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Banking & Risk Insights

Financial institutions of all sizes often struggle to make sense of complex relationships within their portfolios and across holding companies, and to manage associated risks effectively. To better manage exposures, make well-informed decisions, and comply with regulatory mandates, banks need a way to quickly understand their risk – and the potential impacts of changing market conditions – across holding companies, subsidiaries and lines of business.

This interactive demo illustrates how SAS Visual Analytics provides a holistic view of bank performance across regions, down to an individual counterparty level, enabling you to:

  • View and analyze returns by industry and geography.
  • Analyze and explore the capital exposure of different banks.
  • View concentration risk across banks and counterparties, and drill down to view a counterparty's economic capital, returns and expected loss.
  • Compare RAROC and exposure over time for each line of business and industry, and assess the bank's capacity to handle stress and operate profitably.
View SAS Visual Analytics banking and risk insights interactive demo

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