Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14
Exam Content Guide
Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam.
For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.

During the testing of these objectives;
You will be expected to perform common tasks, such as:
- Create a new project in Enterprise Miner
- Open an existing project in Enterprise Miner
- Add diagrams to projects in Enterprise Miner
- Create libraries within Enterprise Miner
- Add nodes to diagrams in Enterprise Miner
- Copy nodes within Enterprise Miner
- Connect nodes to create process flows in Enterprise Miner
- Change interactive sampling methods for data exploration
- Work with the Help functionality within Enterprise Miner
Data Sources - 20-25%
- Create data sources from SAS tables in Enterprise Miner
- Explore and assess data sources
- Modify source data
- Prepare data to be submitted to a predictive model
Building Predictive Models - 35-40%
- Describe key predictive modeling terms and concepts
- Build predictive models using decision trees
- Build predictive models using regression
- Build predictive models using neural networks
Predictive Model Assessment and Implementation - 25-30%
- Use the correct fit statistic for different prediction types
- Use decision processing to adjust for oversampling (separate sampling)
- Use profit/loss information to assess model performance
- Compare models with the MODEL COMPARISON node
- Score data sets within Enterprise Miner
Pattern Analysis - 10-15% (new content)
- Identify clusters of similar data with the CLUSTER and SEGMENT PROFILE nodes
- Perform association and sequence analysis (market basket analysis)
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