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Trust in Security

From preventing unauthorized access to developing secure software, SAS takes every measure to protect your information.

SAS Product Security Framework

At SAS, we engineer our software to protect your data and your business. Our SAS® Product Security Framework incorporates industry best practices and defines the guiding principles for our secure product development life cycle. From engineering through vulnerability remediation, we ensure that our products continually meet the business and security needs of our customers.

Two software developers work on computer together

Architecture & design

Secure software begins with product design. SAS developers work with a specialized security architecture team to plan new features built on strong security architecture options. Design reviews and checkpoints help SAS engineers ensure that they are incorporating secure design concepts into SAS products. And the architectural design helps developers maintain critica security properties, as well as proactively address known security weaknesses.

Product security response & mediation

Our commitment to security doesn't end when a product is released. Our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) investigates possible post-release security vulnerabilities, prioritizes any identified incidents based on potential severity, and mobilizes resources to address them. To get the latest security updates and status reports, download SAS Security Bulletins.

Security issue identification & resolution

A foundation of education rests at the heart of the SAS Product Security Framework to ensure that everyone responsible for creating, testing and implementing SAS technology shares a common perspective on security. And education about security is available in many forms - from training classes and mentoring programs, to guidelines for development standards, to collaboration between development teams and IT and beyond.

Development standards, testing & validation

We adhere to strict development standards and perform a variety or testing and validation processes that include both internally developed and third-party scanning and vulnerability tools.

Software developer works on code

Report a vulnerability

SAS accepts vulnerability reports from good-faith security researchers who can provide us with their expertise.


Man reviewing security information on screen

Executive Order 14028

Our response to US Government Cybersecurity Executive Order 14028.

Binary numbers on screen

Security Bulletins

When a security issue arises, we tell you the potential impact – and offer a solution.

Coworkers looking at computer screen

Vulnerability Resolution

SAS prioritizes vulnerability resolutions and security update efforts.

Coworkers looking at computer screen

Product Security

Security is addressed throughout our product development life cycle.