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SAS® Viya®

Innovate Faster

Use built-in automation to put your data to work, without all the legwork.

Viya in Action

Colleagues collaborating on a hackathon project


of SAS Hackathon participants recommend SAS Viya

What can new users around the world do when they get hands-on experience with the world’s most productive AI and analytics platform? Solve some pretty interesting problems – and fast.

Who’s feeling the power of productivity?

Organizations putting AI and analytics to work more effectively are leading the way on getting faster insights from their data.

Growing with AI strategy from risk to regulation to customer experience.

Using AI to reduce costs, manage risks, stay in compliance and more.

Making AI-informed decisions to better serve people and communities.

Individualizing every interaction in real time to earn lifelong customers.

When data comes at you fast, come up with answers even faster.