Man with hat and glasses on a phone call in coffee shop

Why Learn SAS®?

Develop in-demand analytics skills. Get ahead in your career.

There's never been a better time to learn SAS skills.

It's no secret the demand for data analytics skills is growing – and it isn't slowing down anytime soon. Learning SAS gives you the knowledge to succeed today and stay ahead in the future.  

Master in-demand analytics skills

Learn today's most sought-after skills. 1.9 million jobs requested data analysis and visualization skills in the past year (Lightcast)

Earn badges for your résumé 

Validate your SAS skills. Collect badges, join our online directory and share your skills with your network and future employers.

Increase your earning potential

The median salary for jobs seeking SAS skill is $109,400 (Lightcast).

Learn using your tool of choice

Use your favorite open source language and open data formats on SAS® Viya® and learn how to uncover trustworthy insights faster. 

SAS Skills in Action

Protecting endangered species

With the help of SAS technology, researchers are monitoring endangered species by analyzing digital images of footprints. Learn how artificial intelligence and crowdsourced footprint data from all over the world provide deeper insights into these populations.

Responding to humanitarian crisis 

After a devastating earthquake in Nepal, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) needed to provide shelter to 45,000 families. See how SAS helped IOM quickly access and analyze decades of global trade data in minutes to source materials for homebuilding. 

Monitoring sea turtle populations

Galapagos researchers use images of local sea turtles to monitor their health over time, but identifying individual turtles by their facial markings is time-consuming. With the help of AI and computer vision, experts can focus on protecting this endangered population. 

See How Learning SAS Helped Others Advance Their Careers

  • My career path has not been carved in the traditional sense. I had no background in computer science, but I believe you can learn anything as long as you have the will and determination. Geeta Kersellius SAS® Enterprise® Guide User
  • Being able to search for employers who use SAS and show them that I have these skills... it's an amazing thing. And it just shows them that I know my stuff and I'm ready to go. Shelly Hunt SAS Visual Analytics User
  • I didn't learn SAS until the first year of my master's program. It turned out to be the most marketable class I've ever taken. Whitney Coggeshall Base SAS User
  • Learning SAS helped me start my career as a data scientist. Pradnya Pethkar SAS Fraud Management User
  • Data science is in the epicenter of the data revolution and is very fast moving, hence be comfortable with regular upskilling to stay relevant in the market. Antonio Pablo García SAS Visual Analytics User

SAS Communities

Our community of peers and SAS experts are here to help you succeed. Discuss the latest technology, get SAS tips and tricks, and share your knowledge. 

Earn an Industry-Recognized Certification 

Stand out as an expert in your field with a SAS certification, whether you want to advance in your role or start a new career. Explore credentials for your skills and interests, from programming to advanced analytics and more.