On-Demand Webinar

An Executive Viewpoint: Contemporary Perspective on Our World at an Accelerated Pace

Understanding that digital transformation is imperative for a seamless and integrated experience uniquely tailored to the needs and expectations of the client –central to success in a world of hyperconnectivity.

About the webinar

If economic history has taught us anything, it’s that good times also come with periods of great challenge.

The stagflation in the ’70s, the tech bubble in the ’90s and the recession in the early 2000s are some of the recent crises that we have endured.

Now, the global financial services industry is facing a pandemic and social unrest all at the same time – making the ability to react to sudden and dramatic changes more important than ever.

As businesses are being tested to their fullest, many have struggled to adapt and respond quickly. As a result, the need for digitization is more important than ever.

Join us for this executive viewpoint as we delve into the transformation imperative for banks, including why it’s critical to continue building on the digital pandemic efforts.

We’ll take a historical look at market drivers and implications through economic cycles since 1970.

Plus, hear about current trends, business models and steps that you can take now to create value and emerge in a position of strength.

Learn more about:

  • Why most banks have failed at digital transformation through the years.
  • Best practices for modernization through a crisis and beyond.
  • Why data and analytics are the keys to better, faster decision making.

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About the Experts

Speaker 1

Steve Freiberg
Vice Chairman, SoFi

Speaker 2

Anand Chockaligam
Managing Director, SAS