SAS for ...

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) – Banking

How a Bank's CMO Uses SAS®

Quickly grow marketing ROI with a comprehensive understanding of customers, their journey and their brand experience.

Use machine learning and automated decision management to generate personalized, targeted offers that provide customers with what they need precisely when they need it.

Increase revenue and improve margins by using analytics with embedded AI and machine learning to enable smarter cross-selling and up-selling.

Featured Customer

Jyske Bank

Working with SAS, Jyske Bank – the third-largest financial institution in Denmark – is taking a new approach to meeting customer needs and personalizing customer experiences that increase profitability and create lasting brand loyalty.

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 is an out-of-the-box solution that can support the needs of Jyske Bank for years to come. Tom Palving Area Manager & Marketing Director for Digital Services

Jyske Bank – Facts & Figures


customer portfolios

DKK 3.7 billion

total deposits

DKK 2.7 billion

total loans

Recommended Resources for Banking CMOs

Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement


Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement

Discover how organizations that turn data into insights are gaining a competitive advantage through improved connections with consumers.


Real-Time Analytics: The Key to Unlocking Customer Insights & Driving the Customer Experience

Learn how to use advanced customer data analytics, along with real-time analytics and real-time marketing, to enhance the customer experience.

Visit our Marketing Insights page


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