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SAS OnDemand for Academics Features List

SAS OnDemand for Academics: Studio

Available to professors, students and independent learners.

  • Access the power of analytics from SAS simply by connecting to a website.
  • Use the predefined tasks to generate SAS code.
  • Submit code from a wide range of devices, from wherever they happen to be.
  • Avoid the need to download and install a software application or updates.
  • Teach or enhance SAS skills using traditional SAS programming windows (Program Editor, Log, Output).
  • Create new or upload existing SAS program files.
  • Access SAS software, including:
    • SAS/STAT® – State-of-the-art statistical software.
    • Base SAS® – Flexible, extensible fourth-generation programming language for data access, transformation and reporting.
    • SAS/IML® – Interactive matrix programming and exploratory data analysis.
    • SAS/OR® – Enhanced operations research methods for optimizing processes and addressing management science challenges.
    • SAS/QC® – Tools for statistical quality improvement.
    • SAS/ETS® – Model, forecast and simulate processes with econometric and time series analysis.

SAS OnDemand for Academics: Enterprise Guide

Available to professors who register a class and their students.

  • Uncover trends, identify issues or summarize findings on large or small volumes of data.
  • A point-and-click interface makes it easy to learn and use or to teach SAS skills using traditional SAS programming windows (Program Editor, Log, Output).
  • Reporting features promote the sharing and publishing of results.
  • Support for many disciplines, including data analysis, statistics, research methods, math, economics, operations research, SAS programming and more.
  • Learn more about SAS Enterprise Guide.

SAS OnDemand for Academics: Enterprise Miner

Available to professors who register a class and their students.

  • Create and apply accurate predictive and descriptive models to large or small volumes of data.
  • Integrate text mining for analysis of both structured and unstructured data.
  • Apply mined results to guide future decisions or explore past decisions.
  • Build and train your models with an interactive graphical user interface that makes it easy to visualize data mining activities and results.
  • Supports various disciplines, including data preparation and exploration, data mining, modeling comparisons and more.
  • Learn more about SAS Enterprise Miner.

SAS OnDemand for Academics: Forecast Server

Available to professors who register a class and their students.

  • Teach forecasting concepts efficiently with an easy-to-use graphical user interface that can support novices as well as more experienced forecasters.
  • Gain access to high-quality, statistically based, reliable forecasts without being an analytics forecaster.
  • Learn the most appropriate forecasting model for a problem, incorporate what-if analyses and improve forecasting performance.
  • Learn more about SAS Forecast Server.