Detect unemployment fraud faster with SAS

Unemployment Fraud Detection Solutions From SAS

SAS helps unemployment agencies ensure the integrity of their unemployment benefits programs by detecting unemployment insurance fraud faster without jeopardizing legitimate payments to individuals.

Detect Fraud Faster

Quickly detect high-impact unemployment insurance fraud that may indicate organized crime or identity theft rings.

Prevent More Fraud

Gain a networked view of risk for unemployment insurance fraud to identify patterns hidden in huge volumes of unemployment claims data.

Improve Productivity

Identify highly suspicious claims in real time using a combination of network analytics, machine learning techniques, and domain expertise from working with unemployment agencies across multiple states.

Optimize Resources

Reduce false positives so your limited resources can focus on the highest priority cases and efficiently deliver benefit payments to those in need.

Save Taxpayer Dollars

Use state-of-the art advanced analytics and AI to help prevent and detect more fraud and save millions of taxpayer dollars.

Featured Solution

SAS Payment Integrity for Social Benefits

A single, end-to-end framework uses multiple techniques – automated business rules, predictive modeling, text mining, exception reporting, network link analysis, etc. – to better identify unemployment fraud and stop payments before they are made. Precise targeting dramatically reduces false positives, ensuring that the people who need unemployment benefits receive them without delay.

Why choose SAS® for unemployment fraud detection?

Get a rapid return on investment.

  • Find more unemployment insurance fraud faster with a solution that can be up and running in three weeks.
  • Improve productivity and efficiency with an easy-to-use interface that enables your staff to handle more cases and focus on high-priority fraud investigations.
  • Reduce the impact on your IT staff with a cloud-based solution.

Take a hybrid approach to unemployment insurance fraud detection.

  • Stay on top of new and emerging unemployment insurance fraud schemes with analytical models that are continuously updated and improved based on results from across states and agencies.
  • Easily integrate data from disparate sources – state income tax records, incarceration data, national directory of new hires, workers’ compensation, business licensing and more – to gain a holistic view.

Boost the productivity and efficiency of your staff.

  • Combine all information on associated claims and claimants across multiple employer accounts or standard and PUA claims into one consolidated view that enables you to spot linked entities and crime rings you would otherwise miss. This saves valuable time and enables you to take action faster.
  • Speed up investigations and take action faster by integrating data from multiple sources into a single interface.
  • Incorporate tips and leads from multiple systems into the solution. A universal search feature puts all relevant data at your fingertips, even if you only have a single address or phone number to work with.

SAS in Public Sector – Facts & Figures


public sector departments, ministries, offices & agencies using SAS worldwide


when SAS was founded in 1976, government was our first customer


countries rely on SAS in the public sector

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