Analytics helps ensure fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sector
HR officers can analyze compensation via a consistent approach.

Ensuring comparable salary and benefit packages
Adda achieved this using • SAS® Visual Analytics powered by SAS® Viya® on Microsoft Azure
TietoEVRY and SAS partner to help Sweden's largest employer organization, Adda, offer a nationally aggregated salary planning tool for municipalities and regions across the country
How do you ensure that public employees across a country get comparable salary and benefit packages and that public organizations are not unfairly competing against each other by offering vastly different compensation models? By providing the information that will allow public salary analysts to determine the right salary structures. This is one of many data-related tasks for Adda (formerly SKL Kommentus), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR).
Building a portal for HR users with SAS Visual Analytics, TietoEVRY enables HR officers among the members of SKR to compare salary and compensation packages for public employees, ensuring fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sector.
“The Salary Link” – or LöneLänken in Swedish – is a service for all customers of Adda, which includes all 290 municipalities and 21 regions in Sweden and more than 1,000 municipality-owned companies,” says Peder Hofman-Bang from TietoEVRY. “They all need to be able to make a comparison of salary structures for different roles and responsibilities to set their own salary and compensation packages at a level that is consistent with other public employers in the country.”
To meet its business needs, Adda chose a solution from SAS and TietoEVRY after a round of requests for information and subsequent bidding process. The winning bid is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud-based model consisting of a user-friendly portal system from TietoEVRY in which SAS Visual Analytics is embedded.
Already a SAS customer, Adda was in interested in a system that could build on existing solutions and add a stronger visualization component. Together, TietoEVRY and SAS delivered a winning bid in which ease-of-use, visualization tools and expansion possibilities were mapped out in a convincing manner.
“We were able to visualize how easy it would be to use for both Adda’s customers in the municipalities and regions, as well as for Adda’s administrators,” Hofman-Bang says. “New capabilities can be added, it is very easy to onboard new customers, and there is a news section to keep users aware of how the tool is developing.”
The analytical tools are set up in the portal in the form of standardized reports, which ensures salary analysts are using the same approach when looking at and comparing salary information from across the Swedish municipalities and regions.
In the development of the Salary Link, we have benefited greatly from not only SAS technology, but also from SAS consultants who have supported us in a very professional way. This is definitely the beginning of a very good partnership.Patric Nilson Vice President of Health Care, Solutions and Specialty Products TietoEVRY
Transparency with privacy controls
While transparency is a vital component of the Salary Link structure, privacy is never compromised.
“We have to adhere to all the elements of GDPR, both in terms of the access and the ability to drill down in data,” Hofman-Bang says. “We have a two-factor identification process for access via a high standard ID protocol, and there is differentiated user access depending on your role. Some users can drill further down into data, while others only see information at a very aggregated level.”
Adda can offer a nationally aggregated salary planning tool for municipalities and regions across Sweden, while ensuring the privacy of each of its employees.
Adda – Facts & Figures
municipalities and 21 regions
No. 1
largest employer organization in Sweden
Strong partnership, strong technology
What do SAS team members have to say? Here are some closing thoughts from those involved in the project:
“As a product advisor, you are rarely involved in the actual implementation projects; however, in the Salary Link project I was involved in developing various reports, and it was fantastic to experience how powerful SAS Visual Analytics is and how well SAS Visual Analytics performs in real use cases,” says Carl-Olow Magnusson of SAS Business Solutions Management.
“Also unique for this solution is how the Rest API calls were setup,” adds Peter Nordwall of SAS Technical Consulting. “It was really interesting to see how well Rest API calls work to fully automate the integration between the portal system developed by TietoEVRY and SAS Visual Analytics.”
“The Salary Link, built on the SAS Visual Analytics platform, is the first application delivered in this fashion,” says Peter Thomasson of SAS Customer Advisory.
“Going forward, this can be the foundation on which other analytical applications for other functions within municipalities and regions are based,” adds Fredrik Herrlin of SAS Engagement Management.
“This success with Adda shows that together in our partnerships, we can solve challenges combining TietoEVRY’s expertise in the public sector and SAS’ analytics expertise on all available data sources,” says Einar Halvorsen, Director of Alliance and Channels, SAS Nordics.