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Manuel Rodriguez
Fraud, Security and Financial Crimes Manager

Manuel Rodríguez is currently heading the practice of Fraud, Anti-Money Laundering & Security Intelligence at SAS customer advisory department For South-Western European countries. Manuel collaborates with national and international SAS teams as well as SAS customers and partners in the definition, scope, and usage of first-class analytical solutions to solve challenges related to fraud, financial crimes, waste, abuse and security in our customers.

Manuel joined SAS in 1995. Manuel have been collaborating and leading different practices and analytical solutions for a wide range of industries, including banking, insurance, government, communications, retail, services and more.

Manuel has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Barcelona and holds a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) certificate.

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Speaker engagements

2023Data Forum JusticiaGijónMinistry of Justice Spain
2023Feria Empresas VirtualUniversity Barcelona(UB)
2022Atelier Anacrim #8 - Investigation des avoirs criminelsParis – SAS officeEcole supérieure de la sûreté des entreprises (ESSE) & SAS
2022EMEA & AP SAS Customer Connection for Fraud & Financial CrimesMadrid – SAS officeSAS
2022Feria Empresas VirtualUniversity Barcelona(UB)