AI experts alike about: • The state of AI regulations globally. • The multifaceted role insurers can play in developing AI ethics. • Why insurers are uniquely qualified to use AI (and GenAI) – and how they’re using these technologies today. • An approach to an ethical AI framework that any insurer can follow to establish their own AI narrative.
- Artículo Wanted: AI leadersDo you have what it takes to be an AI leader? In this growing field, people skills, innovation and ethics are more important than expertise in artificial intelligence technologies.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE World’s largest sports and humanitarian event builds legacy of inclusion with data-driven technologySpecial Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi uses SAS® Analytics and AI solutions to keep athletes safe and fans engaged.
- White Paper Getting Value From Your Data ScientistsSimply hiring expensive data scientists isn’t enough. To create real business value with data scientists, top management must learn how to manage them effectively. Based on a survey of more than 300 analytics professionals (of which about one-third were self-described data scientists) working in different types of US companies, this report describes: · Why data scientists differ from other types of analysts. · Seven steps to managing data scientists for business value. · How analysts and data scientists view their work and their place in the organization.
- Artículo How to add analytics to your application development pipelineHow can you improve time to market for apps, improve analytics inside apps and let app developers focus on what they do best? With an open analytics platform.
- Artículo How to create your own organizational think tank Analytics today is about looking to the future for answers. Two retail analytics leaders share their ideas for creating a smart team of diverse experts to shape your strategic focus.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Protecting nature with dollars and senseThe Nature Conservancy uses SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to modernize its marketing strategy and maximize donations for a more sustainable planet.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Changing the data conversation in Ohio schoolsHow the Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center is transforming education one data conversation at a time
- Series Women in analytics: Susan Thomas, GM FinancialWhen Susan Thomas graduated with a technical degree in the 80s, everyone assumed she'd teach. Instead, she became a coder and programmer.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Enhancing road safety with advanced analyticsBelgium’s FPS Justice uses insights from SAS Visual Analytics to crack down on excessive speeding and take more effective action against traffic violators.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Travel and tourism forecasts become more accurate with analyticsDER Touristik builds web-based planning tool with SAS to better predict future demand and quickly react to changes in the market.
- White Paper TDWI Checklist Report Analytics for Everyone: Seven Tips for Promoting Analytics AdoptionChecklist Report on democratizing analytics
- Artículo Can data sharing lead to cancer discoveries?Clinical trials can bring new drugs – and new hope – to the market for cancer patients. Now, a new data sharing platform for clinical trial data brings even more hope.
- E-book White Paper Tomorrow's telcoCSPs spend more than 50 percent of their budgets on growing their networks, but few use analytics to guide capacity-planning decisions. Studies and surveys show that churn is a direct result of CSPs not knowing their customers well. How can CSPs learn to do more with less? The answer is advanced analytics.
- Artículo Three reasons reporting and analytics projects fail and how to avoid the pitfallsLearn how to deal with three potential risk areas before you dive into a reporting and analytics project.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Filling the business analytics skills gapThe University of Alabama graduates students capable of solving big, messy, real-world business challenges
- Series Meet the data scientist: Kristin CarneyWhen Kristin Carney graduated with a BS in mathematics, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her degree. That’s when she began researching data science.
- Artículo Five AI TechnologiesDo you know the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning? And can you explain why computer vision is an AI technology? Find out in this short explainer.
- Artículo Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
- E-book Public procurement integrity at riskFraud, waste and abuse (FWA) take many forms, from duplicate invoices, ghost vendors and fake invoices to overbilling billing for goods. This e-book explores the procure-to-pay lifecycle, obstacles to spotting FWA, how to strengthen government procurement, hat's possible in the real world and how a data and AI-driven approach leads to greater productivity.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Hospitals save time and money with real-time medical device tracking Jan Yperman Hospital uses Blyott and SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya to monitor hospital asset locations and ensure optimal purchasing decisions.
- Artículo Inside sports analytics: Ten lessons for business leadersPost "Moneyball" many sports teams take a highly analytical approach to winning, and there are several important lessons that businesses can learn. These 10 tips come from research Thomas H. Davenport conducted on more than 25 professional teams.
- Artículo The OODA LoopApplying the military’s OODA Loop (observation, orientation, decision and action) to data helps organizations decide and act more quickly. That equals victory in today’s business wars.
- Artículo How health care leaders deployed analytics when crisis hitDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, some health care providers were well-positioned to respond to rapid changes in demand. The factor that most distinguished them was that they already had a strong capacity in place for using data to inform decisions. Read about three key takeaways from their experiences.
- White Paper Optimize Your Launch Sequence StrategiesThis white paper explores how the SAS® solution for launch revenue optimization enables global pricing teams to simulate and optimize launch timing and pricing decisions based on the predicted effect on global revenue.
- White Paper Data, Analytics & AI: How Trust Delivers ValueThe annual Data and Analytics Global Executive Study with MIT Sloan Management Review looks at how 2,400 global business leaders make decisions based on analytics insights.
- Artículo Homelessness data holds insights to a hidden problemSAS partnered with The Carying Place, an organization that supports working homeless families, to find new ways to measure indicators of participant success and provide families the help they deserve.
