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Mari Nilsson Bjorkman
Industry Lead, Telecom

The extremely fast development and constant change in the telecom industry excites Mari Nilsson Bjorkman. As a self-proclaimed “telecom geek”, Mari thrives on new challenges and exploring new perspectives in a very future oriented industry.

She is encouraged by all good examples she sees of value, insights and support brought on by applying data analytics. This is also reflected in her participation at different industry specific forums, in her blog writings as well as in the webinars she hosts.

Having worked more than 20 years in the industry, she founded her own Telecom Consultancy company in 2011. Before then, she held several different positions within Strategy & Business Development and Sales as Key Account Manager since graduating in 1998 with a degree in International Marketing & Economics.

Today, she applies her knowledge to tasks at SAS where she works as a Global Industry Leader & Marketer for the Communication Industry in the capacity of an advisor supporting C-level discussions and other customer dialogues all over the world.

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Speaker engagements

2021Virtually hosting the whole Telco Industry Track at SAS EMEA Forum with Telefonica, Ericsson, Turkcell on stage SAS EMEA ForumSAS
2021Virtual session with Ericsson Head of 5G Marketing US market on opportunities with 5G and AI SAS EMEA ForumSAS
2021Webinar Fire side chat with CDO at TIM: “Being CDO in a highly competitive market: Technology, Math and Philosophy SAS EMEA ForumSAS
2021Webinar: "The role of AI & Machine learning in Network Planning” with Network Strategy and Capacity Manager at Telefonica" VideoTM Forum
2020Webinar live: “What new possibilities will 5G & IoT create for business in the years to come?” SAS Nordic ForumSAS
2020Executive session trackIndustry WebinarvSGF
2020Why use analytics and AI in Customer interactionspanel discussion sharing stage representatives from Tele2, 3 and EricssonTelecomGala 2020 – hosted by Telekomnyheterna
2020Pre-MWC external breakfast sessionInitiate, co-host and presentSAS with Ericsson & Northstream (SAS & Telekomnyheterna co-hosting)
2019Data Driven CompanyAnalytics DayTelia
2019Panel participation: Telecom year 2018?StockholmTelekomnyheterna
2019Breakfast Bite; digital transformation, CI, Fraud, Network Analytics, IoT
Melbourne & SydneySAS Australia
2018Concluding MWC18StockholmTelekomnyheterna