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IoT Analytics for Public Sector

Enable real-time decision making for delivering essential services and ensuring public safety using predictive analytics and embedded AI.

Business Challenges

Citizens expect constant access to services such as water, gas and electricity, and they depend on effective transportation and security systems to get from place to place quickly and safely. This presents a variety of challenges for governments – challenges that an IoT-enabled government could overcome. With the number of IoT-connected devices growing exponentially, the advantages for government have tremendous potential. IoT sensor technologies offer the potential for huge cost savings and increased efficiency (think smart buildings and government fleet management), not to mention significant improvements in public service, like improved traffic flows, availability of clean air and water, safer neighborhoods, and better citizen engagement. 

How IoT Analytics From SAS Can Help

Through the power of advanced IoT analytics with embedded AI and machine learning capabilities, SAS enables governments to deliver essential services, improve public safety across cities and transportation infrastructures, and bolster defense and national security. SAS drives value across the analytic life cycle by mining and analyzing IoT data where it lives – edge devices, in the fog or in the cloud – so you can:   

  • Better engage with citizens.
  • Improve resiliency by more effectively managing public infrastructure.
  • Manage transportation infrastructures and improve traffic flow.
  • Use streaming video from cameras or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for critical asset inspection, intelligence gathering and surveillance to improve public safety.

Why SAS®?

With IoT analytics solutions from SAS, public sector agencies are better equipped to:

  • Make better-informed, accurate and timely decisions to improve outcomes.
  • Deliver service responsiveness, especially in cities.
  • Ensure operational excellence in infrastructure.

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