- Artículo Harnessing synthetic data to fuel AI breakthroughsLearn why synthetic data is vital for data-hungry AI initiatives, how businesses use it to unlock growth, and how it can help address ethical challenges.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Modern, real-time marketing grew membership and incremental sales for leading grocery retailerMigros uses SAS MarTech solutions to personalize customer journeys, optimize campaign strategies and enhance customer engagement.
- Artículo Turning the analytical talent gap into an analytical talent dividendHow important is analytical talent to your organization? If you’re aiming to become data-driven and turn data into insights, make it a top priority.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Electric co-op forecasts demand and transmission needs NOVEC, a regional electricity cooperative, relies on SAS to forecast demand for power as well as for future infrastructure needs.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Solving crime in less time with analyticsDelaware State Police use law enforcement solutions from SAS to help identify suspects, crack cases and protect communities.
- White Paper Recommendation SystemsIn this paper, Wayne Thompson, PhD, Manager of Data Sciences Technologies at SAS answers common questions about the types of recommendation systems used today, who uses them and why, and the advantages of using them for businesses today. He also delves into how the underlying technology typically works, with a special focus on SAS capabilities and benefits.
- White Paper Field Experience in Embedded AnalyticsFast-track selected analytics into the could by leveraging expertise, using the latest methods, and focusing on the end state. Find ways to create more business value with analytics in the cloud – and ways to get there faster.
- Artículo Machine learning for beginners and beyondWhether you’re an experienced data scientist or a machine learning beginner, you’ll appreciate these 10 tips for getting started with machine learning.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Taking the guesswork out of production planningEuramax uses SAS to prevent production delays
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE One of the largest multi-sport clubs in Portugal aims to win big with analyticsSport Lisboa e Benfica modernizes its operations with SAS Analytics, as it looks to expand internationally.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Leading cruise line personalizes passengers’ onboard experience in real timeNorwegian Cruise Line Holdings uses SAS to transform onboard experiences for passengers with prompt personalized communications
- White Paper ModelOps: Maximizing Value Across the Analytics Life CycleLearn how “ModelOps,” an emerging analytics methodology, can help organizations operationalize the full analytics life cycle at scale.
- Artículo Improve child welfare through analyticsWith tremendous potential for child welfare agencies to use data and analytics to prevent child abuse and improve outcomes for children and families, child welfare advocates discuss the benefits of using data and establishing a data-driven culture to advance practice and policy.
- White Paper Closing the OODA Loop: Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Decision MakingCompress decision cycles and operate proactively by assessing and clearly defining goals and timelines before applying analytics to your most valuable data.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Preparing the workforce of tomorrow with innovative data science educationHow North-West University’s strategic partnership with SAS is transforming South Africa's workforce and setting a new standard for global analytics training
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Quality forecasting for grocers, quality products for customersCalimax elevates product quality and availability with SAS for retail demand planning.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Smart data exploration advances K-12 public education programsThe South Carolina Department of Education depends on SAS to analyze data and properly fund and serve its school districts.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Gartner® Voice of the Customer for Analytics and Business Intelligence PlatformsSAS has been recognized in the 2023 Gartner® Voice of the Customer for Analytics & Business Intelligence Platforms.
- White Paper The Analytics MandateBased on interviews with more than 90 executives, this research paper examines how organizations can step up their analytics game by rethinking their organizational culture. Readers will learn how leading companies have improved their decision making with analytics, as well as actions they can take to develop a stronger analytics-based culture.
- White Paper Statistics and Machine Learning at ScaleDiscover how machine learning can be applied to a variety of applications, and learn about the techniques required to help computers learn from massive amounts of data.
- White Paper What is the best path forward?Mathematical optimization finds the best courses of action through multiple variables and conflicting constraints.
- video Tips for hiring and managing data scientistsIs it time to hire a data scientist? What skills should you look for? John Taylor leads a team of data scientists and shares his top tips in this short video.
- E-book Mastering Model Lifecycle OrchestrationThis interactive guide describes the stages of the model life cycle and explains why organizations should embrace different programming languages, tools, techniques and runtime environments when developing and deploying models.
- White Paper What Management Must Know About ForecastingExplore why forecasts are often wrong and learn about ways to improve them.
- Series Use of data visualization and analytics in education is growingEducators use analytics for education to make better decisions on programs, student outcomes and more. Learn how you can, too.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Building a culture of analytics empowers university to lead as an educational enterpriseFrom enrollment to graduation, the University of Texas at Arlington uses SAS Analytics for Education on Amazon Web Services to aid in analysis supporting student success and campus strategic decision making.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Putting IoT data from connected vehicles to workIveco Group uses SAS Viya on Amazon Web Services to improve vehicle design and remote diagnostics for its trucks.
- Series Evolving your institutional insightBig data in education can help administrators understand college applicants and students – including which ones will struggle and why.
- White Paper Data Visualization TechniquesA picture is worth a thousand words – especially when you are trying to find relationships and understand your data – which could include thousands or even millions of variables. This paper takes you from the basics of charts and graphs to visualizing big data using SAS Visual Analytics.
