Get the technology you need for teaching and academic research from SAS. It's part of our ongoing commitment to education.

Flexible, low-cost licensing options.
When it comes to education, cost should never be a barrier. As part of our ongoing commitment to education, we're dedicated to integrating education and technology. We offer flexible licensing options for installing our software in both server and PC environments at a substantial discount to ensure that educators get the technology they need.
Comprehensive analytic capabilities.
Using our advanced analytic capabilities for statistical analysis, forecasting, econometrics, operations research and quality control, instructors can help students become more competitive in the job market. Academic researchers can advance the scientific discovery process by applying the latest statistical techniques to uncover trends, identify issues or summarize findings.
Free web-based training.
University students and educators interested in learning and teaching SAS can access a variety of resources. SAS Skill Builder for Students and the SAS Educator Portal are online learning portals featuring many free e-learning courses and certification exam prep materials – including tutorials, webinars, select practice exams and support communities. Students will also find career resources to inspire them and help them succeed. Educators interested in integrating SAS learning and analytics knowledge into the curriculum can access teaching kits and ready-to-use classroom activities. Students and educators who join also get access to certification exam discounts.
Easy data integration.
Have no worries over data integration. The Education Analytical Suite uses renowned SAS data management capabilities, enabling fast, easy integration of your data, regardless of native format or platform – including PC files, relational databases, data warehouse appliances or legacy mainframe systems.
Key Features
State-of-the-art analytics is essential for teaching and academic research in this age of technology. That's why SAS offers the Education Analytical Suite – a bundle of SAS analytical software – at a substantial discount to the academic community.
Statistical capabilities with SAS/STAT®
Delivers tested and proven techniques you can depend on – from traditional analysis of variance and linear regression to Bayesian inference and high-performance modeling tools for massive data.
Forecasting & econometrics
Enables modeling, forecasting and simulation using a broad array of econometric, time series and forecasting techniques.
Rule & analytic model management
Includes prepackaged heuristic rules, anomaly detection and predictive models, and lets you create and logically manage business rules, analytic models, alerts and watch lists.
Quality improvement
Goes beyond basic process control to incorporate more advanced statistical analyses for additional insights into processes and product improvements.
Data security
Provides a high degree of control over data security by honoring and augmenting the native security of the target data source.
Data management
Improves performance and reduces network traffic due to the ability to pass database queries, joins and some functions to a target data source for processing.
Data preparation
Cleanses, transforms, analyzes and presents data from diverse data sources in accordance with your established business rules.
Flexible interface options
Web-browser-based SAS Studio enables users to easily program in or interact with SAS, building or expanding their skills. SAS Enterprise Guide, a point-and-click, menu- and wizard-driven interface, enables fast-track learning for analyzing data and publishing results.
Included Products
Check out these products included with Education Analytical Suite.
- Base SAS® SoftwareUse a flexible, fourth-generation programming language for powerful data access, transformation and reporting.
- Data ConnectorsEffortlessly access your data with robust connectivity, cloud data integration and optimized processing.
- SAS/AF®Use this development environment to create portable, point-and-click applications.
- SAS/CONNECT®Give multiple users simultaneous access to SAS files without each user having to use separate remote logins.
- SAS/ETS®Model, forecast and simulate business processes using econometric capabilities, time series analysis and time series forecasting.
- SAS/FSP®Use a convenient, interactive text-based facility for data entry, editing and retrieval.
- SAS/GRAPH®Create and deliver accurate, high-impact visuals that give decision makers a quick understanding of critical business issues.
- SAS/OR®Optimize business processes and address challenges with enhanced operations research methods.
- SAS/QC®Go beyond basic process control to improve products, optimize processes and boost customer satisfaction.
- SAS/SECURE®Provide strong protection for data in transit and for stored passwords using industry-standard encryption algorithms.
- SAS/SHARE®Give multiple users simultaneous access to SAS files without having to use separate SAS/CONNECT remote logins.
- SAS/STAT®Take advantage of extensive statistical capabilities to meet the data analysis needs of your entire organization.
- SAS® Enterprise Guide®Access powerful analytics and reporting from a point-and-click, menu- and wizard-driven tool.
- SAS® IMLEasily translate mathematical formulas into innovative programs for matrix computations, numerical analysis, optimization, simulation, statistics and data analysis.
- SAS® Integration TechnologiesEasily integrate SAS intelligence into a variety of platforms and operating systems with minimal integration points and unified support capabilities.
- SAS® StudioGet easy, self-sufficient access to enterprise and cloud data sources, data quality functions and an extended flow designer.