SAS for ...

Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) or Data Officer (CDO) – Banking

How CAOs/CDOs Use SAS®

Accelerate the transition to an analytics culture so you can capitalize on the monetization of data.

Adopt an analytics platform that combines data management, analytics and insight execution tools that integrate with existing and emerging technologies.

Improve business outcomes with insights backed by data, using a platform that unifies existing and emerging technologies and can tackle increasing challenges over the long haul.

Featured Customer

OTP Bank Romania

OTP Bank Romania can better assess risk, meet profitability targets and enhance customer satisfaction through a streamlined data mining process from SAS.

To comply with our model management life cycle process – which includes model development, calibration, validation and regular monitoring required by OTP Bank Group – we needed a tool that could handle all these steps in a very efficient manner with an easy-to-use interface.

OTP Bank Facts & Figures

19 million

customers across 11 countries





Recommended Resources for Banking CAOs & CDOs

Download SAS in the Open Ecosystem white paper

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SAS in the Open Ecosystem

Discover how a unifying platform can bring together diverse data and analytics to drive measurable value for your organization.

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