- White Paper Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine LearningLearn how you can make robotic process automation smart by adding machine learning to it.
- E-book Government and education: Leading through changeExplore the collected wisdom and stories of government and education leaders who are rising to the challenges of our times and applying analytics to drive evidence-based decision making.
- White Paper The Risks and Rewards of AIExploring the rise of AI, Harvard Business Review has published a collection of articles assessing the opportunities and pitfalls that could evolve, with discussions on the innovative uses of data and analytics, industry adoption, impacts to human work, and the factors of business change.
- White Paper How AI Changes the RulesReaping the benefits of AI will require changes in workplace structures, technology strategies and technology governance. Read on to learn more about the changes that leaders must prepare for to successfully implement trusted AI.
- Artículo SAS CIO: Why leaders must cultivate curiosity in 2021With the change we’re all facing this year, CIOs should be counting on curiosity to play a crucial role in how we’re going to meet the challenges that lie ahead. From the moment COVID-19 hit, our IT organization has relied on curiosity – that strong desire to explore, learn, know - to fuel the urgent changes required. And it’s curiosity that will enable us to meet the needs of the future of work post-pandemic.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE HISTORIA DE CLIENTE IoT data with artificial intelligence reduces downtime, helps truckers keep on truckingVolvo Trucks and Mack Trucks use sensor data and SAS AI solutions to minimize unplanned downtime.
- Artículo Saving lives during a global pandemic through medical resource optimizationCleveland Clinic is operationalizing analytics to combat COVID-19, creating innovative models that help forecast patient volume, bed capacity, medical equipment availability and more.
- White Paper Revealing the paths to 2040: global insurance survey reportGlobal insurance leaders are grappling with disruption and uncertainty. Consider extreme weather events and the new global record for insured losses due to natural catastrophes. How will that affect risk models and pricing? As the protection gap grows, what can (and should) insurers do to address it? With the staggering amount of data that’s available, how can insurers use advanced technologies like AI and generative AI to drive product innovations and operational efficiencies? To answer questions like these, Economist Impact (sponsored by SAS) surveyed more than 500 insurance executives in September and October 2024. Organizations of all sizes and types responded. The results show that amid the challenges, there’s room for cautious optimism. Delve into the survey results to see how leaders responded to questions, such as: · Which trends will have the most impact over the next decade – and which pose the biggest risks and opportunities? · What’s the key to staying ahead of industry trends and accelerating the business? · What are internal and external barriers to success? · Which technologies are driving the biggest industry changes?
- E-book Using data to change the worldIt’s clear that data has the power to transform businesses and entire industries, but can it also change the world? When you combine passion and curiosity with analytics – the answer is yes.
- video UPS loves logistics and analyticsEver thought about what backs the intricate sorting, delivery and route process behind your receipt of a UPS package? See how the package delivery company moves from descriptive to predictive to prescriptive analytics in this video.
- Series Meet the data scientist: Steve EinbenderFind out how Steve Einbender lobbied his analytics skills into a data scientist gig at Home Depot and launched the company’s Advanced Analytics Center of Excellence.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Optimizing bus routes helps funnel cost savings back to schoolsBoston Public Schools uses SAS Analytics to consolidate stops, improve student experience and save money.
- E-book Formidable ForecastsWith artificial intelligence capabilities and traditional forecasting processes, it’s possible to create efficiencies by automating the production of large-scale time-series analyses and hierarchical forecasts.
- Artículo The transformational power of evidence-based decision making in health policyState health agencies are under pressure to deliver better health outcomes while minimizing costs. Read how data and analytics are being used to confront our biggest health care challenges head on.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022.
- White Paper How the first mile of consumer goods can fight climate changeInnovation via digital transformation in agriculture and consumer packaged goods presents a unique opportunity to capture sustainability and move toward scalable, market-driven improvements in the air, soil and water.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Nudging students and school districts toward unimagined successMichigan’s Anchor Bay and Armada Area school districts use SAS EVAAS for K-12 to encourage students and educators to dream bigger and achieve higher.
- Series Preparing a new generation for leadership in a big data worldWords of wisdom from university leader Dr. Michael Rappa on the role data scientists play, tips for hiring them and how to make the most of this career path.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Workplace solutions retailer creates compelling customer experience via data-driven marketingViking Europe drives change by putting SAS Customer Intelligence 360 at the center of its digital transformation.
- Artículo Making sense of streaming data in the Internet of ThingsThe Internet of Things has changed our lives forever. Read about how streaming data in IoT works, and why it has caused such a shift in the analytics world.
- Artículo The opportunity of smart grid analyticsWith smart grid analytics, utility companies can control operating costs, improve grid reliability and deliver personalized energy services.
- E-book Storytelling in Business: The plot, the players and the path to dynamic customer engagementTake an interactive look at how a newly appointed Customer Experience Manager (CEM) navigates his quest to create an omnichannel experience. This ebook walks through steps for building a team focused on a common goal and creation of a customer journey map. You’ll see how the CEM learns about the power of story as a communication tool to share the progress and success of the omnichannel project. It includes an interactive checklist you can use to see how storytelling is working for you.