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SAS Credential
Data Integration Developer for SAS 9

SAS Certified Data Integration Developer for SAS 9

Show you have the skills and knowledge necessary for data integration development in the SAS environment.

With this certification, you’ll prove you’ve mastered these skills:

  • Defining architecture of the platform for SAS Business Analytics.
  • Creating metadata for source and target data, and for target data and jobs.
  • Working with transformations, tables and table loader transformation.
  • Defining generated transformations.
  • Deploying jobs.

Why should you get SAS certified? Hear about the benefits of earning a credential.

Exam Content

The exam will test your abilities in:

  • 5-6% - Overview.
  • 19-20% - Creating Metadata for Source and Target Data.
  • 17-18% - Creating Metadata for Target Data and Jobs.
  • 21-22% - Working with Transformations.
  • 17-18% - Working with Tables and Table Loader Transformation.
  • 5-6% - Defining Generated Transformations.
  • 5-6% - Deploying Jobs.
  • 7-8% - In Database Processing.

The exam will test your abilities in:

5-6% - Overview. 19-20% - Creating Metadata for Source and Target Data. 17-18% - Creating Metadata for Target Data and Jobs. 21-22% - Working with Transformations. 17-18% - Working with Tables and Table Loader Transformation. 5-6% - Defining Generated Transformations. 5-6% - Deploying Jobs. 7-8% - In Database Processing.

Download our exam content guide for a detailed breakdown of each section to ensure you are thoroughly prepared.

Exam Details

  • This exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.
  • 52 multiple choice and short-answer questions.
  • 105 minutes to complete exam.
  • Passing score is 69%.
  • This exam is based on SAS 9.4 using SAS Data Integration Studio 4.8  and later.

SAS® Certified Data Integration Developer for SAS® 9

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