On-Demand Webinar

Getting Past the Hype: What Can AI Analytics Really Accomplish for Retailers?

Experts explore retail and consumer goods firms’ readiness to use AI and machine learning.

About the webinar

The possibilities both artificial intelligence and machine learning bring to analytics are genuinely mind-blowing, particularly at a time when the world seems more unpredictable than ever.

Are retail and consumer goods teams ready to start taking advantage of these capabilities?

In this webinar, experts from retail industry analyst firm RSR and SAS will answer that question and offer practical advice on next steps for retail leaders.

What you'll learn:

  • Ways retailers can use AI to elevate business decision making, from product demand to customer engagement.
  • How retail winners are using automation to succeed, compared to average and lagging retailers.
  • Why AI has been so challenging for retailers to implement.
  • Key characteristics of retail brands that successfully implement AI and machine learning.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Brian Kilcourse
Managing Partner, RSR

Speaker 2

Paula Rosenblum
Managing Partner, RSR

Speaker 2

Dan Mitchell
Director, Global Retail and CPG Practice, SAS