Centrally manage, integrate and streamline all marketing planning.

Set a strategic plan for future marketing programs and activities based on past experience while focusing on customer communications from all channels.

Streamline your marketing operations from top to bottom.

Integrate and manage all marketing processes across your business for greater consistency, efficiency and effectiveness – from marketing strategy development and planning to content creation, campaign execution and post-campaign analysis.

Know the return on your marketing investment.

Demonstrate greater accountability. Gain complete visibility into time frames, costs, overruns and performance via calendars, a user interface and contextual reporting.

Automate and accelerate marketing workflows across your organization.

Get campaigns to market faster by aligning people and resources around a common marketing enablement infrastructure so they spend less time managing communications between disparate departments and functions and more time on lucrative campaign activities.


Agile marketing planning that demonstrates greater accountability by optimizing marketing operations end to end – from strategic planning and budgeting, to resource and marketing content management, to global marketing execution and analysis, and more.

A single source of truth, with one set of data

Lets you create and store marketing plans – along with comprehensive supporting information – in a centralized repository that enables easier management, tracking and retrieval.

Customizable marketing management

Enables you to plan top down, bottom up or via a combination. Comprehensive planning can be done at a variety of levels – brand, product, program or campaign – with the ability to adapt on the fly.

Easily embedded in a larger suite of marketing technology products

Supports integrations with other martech and collaboration systems via public APIs and UI-level connectors. Marketing contributors can work independently and access SAS solutions as the main source of control and collaboration.

Strengthens & protects your brand

Enhance your brand’s value with governance, compliance and audit controls, ensuring that all content and marketing materials are brand-compliant and meet all usage specifications.

We believe that data is the new lifeblood to steer our service offerings to customers in the most effective and efficient way. Office Depot logo Matt Steell Director of Information and Integration Office Depot Europe

Explore More on SAS® 360 Plan and Beyond



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