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Recent Analytics Insights
- Big data in government: How data and analytics power public programsBig data in government is vital when analyzed and used to improve the outcomes of both public and private sector programs – from emergency response to workforce effectiveness. The vast volumes of data created every day are the foundation of insightful changes for government agencies across the globe.
- Unlocking a strategic approach to data and AIAI is only as good as the data that powers it – this is a fundamental truth about data and AI that defines the limits of what’s possible with artificial intelligence. It may seem surprising, but it's rarely a bad algorithm or a bad learning model that causes AI failures. It's not the math or the science. More often, it's the quality of the data being used to answer the question.
- Ansiedad frente a la IA: mantener la calma ante el cambioLa ansiedad frente a la IA no es ninguna broma.— Tanto si temes que tu trabajo se quede obsoleto, que la información se distorsione o simplemente perderte algo, comprender la ansiedad que provoca la IA puede ayudarte a vencerla.
- Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to knowMachine learning and fraud analytics are critical components of a fraud detection toolkit. Discover what you’ll need to get started defending against fraud – from integrating supervised and unsupervised machine learning in operations to maintaining customer service.
- Datos sintéticos para impulsar avances de IADescubre por qué los datos sintéticos son vitales para las iniciativas de IA, cómo los utilizan las empresas para desbloquear el crecimiento y cómo pueden ayudar a abordar los retos éticos.
- ¿Qué son las alucinaciones de IA?Separar la realidad de la ficción generada por la IA puede ser difícil. Aprende cómo los grandes modelos lingüísticos pueden fallar y conducir a alucinaciones de IA y descubre cómo utilizar la GenAI de forma responsable.
- ¿Qué son los chatbots?Los chatbots son una forma de IA conversacional diseñada para simplificar la interacción humana con las computadoras. Aprende cómo se utilizan los chatbots en las empresas, cómo pueden incorporarse a las aplicaciones analíticas
- A data scientist’s views on data literacyData literacy is a social imperative – and understanding data and data analysis is critical for being a responsible citizen. Get a data scientist and teacher's perspective on the value of having foundational knowledge so you can more easily tell data facts from data fiction.
- ¡Evita de una vez por todas el fraude en las solicitudes de seguros!Los defraudadores están encantados con lo fácil que es realizar sus transacciones a través de los canales digitales. Las compañías de seguros más inteligentes utilizan datos de esos canales (huella dactilar del dispositivo, dirección IP, geolocalización, etc.) junto con análisis y aprendizaje automático para detectar fraudes en las solicitudes de seguros perpetrados por agentes, clientes y redes de fraude.
- 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
- Public health infrastructure desperately needs modernizationPublic health agencies must flex to longitudinal health crises and acute emergencies – from natural disasters like hurricanes to events like a pandemic. To be prepared, public health infrastructure must be modernized to support connectivity, real-time data exchanges, analytics and visualization.
- Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapiesA long-shot treatment offers hope to 10-year-old Harrison after he learns the DNA profile of his cancer is resistant to chemo. Find out how data and analytics play a role in cancer research and cancer treatments that are saving lives.
- Key questions to kick off your data analytics projectsThere’s no single blueprint for starting a data analytics project. Technology expert Phil Simon suggests these 10 questions as a guide.
- Analytics tackles the scourge of human traffickingVictims of human trafficking are all around us. From forced labor to sex work, modern-day slavery thrives in the shadows. Learn why organizations are turning to AI and big data analytics to unveil these crimes and change future trajectories.
- 10 ways analytics can make your city smarter From child welfare to transportation, read 10 examples of analytics being used to solve problems or simplify tasks for government organizations.
- Analytics: A must-have tool for leading the fight on prescription and illicit drug addictionStates and MFCUs now have the analytics tools they need to change the trajectory of the opioid crisis by analyzing data and predicting trouble spots – whether in patients, prescribers, distributors or manufacturers. The OIG Toolkit with free SAS® programming code makes that possible.
- Viking transforms its analytics strategy using SAS® Viya® on AzureViking is going all-in on cloud-based analytics to stay competitive and meet customer needs. The retailer's digital transformation are designed to optimize processes and boost customer loyalty and revenue across channels.
- Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
- SAS CIO: Por qué los líderes deben cultivar la curiosidad en 2021Con el cambio al que nos enfrentamos este año, los CIOs deberían contar con la curiosidad para desempeñar un papel crucial en la forma en que vamos a hacer frente a los desafíos que nos esperan. Desde el momento en que llegó la COVID-19, nuestra organización de TI ha confiado en la curiosidad -ese fuerte deseo de explorar, aprender, conocer - para potenciar los cambios urgentes que se requieren. Y es la curiosidad la que nos permitirá satisfacer las necesidades del futuro del trabajo después de la pandemia.
- Previsión de la carga: Garantizar que la oferta se ajusta a la demanda de energíaLa previsión del consumo de energía ayuda a los proveedores a satisfacer la demanda de los clientes residenciales y comerciales. A medida que aumentan los recursos energéticos renovables, la necesidad de una plataforma tecnológica que se adapte a los requisitos de previsión de la carga se vuelve crucial.
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