Self-service AI and machine learning capabilities within a flexible, centralized environment that spans the analytics life cycle.

SAS® Viya® data science offerings provide a comprehensive, scalable analytics environment that's quick and easy to deploy, enabling you to meet diverse business needs.

Easily solve complex analytical problems with automated insights.

Automatically generated insights enable you to identify the most common variables across all models, the most important variables selected across models and assessment results for all models. Natural language generation capabilities are used to create project summaries written in plain language, enabling you to easily interpret reports. Analytics team members can add project notes to the insights report to facilitate communication and collaboration among team members.

Empower users with language options.

Don't know SAS code? No problem. SAS lets you embed open source code within an analysis and call open source algorithms seamlessly within its environment. This facilitates collaboration across your organization because users can program in their language of choice. You can also take advantage of SAS Deep Learning with Python (DLPy), our open source package on GitHub, to use Python within Jupyter notebooks to access high-level APIs for deep learning functionalities, including computer vision, natural language processing, forecasting and speech processing. DLPy supports the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) for easily moving models between frameworks.

Explore multiple approaches quickly to find the optimal solution.

Superior performance from massive parallel processing and the feature-rich building blocks for machine learning pipelines let you explore and compare multiple approaches rapidly. Quickly and easily find the optimal parameter settings for diverse machine learning algorithms – including decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting, neural networks, support vector machines and factorization machines – simply by selecting the option you want. Complex local search optimization routines work hard in the background to efficiently and effectively tune your models. You can also combine unstructured and structured data in integrated machine learning programs for more valuable insights from new data types. And reproducibility in every stage of the analytics life cycle delivers answers and insights you can trust.

Gain complete knowledge of your model collections.

Track models from creation, through usage, to retirement with a centralized, efficient, repeatable process for registering, validating, monitoring and retraining models. Whenever a version is created, a snapshot of model properties and files is captured, ensuring comprehensive version control. Models are secured, and model version history is locked down and retained.​

Make the right decisions – automatically and at scale.

Deliver relevant, interactive decisions based on automated, sophisticated analytics. IT and business users can use current and historical operational data – informed by analytical models and governed by business rules – to jointly engineer and deploy operational decisions that automatically define real-time best actions at scale across thousands of daily decisions. From direct, customer-facing decisions (e.g., offer targeting and credit decisioning) to complex, cross-functional decisions in areas like manufacturing, you can be confident that enterprise decisions are efficient, effective and timely.

Interpret models using plain language.

Standard interpretability reports are available in all modeling nodes, including LIME, ICE, Kernel SHAP, PD heatmaps, etc., with explanations in plain language from embedded natural language generation.

SAS® Viya® Data Science Offerings​

Whether your analytics requirements are big or small, our data science offerings let you build models and put them into production quickly, regardless of the type of analytics, your analytics maturity or user skills. Running on SAS Viya, these are the most comprehensive and expandable offerings available – designed specifically for the data scientist.​ Our simple, transparent and flexible licensing allows you to easily scale usage in your organization.​​

SAS® Visual Machine Learning

Expand the breadth of your analytics with embedded machine learning and deep learning capabilities accessible across your organization from a single location.​

SAS® Visual Data ​Science

Take your data science capabilities to the next level with more expansive modeling capabilities that add text analytics, forecasting, optimization and econometrics to your environment.

SAS® Data Science​ Programming

Get the ultimate analytics experience with access to all SAS Viya analytic capabilities, plus the power to incorporate analytics into real-time ​interactions and event-based capabilities​.​

SAS® Visual Data Science Decisioning

Support decisioning by creating, embedding and governing analytically driven decision flows at scale in real time or batch. Deploy analytics and decisions in stream to gain insights and take action at the edge.

Data Science Offerings

Capability Comparison

More than just powerful algorithms, our data science offerings include critical data preparation, data visualization and model management capabilities. Choose the offering that meets your requirements today, with the knowledge that you have a path to the future in a single, expandable environment.


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Explore More on SAS® Viya® Data Science Offerings & Beyond



How to Do Deep Learning With SAS

Get an introduction to deep learning techniques and applications and find out how SAS supports the creation of deep neural network models.



The Machine Learning Landscape

This paper, intended for novice and intermediate data scientists, discusses the four widely recognized machine learning styles and their common uses.



How to Maximize the Impact of Your Analytics

This e-book delves into the biggest opportunities and remaining challenges in investing in analytics at a strategic level.



SAS Data Science Blog

Stay up to date on the latest technical methods for solving many of the challenging problems facing organizations today.

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