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Augmented Analytics for Data Scientists

Dive into complex analytics quickly, and share your work with ease.

Get Data, Discovery & Deployment in One Productive Platform

Data scientists have a lot of responsibilities. But without data visualization, they can’t easily share results with stakeholders and get validation to continue their efforts. Augmented analytics helps speed up the data discovery process for data scientists, allowing for more transparency and opportunity for buy-in.

Get to the aha moments faster with augmented data discovery

  • Visually generate machine learning models and deploy them without coding to get powerful results with drag-and-drop ease. 
  • Get deeper insights with automated forecasting, goal seeking, scenario analysis, decision trees and more, which are generated and explained with context using AI.
  • Include automated insights in reports and dashboards quickly and easily.

Collaborate and empower others to make data-driven decisions by sharing work easily

  • Automated explanations describe important results in a natural language format that anyone can understand.
  • Report viewers can use automated insights to gain context and view correlations, important variables and more.

Get difficult work done more easily – and all in one place

  • Use a single platform to move seamlessly from data to discovery to deployment.
  • Quickly access advanced insights and gain important context before working on more intense analytics processes.
  • Eliminate guesswork and deliver trusted results at the click of a button using natural language generation (NLG).

Why do data scientists choose SAS® for augmented analytics?

Complete any item on your analytics checklist in one place, and easily share results.

Self-service analytics

Get easy access to automated forecasting, goal seeking, scenario analysis, decision trees and more, no matter what your skill level is.

Open integration for developers

Add creative visualization with third-party JavaScript libraries, such as D3 and C3, with full interactivity within SAS Visual Analytics. Leverage open source development resources for developers and REST APIs for any client language to access SAS analytics, data and services.

Embedded insights

Embed individual visual insights from SAS Visual Analytics reports, build interactive stories or embed the whole interactive report or page into your custom web applications. Publish your insights, which scale with the flexibility of live data or embedded data snapshots for data storytelling.

Explore More on Augmented Analytics for Data Scientists

View webinar: Take Your SAS Visualizations to the Next Level


Take Your SAS Visualizations to the Next Level

Learn about the extended visualization capabilities in SAS Viya for creating visualizations in a low code/no code environment and how you can share them via different channels.

View webinar: What are the analytics capabilities of SAS Visual Analytics?


What are the analytics capabilities of SAS Visual Analytics?

Explore how you can dive deeper into your data by bridging the gap between data exploration and advanced analytics.

Get e-book: Augmented Analytics: The secret ingredient to better business intelligence


Augmented Analytics: The secret ingredient to better business intelligence

Discover how AI and machine learning tools can assist you with tasks across the entire analytics life cycle.

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