Cuadrante Chartis RiskTech™ para soluciones de riesgo de pago (en general), 2023
Las empresas de pagos siempre han tenido datos relativamente ricos que aprovechar: con los datos y analítica de riesgos, las empresas pueden identificar y clasificar más riesgos.
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- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Stopping payment fraud in real timeThe Bank of East Asia uses SAS Fraud Management for payment fraud detection and prevention.
- White Paper Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Customers of a digital business create an intricate online footprint as they transact online. Businesses that capture and truly understand a complete identity based on online and offline attributes can seamlessly authenticate good customers and reliably spot the fraudulent or hijacked identities – in real time.
- HISTORIA DE CLIENTE Revolutionizing fraud detection at TechcombankAward-winning Vietnamese bank slashes time needed for fraud detection to mere seconds using a SAS enterprise fraud solution.
- White Paper Leveraging Analytics to Combat Digital Fraud in Financial OrganizationsInternational Institute for Analytics summarizes key questions and answers about financial fraud in the digital age.
- Artículo Managing fraud risk: 10 trends you need to watchSynthetic identities, credit washing and income misrepresentation – these are just some of the trends to watch if you’re trying to understand how to manage fraud risk. Find out what’s on the top 10 list of trends according to experts like Frank McKenna and Mary Ann Miller.
- Artículo Online fraud: Increased threats in a real-time worldOnline and mobile banking is convenient for customers -- and an opportunity for fraudsters. With fraud methods constantly evolving, an analytical approach is a must for banks seeking early, accurate detection.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Cuadrante Chartis RiskTech para soluciones de fraude empresarial, 2023: Análisis de proveedoresChartis RiskTech Quadrant for Enterprise Fraud Solutions, 2023 ha nombrado a SAS líder de su categoría en soluciones contra el fraude empresarial.
- Artículo El fraude en pagos evoluciona rápidamente: ¿podemos adelantarnos?El fraude en pagos se produce cuando un delincuente roba la información de pago privada de una persona y luego la utiliza para una transacción ilegal. A medida que las tendencias de pago evolucionan, también lo hacen los estafadores. Los bancos y los proveedores de servicios de pago pueden contraatacar con técnicas de análisis avanzado que se adaptan rápidamente para detectar anomalías en el comportamiento.
- White Paper Payments Without BordersMitigating fraud risks in cashless payments by holistically understanding your customers across all channels.
- Artículo Online payment fraud stops hereBillions of dollars each year are lost to online payment fraud through channels that provide convenient – yet vulnerable – ways to shop and bank. See how to fight back and win with advanced analytics.
- Artículo Strengthen your payment fraud defenses with stronger authenticationThe rapid growth of digital wallets and payment applications ushered in many new payment fraud threats. Today, it’s more critical than ever to authenticate users. Learn four innovative to ways strengthen your authentication defenses while reducing false positives and protecting customers’ assets.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions 2022SAS is named a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions, 2022.
- White Paper The Escalation of Digital FraudThis Javelin Research report is based on 120 independent interviews of payment and security executives in 20 countries and delivers a clear picture of how digital fraud has changed the global operating environment for financial institutions.
- REPORTE DEL ANALISTA Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- White Paper Managing Fraud Risk in the Digital Age The rise of mobile and online transactions introduces new fraud risks. Retailers and payment processors must adapt their anti-fraud defenses, augmenting them with stronger, analytics-driven authentication, proactive detection and mitigation tools.
- Artículo Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threatsM-payment remittances are replacing traditional banks and money services that have historically charged high fees for small transfers. Former US Treasury Special Agent John Cassara maps what he sees in the road ahead and gives advice for protecting your firm.
- White Paper Banking in 2035: global banking survey reportWhat trends do banking leaders consider to be the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities? What internal and external barriers stand in their way? What technologies will help them harness the opportunities ahead? Download the report to explore.
- Artículo The best gift you can give to thieves this holiday season? Your identity.While the use of EMV in cards has helped to mitigate fraud perpetrated at retail stores, undeterred fraudsters have focused their efforts online. Find out how advanced analytics and machine learning help combat this threat.
- Artículo Top prepaid card fraud scamsThe margin for prepaid cards is slim, so it's particularly important to root out the scams. Here are some tips for combating and mitigating prepaid card fraud.
- Artículo How to uncover common point of purchaseBanks that want to stay ahead of CPP and contain the costs of fraud need to implement advanced anti-fraud techniques.