Katarina Garai
Retail & Telco Lead | Global Customer Advisory | Fraud Practice

Katarina Garai is a Certified Fraud Examiner focusing on advisory in fraud detection and fraud prevention. Her specialties include areas from retail fraud (at point of sales or online) through procurement to telco fraud. She has strong knowledge of internal fraud prevention and detection processes, combined with different fraud investigation strategies.

She has international experience across Europe and during her professional career before joining SAS Institute, her focus has always been on Fraud, Internal Controls, Internal Audit, Process Improvement and Compliance in companies such as IBM, Dell, Faurecia and Global Blue.

Besides her work as Head of Retail and telco Fraud at SAS in the EMEA region, she served as an Auditor for the Austrian Chapter of the Association of Certified Examiners (ACFE). She is a member of the ACFE Advisory Council and currently supports ACFE Austria as Vice President, leading multiple initiatives to raise awareness around fraud management in Austria.

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