Understand complex, real-world systems with discrete-event simulation

SAS Simulation Studio screenshot

SAS Simulation Studio

Build models that mimic the behavior of complex, real-world systems so you can understand and improve them. Our discrete-event simulation software delivers extensive capabilities suitable for both novice and advanced users.

Model the behavior of complex real-world systems

Analytic modeling methods often fall short of providing detailed depictions of systems with complex relationships and random variations. SAS Simulation Studio provides the tools you need to model all of the important elements of a system. The simulated data produced by the model is as realistic as possible.

Use with a broad range of industries & behaviors

A prime motivation for building and running a discrete-event simulation model is to create realistic data on a system’s performance. Discrete-event simulation is faster, cheaper and less risky than building and observing multiple versions of a real-world system.

Build models interactively

Drag-and-drop, object-oriented modeling in a graphical environment lets you build, debug, verify and enhance your models step by step. You can add complexity and detail as you go. Animation, diagnostic messages, detailed traces of model runs, and graphical and numeric display features are included.

Create faster, better insights

Explore alternate scenarios as well as varying operating conditions, configurations, routing logic and other factors that can affect system performance. It’s easy to examine simulated data to assess which factors are most influential. Then you can determine the choices most likely to produce the best results.

Key features

Graphical user interface

Includes an easy-to-use block template display area and project desktop.

Model building & execution

Provides hierarchical model building capabilities, and enables simultaneous execution on multiple computational cores.

Innovative resource modeling: mobile resource entities

Complements block-based stationary resources.

Support for large models & large experiments

Provides a complete, scaled-down view of large models that may be far larger than one screen.

Integrated with SAS & JMP analytics

Provides powerful data processing and analysis capabilities.

Precise, flexible data management & analysis

Lets you input stored data to a model, reading in single values or single rows. Also stores entire data sets and lets you query it as needed during simulation runs.

Experimental design & input analysis

Enables analysis of simulated data and automated, interactive experimental design.

Recommended resources for SAS Simulation Studio

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