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Health researchers can now use SAS to analyze one of the world’s most diverse biomedical data sets

National Institutes of Health adds SAS Viya to the All of Us Researcher Workbench

Public health researchers have a new, powerful tool from data and AI provider SAS to analyze the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program’s large and diverse data set. The NIH has added SAS Analytics Pro on SAS® Viya® to the All of Us Researcher Workbench, the cloud-based platform that allows registered researchers to study data contributed by the All of Us participant cohort.

For decades, researchers have relied on continuous innovations and  health analytics advancements from data and AI leader SAS to analyze biomedical and clinical data to improve the understanding of health and disease. Now these researchers will be able to wield their SAS expertise to explore data contributed by more than 400,000 All of Us participants who reflect the rich diversity of the United States, including communities that have been historically underrepresented in biomedical research.

“We hope that adding more tools to the Researcher Workbench will bring even more researchers and advance precision medicine,” said Romuladus Azuine, DrPH, MPH, Chief of the Researcher Platforms Branch at the All of Us Research Program.

Unlike many research studies that focus on a specific disease or population, All of Us is a research program that is building a resource to inform a wide variety of health research questions. Through the All of Us Researcher Workbench, more than 9,500 researchers from more than 700 organizations can now access SAS Analytics Pro on SAS Viya, through a SAS Studio interface, to analyze a comprehensive, integrated set of biological, environmental and behavioral data.

Before registering for access, researchers can visit the interactive Data Browser to learn about the type and quantity of data that All of Us collects, including data from electronic health records, genomic sequencing, surveys, physical measurements and more. Within the Researcher Workbench, registered researchers can use SAS, as well as R and Python, to analyze the data and conduct a range of studies. Integrated help and educational resources are provided through the Researcher Workbench User Support Hub.

“SAS has a large and vibrant user community across the health research community,” said Meghan Schaeffer, National Public Health Advisor and Epidemiologist, SAS. “The All of Us program can now tap that passionate group while providing powerful SAS analytics to more researchers working together to solve health challenges and improve health equity. We encourage SAS and low/no-code users to leverage the historic All of Us resources to support their work.”

Interested researchers can register to access the Researcher Workbench.

All of Us, the All of Us logo, and “The Future of Health Begins with You” are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

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A doctor holds a stethoscope to the chest of a smiling baby while a woman looks on

Public health researchers have a new, powerful tool from data and AI provider SAS to analyze the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program’s large and diverse data set.