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Technology & Solutions

Augmented Analytics

Pushing the boundaries of analytics and business intelligence.

How SAS Delivers Augmented Analytics

Augmented analytics uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to help business users, business analysts and data scientists gain insights from data. Having fast, reliable, automated insights enables all users to make faster, data-driven decisions that positively impact their organizations. SAS delivers augmented analytics capabilities that accelerate the analytics life cycle by helping users prepare, analyze and gain insights from data.


Access analytics with ease through drag and drop interfaces that facilitate a visual process for finding insights.

Embedded Analytics

Let your analytics make a big impact by easily sharing insights however you work best.

Automated Insights

Artificial intelligence powers advanced insights – like automated forecasting or running a model in a simple click – and prioritizes explanation and context for anyone to understand.

Augmented Analytics for Data Scientists

Streamline the data discovery process by augmenting complex processes in an environment that has transparency and trust built in.

Location Intelligence

Add geographical context to your analyses and visualizations by combining traditional data with location data.

Customer Success

Working Smarter With Augmented Analytics From SAS

  • Foxwoods Resort & Casino logo

    Hitting the jackpot with a new analytics strategy

    Foxwoods Resort Casino relies on SAS Viya to determine optimal staffing, enhance the guest experience and maximize profits.

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SAS is a 'Customer's Choice' in the 2023 Gartner Voice of the Customer for Analytics & Business Intelligence Platforms.

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SAS Visual Analytics wins 'Users Love Us' badge from G2.

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